And that's a close

Aug 24, 2008 21:35

Thank goodness this day (weekend) is over. Between all the bad news I got and my flubs today, I'm ready for bed. (I got news of one friend being diagnosed with breast cancer, found out someone else we know had a heart attack back in Feb but didn't find out until May!, and someone I met recently lost his wife to a diabetic coma after she made it through cancer treatment 19 months ago, and someone else I know knows a family who lost a six year old a week ago.) On a happy note, I called a friend who had had a stillbirth a few years ago and she had a c-section last Friday (10 days ago). Everything is going great over there, so the girls and I will go out and visit her on Friday (when the baby is 2 weeks old). Yay for good news.

My bread turned out weird. I didn't realize it was only supposed to be one loaf, so the loaves are kind of small and the texture seems kind of gummy. DH thinks I didn't really allow the grains to sprout. *sigh* Who knows. My yogurt completely failed on the first go-round. Luckily I had some yogurt I bought the other day, so I quick-like threw it in and put it back in the dehydrator and it seems to have made yogurt this time around. I can only hope it's edible:P

The chicken tikka masala was not as good as I remembered it being, but it was just fine. I didn't burn it, or serve half of it raw or anything. At least I didn't mess that up.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow: the mall and pizza! I am hoping it is a fun day for the girls. I had them do the book reading program through the library, so we will go cash in some coupons tomorrow:)

And now, I'm going to go brush my teeth and get in bed:)

good news, bad news, a day

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