A rundown of the snowy icy day

Jan 28, 2009 18:06

I was awakened around 6:45 and decided I needed to figure out if school was closed or not.  I checked the website and couldn't figure it out, so I checked my email and lo and behold, they had actually sent one out!  There was no school.  I had pretty much expected that there would be no school.  Not expecting a break, I decided we were going to have fun!

The girls were out playing in the snow at 8:30.  When they came in, I had them tidy up a few things while I had like three conversations on the phone and answered a few emails (all pretty much having to do with what we were going to do (or not do)).  We got ready and walked to the library.  It took us almost a half hour to get there it was so slick!  Both girls fell down a few times; I did not fall at all.  DD2 wanted to ride in the stroller after a little while, so I put her in there.

We made it to the library and wandered around while we were waiting for our friends to show up (one of the phone calls I took was from a friend who had PT this morning and was planning to take her kids; I offered to take them off her hands while she did that:)).  We were about to head over to the storytime hour, but then our friends showed up, so we wandered around with them and let them pick out books.  We checked out and were on our way.

DD2 started in the stroller (although she was complaining she wanted to walk).  I had to boot her out of the stroller at some point because it got too hard to push the stroller through the crust of ice/snow/slush.  We finally made it home around noon and I was starving.

I am not exactly sure what happened between noon and one, but I know I finally got to eat lunch at 1.  All the girls but DD2 stayed outside for that first hour.  After they ate lunch, they played for a little while and I made orange chocolate chip cookies.  Then they watched High School Musical II.  After an hour of that, DD2 complained that it was too long, so I suggested the girls have a cookie break.  They were happy to take a break and after the snack was over, they went back to playing.

My friend showed up at 3 (she had called at 1 to say she was done and I encouraged her to stay out and not come for a couple more hours).  We had a nice long chat while the girls played more.  She left around 4:45 and DH got home at 5:15.  Then we sat down and ate dinner.

So, all in all, it was pretty fun.  I call it a success.  Now I have to see if someone can take DD2 for a couple hours tomorrow morning.  I'm ready for some "me" time!

killing time, movies, snow day

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