A few things, mostly thinky thoughts about writing and porn

Feb 24, 2012 17:12

First, I have to thank dunderklumpen and
celandineb , joan_waterhouse,gealach_ros ,  lolafeist , princealia and dorkathus   for the awesome blue dragons!  <3  (I am a little surprised as my birthday isn't until Mar, but hey, I'm not complaining because I LOVE dragons and these guys are really cute:))

Ok, now I want to chat about writing and kink and porn, but I don't even know where to start, really.    Here, have some questions and we'll see if we can go from there.

1. Why write porn (or fanfic or anything, for that matter?)?

2. How do you know if what you've written is any good (this is a general question as well as related to #1).

3. Kink.  How is it different from porn?  Where do you draw the line?  I mean, is it a spectrum, or are they two things that are related sometimes?

ETA: 4. When you write (or read), how much are doing it to stretch yourself as an individual, to grow?  I've been playing with different ideas lately and have found it very interesting to stretch myself in different ways through writing ideas/concepts beyond my comfort zone.

In other news, having each child have a playdate seems to have been a bad idea.  *facepalm*  Why did I think this would be a good idea?  Also, I watched 2.02 with a friend today and suggested we try to write a story together.  That means I have three stories on the burner at the moment.  Why did I think that was a good idea?

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/531092.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

thanks, good ideas, writing, kinks, vgifts, porn

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