- dragged self out of bed and got in shower
- fed girls
- fed self
- fed girls more
- cleaned up blocks that had been out for two or three days
- got DD1 ready for school and to school
- started diapers
- got DD2 down for nap
- dealt with pork, which was finally done after 24 hours (this was clearly the wrong method)
- discovered rabbit blood in fridge and cleaned up that mess
- made DD1 pb&j
- ran off to pick DD1 up
- ran home and made self and DD2 pb&j sandwiches and cut up some apples
- packed some extra diapers and dashed out door to visit cryingbaby
- hung out on her couch and ate chocolate cinnamon bread and attempted not to fall asleep (it was an excellent visit, if you ask me:))
- ran out the door to get home in time to get DD1 ready for tap/ballet/tumbling class
- ran to tumbling/tap/ballet class (which DD1 loved)
- hung out for an hour waiting for it to finish
- ran home and discovered dh home and begged him to cook carrots
- peeled said carrots
- cooked pork sauce to try to get rid of some of the vinegar
- put away two loads of laundry (finally - just in time to do another load)
- ate dinner
- got girls some food
- put girls to bed
I still have to clean up after dinner, but everyone is in bed now, so the whole house is mine. Hopefully I can get to sleep at a decent hour tonight (like, before midnight:P). Note that I got to sleep around 2 am last night (or this morning, however you count these things).
Here's a question for you all: someone who I knew slightly more than an acquaintance died a couple weeks ago. I used to be quite close with his daughter, but we have drifted apart due to living in different locations and having kids on different schedules. There is a memorial service on Monday at 10 am. If I went, it would be just me. DH feels he didn't know the guy (and he didn't know his daughter really either). Would you go to the service? I think there will be a lot of people at the service and I hate funerals. Like, I've been to one (my grandmother's). I already have some things planned for that day, although things can be rearranged. Can I just write them a card and "get away" with that? Good grief: my friends' parents are not supposed to be dying!!