
Jul 07, 2010 21:20

Guess what I don't want to do?  Pack!  (Again.)

In lieu of that, I bring you a list of activities we did today:

  • sorted pictures
  • went to see Irish Dancing at Wolftrap (those kids were quite good)
  • came home and ate lunch
  • took DD1 for an eye appointment where we were told that she should get glasses for school
  • went to TJs to acquire food/snacks for impending trip
  • picked up dh and then dropped everyone off so I could run to dr's office to drop off stuffed animals and get a few things at the drug store
  • cooked dh some eggs for dinner
  • made frozen yogurt
  • folded laundry (more to come)
  • returned library books
I'm sure there is more stuff that I did.  I just can't remember.  Long day, mostly not at home.  Ugh.  I'm so not psyched to travel, but then again, I never am:P

a day

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