Is it bedtime yet?

Apr 09, 2008 20:49

  • got up around 7:30 and hauled the garbage out
  • got girls a mango and got in shower
  • got out of shower and girls got in shower
  • fixed self breakfast and girls snacks
  • got girls out of tub and dressed
  • fought with DD1 for at least 10 minutes to get in car
  • got in car and drove to school
  • helped with folders for 45 minutes
  • fought with DD1 for more than 15 minutes to get her in the carseat (arghggghhh!)
  • got home and futzed around; talked to dh on the phone, fixed girls lunch (and self)
  • got DD1 to school
  • drove around for five minutes and came home
  • called friend in desperation to brainstorm troubles with DD1 (very helpful, that friend:))
  • made  yogurt
  • paid dentist bill
  • had DD2 help me clean up some of her stuff
  • swept floor in the back
  • talked to dh more
  • picked DD1 up; let them play for 15 minutes
  • came home and sent them next door; I listened to Terry Gross interview REM and chopped turnips
  • girls came home and got in tub, again
  • folded laundry
  • I put chicken in oven to reheat
  • fielded a couple phone calls for dh who luckily walked up just as the person called back
  • had dh get girls out of tub
  • sat down and ate dinner (DD1 loved the turnips; DD2 did not:))
  • had dh take girls to playground behind house while I folded some laundry
  • sang with dh and girls
  • read to girls and put them in bed
  • finished dealing with laundry
  • cleaned up a little in kitchen and got dishwasher running
  • played some Scrabble
Shew.  No wonder I'm so tired!  Plus it doesn't help that I'm still bleeding like a stuck pig:P  I am resisting the urge to eat.  I was craving brownie at dinner tonight while eating saurkraut.    I think I'll just go to bed.

60 day goals: kegels: I'm doing them every day even during the day now, some times.  Snacking after dinner; last night I was good and had some tea.  I am not even going to have tea tonight.  I think it must be hormonal.  Being present: I am starting to wonder if this is cycle related too, although tonight was tolerable.  The kids are so distracting to me.

daily goals, 60 days, done did, ta da list, (not) wimpy mommy

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