Just do it

Jan 10, 2012 09:13

In lieu of content, I'm posting my to do list for the day.  I will be striking things off the list if I manage to accomplish them
  • buy groceries
  • take garbage out
  • finish loading dishwasher and run it
  • cook veggies
  • beta a story for someone (I'm so overdue on this.  If you are reading, I'm doing it today.  Sorry for the delay!)
  • finish Storm at Sea part 2 (will wait for betas before posting)
  • do something in the sewing room (either work on 9 patches or start dragon quilt or both)
  • mail quilts
  • make self orange chocolate chip cookies (because there is no other kind of chocolate chip cookie, really)
  • pay bills
  • return books to library
  • buy milk(?)
  • clean tub
That doesn't seem overwhelming, does it?  I'll bet I don't manage to get it all done.  I slept horribly, woke up early, and am PMSing something fierce.

The good news is that my itchy head is not itchy from lice.  (DD2 was complaining that her head was itchy and I couldn't see anything, but didn't know what lice looked like either.  I had a neighbor check my head this morning and she said my scalp was just dry.  Hurray.)

Oh, also, just to float this idea, if anyone wanted to do a Firefly/Merlin crossover fic, you will have my undying love.  Heck, I might even send you chocolate.  Or something.  I had no idea so many of you loved Firefly.

ETA: Here's my orange chocolate chip cookie recipe:

1/2 cup butter, softened
3/8 cup sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
1/2 tsp orange oil
5 oz (1 1/4 cup sifted) unbleached flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
6 oz (1 cup) chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350.

Cream butter and sugars.  Add vanilla, egg, and orange oil and beat
until smooth.  Add flour, baking soda and salt.  Mix in chocolate

Form into 1/8 cup (2 tablespoon) balls and bake on greased or lined
cookie sheets for 13 minutes.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/509809.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

firefly, merlin, my day, to do

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