Just a marker noting my presence

May 26, 2009 22:17

Today I:

got a child to school
went to post office and mailed one package and got postage for a letter
dropped DD2 off at friend's house
went to appointment
picked DD2 up
futzed around
skyped with MIL
made meatballs
freaked out at DD2 and her friend when I found a hundred teeny yard strawberries strewn all over the bedroom
picked up DD1
took girls to library
came home and finished meatballs
ate dinner
watched an episode of Buffy (I'm not loving it, but it's growing on me)
got DD2 to bed
gave away a Pooh poster
wrote up an ad for used cloth diapers (we're now a diaper free house hold!)
resisted urge to make chocolate chocolate chip cookies
answered some email
talked on the phone

Wow. I guess my day wasn't as pathetic as I thought it was. At 12:30 I self medicated with Advil and caffeine. It was a help, but not the rocket boost I could have used:)

Tomorrow might be better. We'll see how everyone sleeps tonight. 'night!

done did

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