Oh holy busy crazy life

Jan 08, 2012 11:03

Thanks for all your comments and concern about the banned comments issue.  It has been resolved.  It was not something that the user did on purpose and we don't know how it happened (as I thought).  LJ has been acting wonky lately.  In fact, if I've defriended anyone lately, it was not on purpose.  Let me know.  I'm a little overwhelmed with all the great people, so it's possible I missed something.

I won't be online much today, fyi.  I have 9 lbs of beef to cook this morning (I'm making at least three different dishes with it; I bought it on sale) and then we have friends over for lunch.  Going dancing tonight.  Hopefully I'll get to the three loads of laundry too.  And quilt patches and story.

I don't know how you all feel about replying to comments, but I always feel like I should be replying right away and when it takes me hours, I feel bad about that.  I certainly don't feel that way in the opposite direction, let me make that very clear.  Only comments that come to me.  So, if I don't reply instantly, as is my wont, it's because I am tied up with meat space stuff.

I have plans for writing and quilting this week.  Yay!  Also, I joined a group for help with focusing on goals and I'm excited about that.  I have tried making lists for myself in the past and not kept it up.  I think that having people to check in with will be really helpful.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/508448.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, lj, irritations, food, goals

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