Bag meme and other sundry things

Nov 15, 2011 21:37

I have just about the teeniest bag known to womankind precisely so it won't be full of crap I don't want/need. It currently has my wallet, coin purse, and about six old grocery lists and a pen in it. Cell phone is not in it at the moment.

In other news, today was quilt immersion day. I had two quilt guild meetings. I am dead now. I ate so much food, I probably gained 10 lbs today. And now I'm exhausted. My kids are still awake and dh is complaining that my laptop is too bright.

Have something exciting to tell me? I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow. I plan to spend the day working on quilts and trying to get that L/G fic in shape. Let's see if I can do fabric and words on the same day.

ETA: I have to add this. Some guy made a tesla coil on a hat. I ♥ him and would totally stalk him and ask him to marry me if I weren't already married

a day

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