Life is busy

Jul 04, 2010 22:17

So, I took the girls to NYC for six days, from Friday-Wed last week (aka, the last six days of June).  We had a great trip.  We got to spend lots of quality time with family, including my niece which made DD1 very happy:D  We also got to see my little sister's apartment for the first time, and that was fun too.  Her boyfriend let the girls play with his string bass which made DD2 very happy:D  She has dreams of playing the string bass.  LOL.

Touristy highlights included: some food fair where we got yummy Korean bbq from a truck and People's Pops (we got a raspberry basil bar which was yummy!), going on the water taxi, eating lunch at the restaurant my sister works in, going to the Brooklyn Children's museum, DD1 going to the American Girl Doll store so my sister could buy her some stuff for the doll she inherited from said sister, and going to the top of Rockefeller Center.

We also went out to LI for the day on Sunday to spend with dear friends who just moved up there.  It was wonderful to see them for the day.

We got home late on Wed and I feel like I've been running around trying to catch up ever since.

Thursday I had to go out and fill up the car, get shoes, a yoga mat, and socks for the girls.  We had friends over to play with cornstarch and water in the afternoon.  Then we ate a quickie dinner (sausages and broccoli).  An old friend from Ithaca came over and hung out for the evening.  DD2 went to bed at 8:30, but DD1 was a different story.  She's been burning the midnight lately:P

Friday DD1 went over to a friend's house to do American Girl Doll crafts and DD2 and I hung out.  I folded laundry and she played on the computer:P  After lunch, the girls watched Max and Ruby and I took a nap.  DH and I danced on Friday night.  I had fun.

Yesterday I did some cleaning up and a little cooking and spent some time with the sewing machine.  I'm trying to spend some time every day sewing.  I have a five year back log of mending to do:P  I got the new shower curtain hemmed (for some value of hemmed, anyway:)) and the bathroom looks much better, if I do say so myself.  I put a button on dh's pants and appliqued a frog on DD1's dress to cover up a hole.  Now DD2 wants a frog on her little stretch pants (at the knee) 0.o.    We went to the Sacred Harp sing last night and had a lot of fun there.  Of course the girls went to bed late again.

Today I cooked chipotle meatballs, sorted pictures with dh, and folded laundry too.  I got DD2 to sleep at 7:15.  She woke up again around 8:20 and told me she was thirsty.  I snuggled her for about fifteen minutes and put her back in bed.  So far, she's still asleep.  I'm trying not to be nervous.  The longer she stays asleep, the more confident I feel:D

Tomorrow we are babysitting for friends in the morning.  I don't have any major plans for tomorrow.   I'm just trying not to feel overwhelmed by the upcoming trip to Seattle on Thurs.

life, nyc, trips

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