Productive day

Oct 09, 2008 21:22

At the beginning of the day, I started out with this list:
  • call dr's office re: nasal spray prescription
  • make challah
  • cook greek lamb patties
  • do load of white laundry
  • clean front room
  • cook beans for dh
I got all those things basically done by 5 pm.  Then I realized I had to fix snack for preschool tomorrow morning, so I'm waiting for the dishwasher to be done and then I will unload the dishes, fix snack, and go to bed.  I feel like I had a pretty darn productive day.

Plus I managed to squeeze in a walk with my friend (who helped me clean up the front room in no time flat!).

Thanks to those of you who extended sympathy in my last post with some content.  I am actually doing pretty well these days.  The therapy is more for getting some perspective and a few coping skills.  It is my intention not to go for very long (given how expensive it is!).

ETA: 2 cute DD2 stories.  1.  When we went to pick up DD1, DD2 was standing around waiting with me (more or less) and when she saw DD1 she opened up her arms wide and gave her sister a big hug.  That child lives on love.  (You should see her when we go for a walk and she's waving to everyone as we pass.) 2.  We were talking on Skype with my mom and my mom saw the challah.  My mom asked if she could have a piece and DD2 said "No.  You can't have any.  You're in the movie."  LOL!  We totally cracked up at that one:)

a day

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