today's accounting

Apr 10, 2008 20:03

  • got up at 7:30 and was told to change a poopy diaper before I got into the shower:P
  • fixed self toast and tea and DD2 toast
  • unloaded dishwasher and put a few leftover dishes in dishwasher
  • started bread for winner of auction (I donated some bread)
  • got everyone dressed and dropped DD2 off at school
  • came home and wasted some time and then took DD1 to bike shop to check out bikes (my dad wants to buy her a bike next week)
  • came home and fed her and self lunch; listened to her read book
  • packed her snack and got DD2 something to eat; grabbed library books to return
  • answered phone (it was my dad, all excited about the bike situation:P)
  • dashed out door in nick of time (arrived at school just as the bus arrived); dropped DD1 off
  • went to library and returned books and picked up an audio book
  • picked up DD2; talked to friend in parking lot while DD2 was eating her yogurt with fruit
  • drove home the long way so DD2 could fall asleep
  • worked on bread, let it rise, and got it in the oven
  • talked with winner of auction and dealt with cranky pants (DD2)
  • hung out with DD2 and let her watch some Barney
  • packed up snacks and got list ready to go to Trader Joes
  • got DD2 dressed  and got snacks and bread into car
  • drove to school; passed bread off and picked up DD1
  • after 20 minutes, I got them in the car and we raced off to TJs
  • did shopping; checked out Kosher wine and bought one (rather blindly as the person telling me about them didn't seem to know the difference between a merlot and a cabernet sauvignon and neither do I)
  • checked out -- retrieved DD2 from aisle where she was having her own personal rebellion which included leaving her shoes on the floor (which three people had to tell me about like I didn't know my kid standing right in front of me had left her shoes on floor)
  • got girls and food back into car and raced off to pick up DH
  • we were in fact, six minutes late, but he was even later, so we were off the hook, shew
  • came home and ate dinner
  • dh took the girls to the playground and I loaded the dishwasher and played some scrabble (including the bingo "unwasted" for 149 points, or thereabouts:))
  • girls came back in and we sang (
    frenchpony, we tried at least one of your suggestions and did New Durham (not whatever I said it was the other day) again)
  • got girls teeth brushed and DD2 diapered and ready for bed; then I read to them and tucked DD2 into bed
  • DD1 said she needed someone to snuggle with (which means dh:)), so I was off the hook there

Now I'm going to go unload the dishwasher and contemplate running to The Container Store to exchange the legs I bought the other day (wrong color).   But I may punt on that as I was going to do that earlier and didn't.

I am again exhausted and don't really understand why.  Was my day really that busy?

Tomorrow I will take the car in early have a tech accompany me to hear the noise the car makes.  I plan to make challah (again) tomorrow.  And we have friends coming over in the afternoon.  I'm hoping that it's nice enough we can fill up our little pool for the kids to play with.

60 day goals: kegels (doing well with them); being present during dinner (well, could have done better, but I was there for some of it:)); eating after dinner (not going to eat anything tonight).

DH just told me it's ok for me to run off to The Container Store, so I'm off.  When I come home, I guess we're sorting pictures.  Wow, seems fairly productive to me.

accounting, a day, minutae, ta da list

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