So, Mondays are my days of intensity because the kids get out early (don't even ask). I walked them to school, came home and cleaned up in the kitchen and folded laundry while watching Once Upon a Time (and man do I love that show now, especially when it features Rumpy because Robert Carlyle is a genius).
Then I finished cutting out dragon bits and glued most of them on the fabric so I can sew them down.
Ate lunch and picked up kids. Cleaned up the front to get ready for violin lessons.
Attended violin lessons.
Let kids play on the computer for some obscene amount of time so I could write fic. (I spit out close to 900 words and according to my beta, it needs filling out. I'm all whoa on that because I usually have a hard time getting 300 words out!)
Pulled some dinner together and ate. Visited with my friend who came over to check out my sewing machine and make it all better (which she did just by cleaning the lint out, changing the needle, and making sure the bobbin was in right *facepalm*).
Cleaned up (sort of) in kitchen and got DD2 ready for bed.
Climbed in bed and started writing a different fic. I now have 3, count them, 3 works in progress. And not like notes for three different fics. My brain is going to explode.
I was chatting with
skuares about the ending of Merlin and also ep 4.09 and we thought it would be fun to have a rewrite party on Friday. So, tell your friends, on Friday, we are rewriting the end of ep 4.13 and possibly rewriting all of 4.09:)
Happy V-day everyone! I ♥ all of you. Special thanks to
universaldogma ,
nympha_alba ,
lolafeist ,
ella_bane, and
jillbertini for the shiny hearts. They made me feel loved.
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