I hit the wall

Jan 09, 2012 22:07

I think I hit the wall this afternoon.  I'm exhausted.  I cleaned the kitchen, got three loads of laundry put away, ran one errand, read some to the girls, responded to a whole bunch of comments, warmed up dinner, was present during girls' violin lessons, and that was about it.  I got in bed at 7:30.  I managed to watch Once Upon a Time today (while cleaning in the kitchen and folding laundry) and then Sherlock (30 minutes) while folding laundry and the last hour just by itself.  That's a lot of tv in one day!  So, going to sleep soon.  Hoping to be very productive with writing and quilting tomorrow, although I do have to go to the grocery store in the morning and cook some veggies tomorrow at some point.

We got about an inch of snow and the girls managed to collect enough snow to make huge balls, but they didn't stack them and no one has taken pictures of the balls yet either.  Hopefully they will still be around in the morning for picture purposes.

ETA: I've discovered a weird "feature".  If I select the option for LJ to notify me of poll answers in my inbox, but not by email, I do not get comment notifications by email for that post.  No other combo is a problem.  Very strange.  I did submit a query for that.  Oh, LJ, I shake my tiny fists at you.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/509638.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

tired, a day, productive day

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