Lost in thought

Aug 26, 2009 09:27

I was at a family camp with lots of singing and dancing last week and while certain creature comforts were missing, I was happier there than I've been in a long time.  Despite lack of sleep, I felt more awake than I do at home.  And I didn't get headaches either.

I have been thinking about what was different.  One big noticeable difference is that I wasn't in charge of food at all.  There was a cafeteria where we had three meals a day and snacks were served twice a day.  That was pretty big for me.  I usually think about food pretty much all day long.

I also think that singing and dancing just make me happy and I was getting to do that every day.  I know I can't dance every day, but I could sing every day.

Also, being in a community was big.  It's not that all of us had exactly the same goals, but we were pretty well aligned and everyone helped keep on eye on all the kids.  What a relief not to be in charge of entertaining my kids all the time.  Plus, the cabin wasn't a great place to just hang out, so the kids would go outside and chase bunnies or dig in the sand.

I am ready for school to start.  I think that me and the kids not being together all the time plus having a really good schedule just makes us all happier, but I'm incapable of imposing that kind of schedule on us without outside factors.

Just thinking out loud here....

camp, dance, happiness, singing

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