Merlin 4.02 raw notes

Oct 08, 2011 22:17

Here is what I wrote while watching 4.02.  I have to say that I loved it and did a lot of talking at the tv (to my embarrassment as I was watching it with a friend who kept saying it was ok -- her hubby sussed me out.  He said at one point, "you'll be writing slash before you know it".  I fessed up.) Um, yeah.  Fun to watch an ep for the first time with someone else who loves the show (even if she's not quite as obsessed as me and you wonderful Merlin fans who are equally obsessed and make me feel like one of the crowd).  Posting notes behind the cut.  I typed up the notes as I was watching, so there might be some things misspelled and there might even be words missing.  I got kind of excited at a few points:D

Gwaine getting into the bees: hilarious.

Vilia tells Lancelot that Merlin will be ok after he sees Merlin's hand sparkling.  Yay!

What was Gwaine looking for and how many people are going to be writing Percy/Gwaine now?  Why don't the Drocha go into the caves?

Love the scene in the cave.  Augh!  Gwaine is going to die!  Ew. Their faces.  Too funny.  Gwaine, keep still.  Who killed it?  Gwaine killed it.  OMG.  Eeek.  Now they have to run.  Crap.

BAMF!Gaius: love him.  Agravaine, you suck.  Oooh, Gwen.  Go.  Loving you too.  Agravaine, you are a sleaze bag.  Gwen, you are so awesome.  Tell him how it is.  Love BAMF!Gwen.  She is showing regal strength here.

Eeee:D  Sleeping Lancelot and finding fishing Merlin.  God damnit.  He's way too cute.  Love how perky he is and how determined he is to get back to Arthur.

Agravaine, why are you in league with Morgana?

You don't have noble intentions!  Why are you apologizing to Gwen?

Gwen, don't be so trusting!!!!! Gaius is worried.  Why don't you tell Gwen?

Who's got dead animals hanging in their cottage?  Too late, damn it.  Who was he? Merlin doesn't want to stay here.

Merlin looks a little sheepish using that magic.  Hilarious.

Too much CGI on castle right before Morgana shows up sneaking around.

It's evening and yet sunlight is streaming through the window of Agravaine's chambers?  I'm confused.

Don't drink it.  Don't let him touch you.  Be afraid.  Why didn't he touch her or offer her a poisoned drink?  Because his guards aren't going to protect her.  Vindicated.  Morgana threw them all to the ground.

Oh Arthur.  You are not alone.  See, Elyan agrees with me.  And you are gracious.  Good job.

Creepy Drocha.

Gaius finds Uther passed out in bed and no Gwen.  He's suspicious.  Uh oh.  Why isn't Gaius so afraid of the Drocha?

Merlin tells Lancelot he's off the hook.  Lancelot is lying when he says he doesn't think about Gwen.

Colin, you are too cute to be so puzzled about Lancelot's talking about Gwen.

Gwen doesn't know why someone wants to do her harm.

The fire is going out and the Drocha are just waiting for the flame to disappear.  Thank god.  But then they run and I was like what the hell and Merlin starts calling the dragon and I was like YES YES YES!!!!

Yay.  Dragon meets Lancelot.  Dragon does a little foreshadowing.

They are going to get a ride.  Who is going to sacrifice himself for the Calyx?  Love how the dragon really respects Merlin and vice versa.  Not geting a ride.  Bummer!

Why does Colin look like hte color of paste?

Gwaine is really taking the brunt of the jokes now.

Where did Lancelot come from?   Too cute saying bad news was that Merlin was still alive.

Why do all the knights get to hug/touch him before Arthur does?

What is the life of a servant compared to that of a prince?  Have we heard that line before?

EEEEEEE!  Love the heart to heart they have.

Why aren't they sinking the boat to the Isle of the Blessed.

Now would be a good time, uh, Merlin did pull out his dragonspeak and Magic and ARTHUR DIDN'T notice!!!!  Gwaine was like, oh, that's how you deal with wyvern.  Yeah. Right.

Arthur, you are being a bit imperious.

Agh!  Evil woman.  Merlin.  Eeek.  You pretend to be meek and yet you knock Arthur out and now Calyx wants to fight.  Agh.  Biting my nails here.

Lancelot, NO!!!!!!!!!

Merlin, how you are so cute when you are so completely shattered?  *sob*

Merlin's got his purple shirt on again and man are we sad.  Lancelot was noble, but we know he's got lust in his heart.

Why are they burning a perfectly good sword and cloak?  Now Gwen blames herself that he's dead because she asked him to look after Arthur with his life.  Why did you tell Arthur that?  Agh!

So. Much. Angst in this ep.

Morgana, are you two years old?  Having a tantrum?  She's sure Emrys thwarted her.   Still wondering why Agravaine is in league with Morgana.

Is Merlin starting to suspect Agravaine?  Gaius is being strange about not coming clean about having heard the name Emrys before.  Gaius knows that Morgana is the source of his info.  Gaius and Merlin are now aware that Agravaine is a baddy. Uh oh.

ETA: Also, I just had a realization: they are going to tease us with the magic reveal all season, aren't they?  Jerks.

commentary, 4.02, merlin, reaction post

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