
Aug 25, 2008 21:49

  • got up at 7:15 (good thing too, because dh had set his alarm for 6:30 pm!)
  • got DD1 up around 8
  • drove dh to work
  • emptied dishwasher; finished cleaning up in kitchen
  • made some phone calls; answered a bunch of calls too
  • cooked swedish meatballs and sauce
  • prepped green beans for dh to finish making
  • took girls to mall to pick up free book for DD1 from summer reading program
  • took girls to pizza place to get pizza with coupon from summer reading program
And now I'm about to tackle the sticky kitchen that dh left behind after getting nectarine slices in the dehydrator.  Maybe I'll eat some frozen yogurt first;)

a day, done did, ta da list

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