Log: Visiting Lu

Mar 11, 2008 22:58

Who: Fraya, Niena, Viviana, Aleudre, Lujayn, P'draig, Palia
When: Afternoon, 8/6/15
Where: Common Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: Paddy stops by to see Milani and Lujayn. The conversation's all over the place and rife with teasing. But then, Candidacy's like that.

Lujayn might have guessed what they were discussing, judging from her expression. "You're shorter than I am," Looking down her nose at Fraya, teasing, Lu sits down to enjoy her lunch on the go. "I don't think height will be a problem for me, at least, but I haven't sorted through them yet. Everyone was clustered around them earlier; thought I'd wait for things to die down." A regretful shrug and a quirky smile. "Hopefully I didn't wait too long."

Fraya chuckles softly, nodding at Niena in agreement. "Lucky. That's easy to fix." She notes then peeks at Lujayn, giggling softly. "I suppose I am, but not by much. Maybe I shrunk already." There's a teasing grin and she laces her fingers together as she stretches out. "I'll go look later, maybe after lunch.. Or during, seeing as everyone may be flocking for food rather than robes..." Tapping her chin, she shrugs. "Maybe Milani can help you out if there are none your size, Lujayn?"

Viviana sneaks quietly, if the truth be told she skulks into the commons room and settles into a quiet little nook. Occasionally looking over her shoulder, she takes a deep breath of relief and pulls out her sewing project -- looking suspiciously like peices of a robe.

"I should be fine," Lujayn reasons, though her next bite is chewed with slow deliberation. "Maybe they'll let me piece two of them together if it's too short, since I don't think any of them can actually be 'let out'." She glances around with a shake of her head, thoughtful. Viviana's entrance catches her eye, and Lu watches her until the sewing appears. "What's that, Vivi?" Always curious, she leans forward to get a better look across the way.

A few minutes after Viviana's sat down, an off-key whistle sounds in the corridor and one Fortian brownrider swings into view with a toddler propped on his hip. He walks with a certain assurance that speaks of knowing where he's going and is heading down the hallway that holds Milani's room, when a familiar face in a cluster of unfamiliar ones halts his steps and P'draig backtracks towards Lu. "And there /you/ are at least," he says with a laugh. "My sister's proving elusive today!" Palia's less verbal but she shares her father's smile and waves in a hand open, hand closed sort of way. "Hi!"

Fraya glances at Viviana as she enters and a brow quirks curiously, she lets out a soft giggle, wiggling her fingers in greeting towards the other candidate. Her eyes travel to the sewing project and she quirks a brow. Saying nothing of it yet, she tilts her head towards Lujayn. "Well, I figure if you know how to make the robe longer they won't stop you, don't think they want anyone looking at your butt while your on the Sands." She notes with a playful grin. Back towards Viviana she smiles. "Working on your robe?" Giggling, she shifts to stretch her legs out from under her to stretch. The brownrider with the toddler gets an odd look before she offers a slight smile. "Hey there rider and little rider child." She giggles at the greeting but coughs softly. "Erm, I mean.. Hello there Sir." A firm nod of her head and she glances away, peering about the room.

Viviana jumps a good two inches in her chair at P'daig's victorious declaration at finding someone. She pales and holds her breath, letting it out slowly before turning around to look Lujayn's way. Hissing in a whisper, she discloses. "It's a robe, I can't wear it the way it was made, the seams were all crooked. I know it's suppose to be shapeless but I refuse to be seen in it the way it was. I looked like a hunchback!" Icy glares are shot Fraya's way but she nods in response to her question.

"Good idea," Lujayn looks appreciatively at the girl's work. "I can't make mine too fancy, but no one really cares..." The girl jumps up from her seat at the rider's entrance, robe worries forgotten. "P'draig!" Is her boisterous greeting, all energy and excitement. "And Palia, too. I got your letter; Brennie was so good about handing it over. I was worried she'd lose mine, but it must have arrived all right.." Surprised and flustered with it, she extends a hand in greeting, withdraws it, and eventually turns to her friends. "This is P'draig and his daughter Palia," She calms enough to make an introduction for everyone, including the skulking Viviana, "He rides brown Jekzith at Fort. P'draig, Fraya-Niena-Viviana," Looking at each in turn, pleased with herself.

P'draig laughs again and is far less reticent about reaching over to offer Lujayn a one armed hug. Palia contributes by patting the top of the Candidate's head. "Hey Lu." And following that, a polite nod apiece for the others. "Fraya, Niena and Viviana. That's a lot of ends-in-a-names. Well met, Fort's duties and how are you all? Surviving Candidacy?" A moment later the rider bends to let down a squirmy Palia who toddles over to Viviana's nook and resting a hand on the girl's knee, claps her eyes tightly on the Candidate's needlework.

Fraya smiles at Viviana despite the icy glare, giggling softly. "You'll get in trouble, but, that's what's fun." A grin and she shrugs. "I don't care what I look like, so long as no one sees /my/ butt, I'm fine. Unless the dragon rips off the robe or something. That'd be different, can't do anything about that." She muses, cupping her chin in her hand as she considers. A glance towards Lujayn then the rider as she introduces them. Fray inclines her head in greeting with a bright smile. "Greetings P'draig and Palia.. Well, if you don't like the a at the end, you can just call me Fray." A bright grin and she watches Palia carefully before the girl wanders towards Viviana. "Candidacy is fine, I'm doing well surviving.. I fear the moldy ones won't make it." She says, her tone slightly cryptic but she does wear that playful grin of hers.

Niena smiles toward the toddler and waves, then says a polite "Sir." when she's introduced to the rider. Seeing the little girl heading toward Vivi she winces, then holds out her arms in case the child should need comforting.

Viviana rolls her eyes and huffs as more attention is given to her. She does manage a polite. "High Reaches Duties to Fort and your queens, sir,.." Returning to her work, she protests softly to Lu. "This isn't fancy at all, just simple tailoring with no embellishments, not a cross stitch or a whiff of embroidery..." Sticking her tongue out at Fraya, the girl returns to her sewing. "Will not, unless you go and spread some wild story which I hear you are apt to do." The child is finally noticed and Vivy gives up, choosing to sit on her project rather than it be the center of attention. "What a sweet little thing.... Don't you agree, Niena? Why, you are so good with little ones, I'm sure that you can tell us all sorts of things about them..."

"Is Jenna much better? And Zahava, she's doing well? Has Xenoth eaten anyone?" Lujayn hasn't seen hide nor hair of Fortians in months, and is parched for news. "I heard that C'nroy is a wingleader now, is that true?" "Is Aleudre tailoring his, too? I never learned to do that, so it all sounds fancy to me." She remembers past conversations and doesn't say much more, though questions burn up on her tongue.

Even as Niena is watching the toddler, a cry is heard from the nursery. Niena gets up quickly and says "I'd better see what's going on. My duty to Fort, and good luck with your robes!" She manages a something more dignified than a flat-out sprint but not quite so dignified as a fast walk.

She put the needlework away and Palia's lip juts out a little, tiny brows drawing down, she tries to lean across Viviana's lap to reach for the hidden bits of fabric. "Me see?" she says hopefully and makes round, innocent gray eyes up at the Candidate in disturbing imitation of her aunt. P'draig shakes his head a little at Fraya's claim. "Nope, just noticing that you all rhymed sort of. Might almost think it was a conspiracy, he jokes lightly and winks over at Fraya. "Guess since you're all robing it up that means those eggs're getting on towards hard. Not long now huh?" And he reaches over to tousle Lu's hair fondly. "And then we find out if we get you back or not." Her question draws out a grimace and a shake of the brownrider's head. "She's better but not much, out of immediate danger I guess you could say. Za's managing, and yeah, Con's taken Danielle's old wing on since she got hurt too." He keeps a close eye on Palia as she wanders, though he's dropping into a seat by Lujayn.

Fraya grins at Viviana, giggling softly. "I could tell some wild story, yes, but it's not interesting because it'd be about the robes and those just can't be interesting. Best I can think of is: Vivi took her robes apart then fixed them, they looked lovely." Grin. She turns her head to Lujayn, quirking a brow at the questions of Fort before she gives an idle shrug of her shoulders. "Well, you can just ask him. I hope he'd be willing to share how to do it. I'd actually like for my robe to fit..." Grinning towards P'draig, she lets out a playful gasp. "How did you know?" A pause and she winks playfully. "Not that we've got a secret group or anything.. Nope." A laugh spills forth and she shrugs. "Probably, I haven't heard much. But, how can we really know when? All we can guess is soon, I imagine. I'm excited." There's a glance towards Viviana and Palia with a slight smile.

Viviana pouts as her usual diverting tactics are foiled as her usual pawn up and leaves the room. Tsking at Niena's back, she sighs then looks Lu's way. "I'm not making it 'fancy', I'm just making it 'right', is all. I won't stand out anymore than anyone else now. But before? People'd be wondering if I was smuggling a back pack in under my robe." Nervous around the little one, she shifts. Not the best idea - the needle juts into her butt cheek. "Nothing to see here, just some old cloth,. Look -- look at Fraya, she's much more exciting than I'll ever be, just ask her. She thinks I'm moldy and old."

"Not too badly?" Lujayn asks, frowning. "No one said anything about Danielle hurt.." She has long rid herself of lunch, free to chat away with old and new friends. The frown is quickly replaced by a more characteristic smile, "There's a Louvaen here, so be careful of saying 'Lu' too loudly. But the eggs, I think it'll take them another sevenday at least. No one's been betting yet." She has to cover a laugh with one hand, far too amused by Viviana's plight. "It's just an old robe, she can't ruin it or anything. Even if you made it 'right'."

Palia reaches a few more times then blows out a breath of frustration and sits down staring up at Viviana with an air of confusion, a moment later she's reverted to crawling, reaches a chair, pulls up on it and starts wandering the edge of the room from piece of furniture to piece of furniture, engaged in some low-level toddler babble. P'draig shrugs lightly once in answer to Fraya's question. "Shells get super hard and the dragons kinda know, sort of, that it's soon." Viviana's claims to old moldiness draw out a little chuckle. "Don't worry she'll --" a slight break as Palia wanders off, "-- lost interest and wander away." Paddy's attention returns to Lujayn and he nods. "Yeah. She fell. Bad straps or worse, rumors of sabotaged straps, which you know, is ridiculous, but that's rumor for you." He chuckles softly about the similarly named fellow. "Lu, not Lou, got it."

Viviana winces and shifts. That needle is still poking. After a bit of squirming, she dislodges the offending item. The further the toddler retreats the easier Vivy breathes. Finally feeling it's safe, she pulls out her work, giving her toush a discreet little rub in the process. "Sabotaged Straps? Oh my."

Fraya giggles at Viviana as she shifts and tries to fend the child off. "I think she likes you, Vivi. And besides.. Just because you're old and moldy to me doesn't mean old and moldy isn't interesting to someone else. Like Louvaen. He's moldy but quite interesting." She giggles softly, glancing at Lujayn. "She can too ruin it if she cuts wrong or sews wrong or makes it way too short." That is pointed out with a playful grin and she shifts in her seat to a more comfortable position. A glance towards P'draig and she nods slowly. "I see.. But we don't. The dragons could be keeping it all a secret.."

Lujayn winces. "Of course not. Especially not C'nroy." Lujayn shrugs the rumors off easily, following Palia's path around the commons with idle eyes. "And Aleudre, but he doesn't like Leu. So that's okay," She smiles. "Old and moldy is catching from the storerooms, I think. Maybe we missed one?" Gently poking fun at those moldy types, she glances over at Fraya. "Maybe they like secrets as much as some people do. Sounds like something they'd do." She nods thoughtfully, still beaming. "Just to keep us on our toes."

"Yeah, not Con," P'draig says firmly still watching Palia's progress around the room. The talk of age and mold makes him shake his head a little. "That some kind of theme? Being moldy?" he asks with humor on his face then shrugs. "Could be. Wouldn't put it past Teonath actually," he muses then whistles lowly. "That's a lot of 'lu' sounds too, got any other fun name facts from your group?" And he looks around curiously. "Just keep an ear out for the humming, hard to miss it so long as you're in places off the Bowl."

Viviana stomps her foot, her eyes flashing. "I'm not old, I use scented water to bath in and I don't stink like moldy bread and I'm not stodgy, I'm not an old auntie and I /sick/ and tired of you harping on about me, Fraya. You are a bully, that's what you are, only the type who uses words and not actions, the worst kind... Lou isn't stogey either, just becuase he won't break rules to amuse you. If you want to be kissed so bad, maybe ask this rider to kiss you and get it over with!"

Fraya laughs, nodding her head. "The storerooms? I'll stay away from there, then.. Don't want to get all moldy and boring.. I like being interesting, it's fun. I like having fun more than anything." A shrug of her shoulders. "Yeah.. Dragons keep secrets alright.. I like trying to find out secrets though, don't think I could prod one from a dragon since I can't talk to them..." A glance at P'draig and she giggles. "Nah. Moldy is what I used to describe boring. Cause.. It's boring and it'll get mold after not moving or being used for awhile..." Her head nods slowly. "Not hard to miss the hum. It's loud." Glancing at Viviana, she giggles. "I don't see why you're getting all ruffled for. If you've been paying attention..." She trails off, shrugging. "Kissing isn't against the rules, kissing doesn't get girls pregnant. He knows I was playing around, we do it all the time... I'd rather not be kissed, thanks. Lou kissed a goat, but that was after you left."

Lujayn grins but shakes her head, about to say something further when Viviana jumps up. She looks cautiously between the two, keeping her silence, though if either girl catches her gaze they'll see a warning in usually merry gray eyes. A subtle shrug P'draig's way, watching the conflict and riding it out rather than jumping in herself to make it three.

The huffing and stomping from Viviana lift P'draig's eyebrows a little, but he offers a conciliatory grin around the group. "Wouldn't say any of you are old or moldy or boring. I'm a lucky man surrounded by a trio of lovely young ladies!" Palia's gone and laid down under a chair, poking at the carpet fibers with chubby little fingers. "As for kissing, y'know, if they'd said that was against the rules when I was a Candidate, boy would I have been in trouble," he notes with a bright laugh then he leans forward in his chair, peeking towards where Palia's legs peek out from under the chair. "It always amazes me the things that fascinate her."

Viviana scowls at Fraya, then turns to gather her sewing. It's not a glance of fondness she shoots her fellow candidate's way, anything but. "I know how girl's get pregnant. Or perhaps you think I'm a drudge in my mentality now as well as being old and mouldy?" With another discreet rub of her poor abused butt cheek she starts her way out. P'draig is rewarded with a sudden sunny smile at the compliment. "Thank you sir....." With a flounce, she ignores anyone else in the room and makes her way to the lower caverns.

Aleudre strides into the common room, whistling. He's got a platter of goodies balanced on one hand a pitcher of juice carried in the other. "Er, 'scuse me Viviana," he sidesteps the girl as she heads out. Blinking, he looks around the room at those left. "Was it me, or someone else this time?" Before anyone can answer he shrugs and moves to set down his burdens. "Brought food up from the kitchens, if you guys want some."

Fraya simply continues to smile her same old cheerful smile and she glances at P'draig with a grin. "Vivi's pretty, that's for sure. I envy her hair." A giggle escapes and she shakes her head. "That'd be too bad if you got in trouble for kissing, that seems like you've gone and kissed every girl you could." She offers with a playful tone. A glance towards the girl playing under the chair. She doesn't glance towards Viviana until she retreats, her brow quirking. "That girl is far too serious..." A glance towards Aleudre and she lifts her hand in greeting. "Oooh. Thank you Aleudre. I was hungry. And nah, it wasn't you. She's just too serious..."

"Sensitive," Lujayn thinks out loud. "I wouldn't like it if I thought people were calling me boring and moldy, either." Somehow conjuring a slow smile from the midst of the small explosion, she sighs. "Maybe you ought to leave it off a bit, Fray." She suggests, one brow raised. "If it's going to set her off every time like that; I don't really like having to put up with it. It wasn't you," Lu offers in way of greeting to Aleudre, more lightly. "I already ate, thanks."

P'draig remains leaning forward peering over at Palia who keeps on with her toddler occupation with the carpet threads. "Hmm? Oh, sure, I could stand a snack, thanks." The brownrider's head turns and he regards Aleudre curiously. "This is the other 'lu' fellow then huh? Well one of them anyway." And he settles back in his chair. "Have to agree with Lu a little here, poking at a riled wher isn't usually a good idea. So. Other than lots of similar names and huffy and moldy folks, what else's been keeping the lot of you busy while you wait?"

"Lu?" Aleudre queries, brow lifting and then the comment seems to register and he grins. "I guess that -could- be a nickname. I'm known as Aleudre tho', sir." He turns to Fraya with a head shake. "You giggle too much, probably just causes her to get even fussier with you. I don't think she even likes me." Shrug. "Oh, you know, those things chores." He grins and indicates the food that he's brought. "I'm trying to improve on those, you know," he directs at his fellow candidates.

Fraya shrugs her shoulders, tilting her head. "She was all correcting me the first time. Maybe it was because I mentioned something she told me the other day.. I guess she's sensitive about her favorite activities.. Why admit that you like doing it if you're going to hide it later? Makes no sense to me.. But, I won't call her that, then. If she's going to throw fits... Wasn't like that before." Se leans in and picks a few things from the plate, humming happily as she takes a bite. "Mmm. I ain't poking at her, she's just gotten in a weird mood since yesterday, I swear she was okay with it before. I mean, if it really bugged her the first time she shoulda said something then rather than leading me to believe she was fine." She takes another bite then shrugs. "Scavenger hunts, games, playing.. All fun stuff... Louvaen kissing goats.." She gives Aleudre a playful grin. "Not my fault I like to have fun, far more interesting than being stuffy and having no fun at all..." A pause and she lets out a soft oh. "And chores.. Chores." She peers at the food and gives a shrug, nibbling at it more.

"Sure, the scavenger hunt," Lujayn picks up on that, happy enough not to dwell on past unpleasantness. "The candidate coordinators sent us after things like catgut and beads from Milani's abacus," She explains to P'draig. "It ended a while ago, but I thought it was fun. Really filled up our little bits of free time." At the mention of chores, she merely blinks. "Today's my rest day, sorry. I don't remember any chores, do you?"

"Had a lot of that free time then?" P'draig asks next and winks at Lujayn. "Well met Aleudre," the Fortian offers up a hand towards the younger man. "Lujayn here was just mentioning that you and she and a fellow named Louvaen all had similar sounds in your names and when I walked in, we had Niena, Fraya and Viviana, which all end in A sounds." Palia tires of the carpet threads and folds her hands under her head, pillowing her cheek there. "Hmm. Looks like a little someone might need a spot to lie down for a nap. And rest days are very good things. Got one myself right now."

Aleudre nods his head as he listens to P'draig. "Ah, yes. You look familiar. I think I saw you when I was there and managed to impress two fire lizards. Doubt you remember me though." He looks to Fraya and grins. "Just ignore her, then? No need to let her bother you." He nods at Lujayn. "I don't like chores m'self. Rest days are best."

Fraya smiles, moving on as Lujayn does. "That was so much fun. I got a room to spy from now. I can't wait to use it more. I'm going to spy all the time!" She exclaims happily, giggling more. "I really liked the scavenger hunt, though I didn't win with Louvaen. We had a lot of fun. No need to really win." A glance towards P'draig and she grins, pressing a finger to her lip. "Shhhh. You're going to give away my secret if you keep talking about it like that." Winking playfully she tilts her head to Aleudre. "I suppose not... Chores aren't so bad as long as you don't get smelly ones where it smells bad or ones that make you hurt."

"Oh, the one where Creston had eggs?" P'draig hazards a guess and peers at Aleudre more closely. "You do look vaguely familiar. That was kind of a crazy day though. I was trying /not/ to attract any interest from the critters." He blinks over at Fraya. "Huh? You've got a secret? And chores're chores. No matter what you do, there's some kind of them to be done."

Aleudre nods his head. "I could do without any of them, myself. Much rather be doing what I know and am used to doing - which is my /own/ work and not drudgery for someone else." He rocks back on his heels and grins at P'draig. "Yeah, that was the fellow's name. I wasn't that lucky, ended up impressing two of'm. Surprisingly, the green's quite smart and has learned a few notable tricks." He grins, reaches for a snack for himself and chews thoughtfully.

Fraya nods at P'draig, wrinkling her nose. "It's a secret. And 'course I got a secret. A lotta the candidates share the secret. Tis a secret group." She says giving a sage nod before glancing at Aleudre. "Aw, don't be a baby. You gotta do your share in the Weyr too, silly. Can't just come and expect to be fed and cared for and not give anything back." Grinning, she stuffs the rest of her snack into her mouth and happily munches away at it.

Lujayn laughs dryly. "Free time? Not really, but I didn't notice so much with the scavenger hunt to work on." She tilts her head to watch Palia again. "Maybe the nannies will let her take an empty cot in the nursery?" Idly letting conversation flow while smiling down at the snoozing tot, but looks up at Fraya after she speaks again. "There's no one interesting to spy on, though," Lu notes. "And I'm going to be more careful about what I say in the living cavern now that I know you'll be watching..."

"Well aren't we high and mighty," P'draig needles mildly. "And sure, firelizards can be trained. Just have to stick with it, not let them go do whatever they want." Fraya's further words on secrets earn a further laugh. "Suppose so, happens when you get a group of kids your age together and stick them on such harsh chores for a while under nervous circumstances." And it's highly likely he's teasing for the gleam in his eyes. "Yeah, I think I'm going to take her down there actually. Anyone fancy going for a swim after I get her down?"

Fraya giggles at Lujayn placing her fingers on her lips. "I'd never tell what I heard if it were good enough." There's a playful wink before she giggles loudly. A glance towards P'draig and she quirks a brow. "Hmm. Well, our group does extraordinary things." That's all she says on that as she gives a sage nod. Leaning over she snags more snacks and nibbles on them. "A swim? Hm. I don't know..."

Lujayn remains unconvinced, but grins at Fraya. "Still, I won't talk so loudly." P'draig's offer gets a hearty nod, "There's a good diving pool here, especially since it's so hot. Everyone kept telling me how cold High Reaches was, but it's the wrong season for trying to convince me." Lu can only shake her head at the other girl's claims, silently amused.

P'draig rises and starts the delicate process of easing Palia, mumbly and sleepy out from under the chair to take her to the nursery. "Oh I know, Lu. Remember, I grew up here. Spent many an hour diving off that cliff when I was a kid. And yeah, it's been a pretty hot summer!" As he gets Palia free of the chair, he curls her up in his arms and starts to retreat back the way he came in, snagging a snack from Aleudre's tray on the way by. "So I'll catch up to any swimmers out by the lake, okay? Pleasure meeting you Fraya, Aleudre, again." And he's off around the corner.

Fraya giggles softly, shrugging. "Maybe... But maybe I'll still hear." There's a playful wink in Lujayn's direction. There's a shrug. "I don't mind the weather now. When I first came I still thought it was cold now it just seems kinda mild..." She muses, tapping her chin before she leans in for another snack.

Lujayn waves to the departing rider and his daughter, rising after another moment. "I'm going to get my swimming things, then. You should come out, Fraya; it won't be summer forever." She hints, heading off towards the candidate barracks with a hopeful smile.

palia, niena, p'draig, lujayn, aleudre, fraya, viviana

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