Today I

Nov 16, 2011 21:32

  • walked with  my neighbor
  • got girls ready for school, including cutting a potato for DD2 and packing hat, mittens, scarf, and coat for a project at school
  • walked girls to school
  • cleaned up kitchen
  • made yogurt
  • worked on L/G fic some
  • went to Farmer's Market for apples
  • went to the store for milk
  • took a nap
  • uploaded custom theme images and put in urls for half of them
  • did emails
I did not do anything with fabric, but there is always tomorrow.  I thought about fabric and wrote a stupid little ficcy for lewisian_gneiss about the siren song of fabric, but did not actually do anything quilty today.

Tomorrow will be laundry and hopefully time to work with fabric.

Also, lewisian_gneiss be on the lookout for a little mood indicator that has Merlin running in it:D
It might be noted that I have a bit of a cold and am not feeling completely up to par.  Am hoping to go to sleep soon and sleep in tomorrow.

life, merlin, quilts, a day, done did

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