Oh, blblblb

Jun 24, 2009 20:02

I had a day. I was kind of cranky. Maybe I should try to get to bed earlier. Summer is kicking my butt.

Monday was sort of kickback, but yesterday and today have been anything but. We have swim lessons in the mornings on Tue/Wed. Yesterday I had about 10 kids here playing with Sculpey (and can I tell you how much fun I had making a little blue elephant-bird?:)). Then I got the first of my allergy shots in the afternoon.

After swim class today we hit the grocery store for a few needed items because DD1 is having a tea party. I thought we could make pizzas and have tea and muffins. I dropped the girls off at a friend's house and went to another appointment and then hit another jewelry store for a brief visit.

Came back, got the girls and came home. I sent the girls outside for a bit and cleaned up in the kitchen. Then they came back in and wanted to make muffins, but by then it was really time to get dinner going. The muffins will have to wait until the morning. But the pizza sauce is made and I am about to go start the dough.

Tomorrow we have tea party in the morning and then DD2 has her four year checkup in the afternoon. I called to ask about shots and discovered that she can get three now or one now and two later or something like that. I asked her if she wanted to get three now or one now and two next year and she opted for three now! That's my girl:)

And DD1 has mastered riding the bike (we think). I'll take her for a walk tomorrow and we'll see how she does on the sidewalk. My bike plan worked and it only took three days! Now we'll see about my swim plan, although that will take more than three days to see to fruition:)

One last random thing: I've been listening to Full Cast Audio recordings and loving them. I think I'm thoroughly addicted at this point!

dd1, a day here or there, biking!, random stuff, books

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