Log: Shooting Stars

Sep 25, 2004 17:14

What: P'draig and Piper finally kiss.

"You think we want to dunk you?" Piper's mirth gets the better of her as her eyes sparkle, "Now what would give you that idea?" She peers at the rider currently sitting on the dunking platform, "Besides, how'd you talk him into giving up his spot?" she queries with a sideways nudge at Padraig.

Padraig grins and shrugs. "Hey ... just trying to be a good sport ... 'sides ... wouldn't anyone in his shoes want a break?" He lounges against the side of the tank, idly watching.

Julisin seems rather dissillusioned with the fairgrounds and heads back over to Piper and Padraig, "well I'm going to head off. Got to get some chores done, and I promised Char I'd help her with hers." Julisin pauses, "Ah, I'm a sucker for a sweet face." He grins, then nods, "Right, well I'll see you guys back there." With that, he turns, wandering off towards the bowl.

"Perhaps," Piper offers as she waves to a departing Julisin, "Instead of getting yourself dunked by my oh-so-great aim," she swallows, as if she were nervous, "Perhaps it's my turn to treat you to the ride I promised you?"

Padraig waves after Julisin, chuckling for the "sucker for a sweet face" comment. "Good luck with those Julisin," he sends after the Candidate then takes a deep breath and pushes away from the tank. He looks at Piper for a moment and nods. "If you'd care to m'lady ... or if you'd prefer, a simple walk, I am at your disposal," he says and bows. His face, as it vanishes when he bends, is a rather comical blend of anticipation and stark fear.

"A promise is a promise," Piper says, "Though I wouldn't mind a walk afterwards, but come on," she says, securing his hand with hers, "My turn to be nice to you, since you're always so nice to me." She leads the way over to the Shooting Stars ride.

Shooting Stars ride.
The curtain parts and you gently float into the ebony darkness of this ride. The attendent stands by ready to 'startride' then takes a mug of klah to enjoy the next ten candlemarks as a break and give the couple some privacy.

Padraig can't argue with anything Piper just said so he just lets himself get tugged over to the ride and climbs aboard.

Piper nods to the attendent signaling for the ride to begin.

The skiff begins to move gently, slowly into the darkened tunnel, water lapping lightly against the rocking boat as soft musical airy pipes begin to play a whispery melody that echos and rebounds hauntingly around the wooden seated craft.

"This is nice," murmurs Piper, "Though maybe not exciting enough for you?" she asks, looking sideways at the candidate seated beside her, "No flying through the air, or stairs falling through..."

Soft twinklings then bright flashes of lights twirl overhead in the darkness, creating fading trails of light much like shooting stars flying across the blackened night sky. Moments later a large glowing moon raises and arc's over the skiff.

The skiff begins a slow 180 degree turn as small shooting spirals of water fountain upwards in tiny spurts and turns, making ripples on the water that now float large glow filled flower blossoms, that reflect in the dark watery surface.

Padraig settles down and sits for a moment, just getting comfortable, though the music seems to make him a little on edge. But then he's blinking at Piper as she speaks and just slips his arm around her lightly. "I don't need stairs falling and whooshing air to have a good time with you Piper. You're plenty fun even when we're just flopped on our cots making snappy remarks at each other." He reaches down to claim one of her hands and brings it to his lips slowly, looking up at her, as if for permission.

The glowing moon sets behind a sheer sisal of a large blooming willow tree with branches parting like a curtain, inviting the tiny boat inside its welcoming warmth, then closes behind the small craft.
The bright flashing of light spots add to the display of firelizards in flight with colourful ribbons trailing behind them as they dart overhead in an aerial dance, in time to the windy pipe music.
The skiff picks up speed as it skims over the flowing water. Suddenly the boat rocks as it hits rough rapids and the firelizards quickly go *between*. The flashes of light stop and slowly soft glows resting on large leaves pass by returning some light to the darkness.

Piper's answering smile is almost bashful as she says, "I'm only snappy because you're always writing something or other and I'm curi..." she stops herself and admits, "Nosy about what it is." Her voice is soft, as if the play of light, music, and general ambience is working on her words. She lets her eyes drift away from Padraig to note the surroundings briefly, adding, "It is lovely in here," before they return to her skiff-mate, "Padraig," she begins, "I..." she stops, voice catching in her throat.

The boat finally slows as the water current calms and the flashes of lights start once again overhead. Soft drums are heard beating a slow steady rhythem as the skiff drifts onwards towards a curtain of ribbons and flowers.

Padraig gently kisses the back of her hand, then swallows hard and draws it forward to rest over his heart. "And I'm a rascally scoundrel and I like making you guess ..." he says with a bit of a laugh. Then he moves his hand to touch her cheek gently. "What is it Piper?" He seems mostly oblivious to his surroundings.

Fireworks explode overhead with a multitude of brightly balloning colors that dazzle the eye, lighting up the room in a blaze of rosey reads and darker blues, then returning to the dimly lit calm as they fade.

The boat glides through the ribbons bound with blossoms that kiss the prow as it passes by. Scattered within the hedge of the blooms and overhead are tiny globes of frosted glass that flicker with dimming glowlights.

That is, until the fireworks start and he looks up at the lights.

Drifting from the tunnel of blossoms, the skiff eases into a room filled with colored globes of glows. Like odd stars, they reflect waveringly in the water. Hanging from above and peppering the sides of the tunnel, the diffuse light may disorient those in the boat a bit - up is down and down is up?
The exit comes into view as the ride slows then stops and an assistant steps forward to moor the skiff securely. "Hope you enjoyed your ride. Please watch your step as you're leaving." He points the way to the exit flap. 'Leave'

Piper enjoys the moment of time where she can watch Padraig's face when he's not watching her. It's a moment to gather her thoughts, and just revel in being there, together, with no eggs on the sands, no nasty Igen blueriders, nothing to detract. She leans in a little bit, to nestle her cheek into his hand, "I don't want this to end," she finally says.

Padraig's eyes return to her face and there's that convulsive movement of his throat again. "Me neither ..." he says softly. And this time, as his hand gently cups her cheek, and he leans forward, there are no inconvenient interruptions, just the quiet darkness and gentle glow-light as his lips seek hers, light as vtol-wings.

There's not a trace of resistance as Piper leans up to meet him, the barest brushing of lips sending a shiver down her spine, drawing her closer. Eyes closed, her hand steals up hesitantly to mirror his, fingers just barely alighting on his jaw as her soft sigh is audible.

Padraig relaxes a bit as he meets no resistance and in fact, sweet acceptance. His hand drifts up into auburn hair, cradling the back of her head as the kiss deepens just a little. His arm, which had been around her shoulders, drops down a little, to hover around her waist, pulling her against him. His eyes drift closed as well, savoring the moment, even if his movements are a bit tentative, even over-light in his care not to do anything wrong.

A twinkling of bright lights skitter across the watery surface surrounding the floating wooden craft. Quickly fading leaving the riders in momentary solitude and darkness.

Piper has no complaints as she follows where Padraig leads, her lips parting ever so slightly to allow the deepening of the kiss. The hand that had been skimming his jaw slides, fingertips brushing down to curl against the nape of his neck as her body pliably fills in the gaps between the pair when he pulls her against him. She may not be overtly skilled in this area, but her responses are genuine.

Padraig continues the kiss for a moment longer, then breaks off, pulling her closer and burying his face in her neck. He breathes in and out a few times, as if struggling for control of himself. When he speaks, his voice is muffled and ragged. "I can't make you any promises Piper ... because I don't know what's going to happen on the Sands ... but ... I ... care for you so very much."

A twinkling of bright lights skitter across the watery surface surrounding the floating wooden craft. Quickly fading leaving the riders in momentary solitude and darkness.

Piper's struggle seems to be catching her breath, and surely, from Padraig's position, he can hear the rapid thudding away of her heart, perhaps even feel it pounding like it just might jump out of her chest. Her voice is soft, sounding almost lost, as she offers, "I didn't ask you to promise me anything." She's holding him to her more as an anchor to her rapidly spinning world than for him.

Padraig clears his throat with some difficulty. "I know you didn't ... " he says, still in that ragged voice. "But I needed to say it ... I've been trying to come up with the right words for days ... that's what I was writing earlier ... you can still read it if you want to ..." he trails off and lifts his head, leaning back now so he can collect her against him and wrap both arms around her to be that anchor if she chooses. "Your heart sounds like dragons thrumming ..." he toys with a strand of her hair, gentle still, or at least trying to, though fingers tangle it a little.

Piper isn't ever going to want to get off this ride. It might be a problem. Man does not live by Shooting Stars alone. She's snuggled in as she can get and nods, her cheek nuzzling against his chest as she replies, "I do want that letter," not just to read, apparently, but to keep, "And," some of her equilibrium must've returned thanks to her anchor, although her heart continues its palpitations, "I seem to remember something about a list with my name on it," she squirms enough so that she can look up at Padraig's face, "Am I ever going to know what that's all about?" She plants the lightest of kisses on his chin, seeming nearly drunk on the fact that she can do that now.

Fireworks explode overhead with a multitude of brightly balloning colors that dazzle the eye, lighting up the room in a blaze of rosey reads and darker blues, then returning to the dimly lit calm as they fade.

It might just be the fireworks that color his face pink. Who can say, the light's too dim. Or is it? He looks down at her, fingers wandering her cheek again with as much tenderness as they awkwardly can. "You shall have it then ... and um ... the list ... heh ..." He looks down at her steadily, for all he seems embarrassed now. "The marks were ... they meant I'd kind of like to kiss that girl ..." he says quietly and then rapidly adds. "Except now ... I only want to kiss one." He shivers a little as her kiss lands on his chin. "And she just did."

A school of fish quietly swim around the tiny boat, creating a light under current that gently sets the skiff to start turning, before they leap out of the water and arc overhead only to dive back in with a soft *splash* and quickly are lost from sight again.

Piper is feeling good enough to not sound entirely put out that, "Nearly every girl in our candidate class was on that list!" she protests, her face rather aglow as well, as her voice softens again as she admits, "Every time we went for a walk...I wondered what it'd be like to have you kiss me like that," she's managed to find her little niche against his shoulder again so that she doesn't have to endure scrutiny as she speaks.

Padraig shakes his head. "Not the special marks ..." he protests lightly. "Remember ... only three had squiggles ..." then his voice trails off as she delivers that particular bit of news. "Really?" he says, utterly astonished. "Wow ... I had no idea ... I've been wanting to for -weeks-" His hand continues to trail through her hair gently. The other massages her shoulder and back lightly, almost an unconscious gesture of reassurance.

It's Piper's turn to look shocked, "Really? Weeks? I thought...I thought you were just being nice like you're nice to everybody," she muses, "I...well, I sort of hoped you felt something, but I wasn't sure." Her smile turns ruefully upwards as her eyes, looking a particularly muddled shade of hazel in the light of the ride, connect with is, "I'm not really very...experienced," is the word she chooses.

Padraig laughs a bit breathlessly. "Shells no ... Piper if I didn't like you this much, I'd have been pranking you a lot more ... putting trundlebugs in your shoes, or shorting your sheets and otherwise making your life miserable ..." he says mostly jokingly. "You're so beautiful ..." he says rather shyly, "... and so ... lively ... I ..." He's definitely blushing now. "You make me feel hot and cold all at once every time I see you." How's that for bare honesty. His voice sounds suspiciously shaky again. "Piper ... dearest Piper ... did you think I was? I ... uh ... well only one other girl's ever kissed me before and ... honestly? It was -weird-, I've no more idea of what to do than you do ... but I guess we're not so bad at figuring it out?" He sounds very very hopeful.

Piper just can't help it, she cradles his face in both of her hands and as eyelids flicker shut, she brings her lips to his, the touch gentle, undemanding, yet clearly full of feeling. She draws back unsteadily but not right away, her voice almost sounding gravelly with emotion as she agrees, "If this is weird, I'm beginning to think I like weird quite a lot." His words have flushed her entirely, and her voice is barely a whisper as she adds, "I'm so used to being able to say exactly what I think and what I feel, but when I'm with you, the words just dissapear, and all that's left is this indescribable warmth that could light a thousand bonfires...or even," her lips curl into a laughing smile, "A million cold Fortian mornings."

Padraig is delighted to return those attentions even if briefly and his own breath is short indeed when she pulls back. "Oh it's not weird at all with you ... not at all ... it's like those fireworks up there ..." he juts his chin out vaguely toward the ceiling. "I'm so happy right now I could burst," he says in that voice that saws all over the scale and then his arms pull her close again. "I never want to let you go ... and yet ... I know that we may have to ... soon."

"Very soon," Piper agrees, sobering, as the ride seems to be coming to a close. Neither the operator nor the line of the waiting is yet visible, but voices are audible up ahead. Piper swallows, "I know there's a lot that will change, no matter what happens, but..." she struggles, "I don't want this to be over, not when it is just beginning..."

Padraig nods, sighing a little as he listens. "Right ... me either ... and yet ... I don't know how to leave it Piper ... this is new for me too ... I've never felt this way about anyone before."

Piper's heartstrings are tugged this way and that, and she makes herself straighten and sit upright again, though peeling herself away from Padraig takes a fair bit of effort on her part, and she can't let go entirely, squeezing his hand in hers, "I know." Few words convey the complexity of the situation. "I guess there's nothing to do but wait and see...I just..." Piper lapses into silence, daunted by the uncontrollable before them. She swallows, her voice seeming thick as she speaks again, all the time keeping her gaze levelly on the point at which their hands are joined, "I promise you that if you should Impress, and I don't, I promise I won't leave without saying goodbye..." her words are almost running together in her haste to get them out, "And I promise that I'll never forget you...I couldn't even if I wanted to."

Padraig makes a soft sound of protest as she moves away and his fingers tighten around hers. "Piper ..." he breathes out and then quiets as she speaks. "Yes ... that ... yes ... wait and see," he says rather mournfully, then he's silent again, there's a lot of nervous swallowing going on here tonight. "And I promise the same ... you will be in my heart always ... no matter what." And then he can't help it, he's pulling her tight against him a bit more forcefully this time and kissing her soundly, tentativeness forgotten, just making the most of the few seconds they have left in the dark.

Soft flower petals rain down around the skiff filling the tunnel with thier fragrance.

Piper might be trying to pull herself together and prepare for their exit back into the real world, but there's not a snowball's chance in Southern that she's going to squander the precious time that remains. Her response is like a moth to the flame, her kiss a bit more urgent and empassioned. But the sounds of life outside the ride are getting closer, and so it is that they're driven apart by it. She tucks her hair back again, straightening her runnertail and takes a deep breath, "I think I'd better head back to the barracks alone...there's probably already talk," she says.

Padraig answers in kind, to the extent that time allows and then pulls back, leaning into the far corner of the seat, breathless again. He lets her go, running both hands over his face and straightening his clothing a bit. He also crosses one leg over the other and tries to look casual. Just two Candidates enjoying the sights, yep. "As you wish m'lady," he says still a bit huskily. "Tonight, I will walk the lake alone ... and dream of the stars in your eyes." Then he laughs. "Faranth help me ... I'm turning into a sharding Harper."

Piper finds a small laugh from somewhere within herself, and teases lightly, "I'm sure my mother'd be happy to take you on as an apprentice if you'd like," she steps out of the skiff and past the line for the ride, thanking the operator for his assistance getting out, before telling Padraig, "Have a nice walk." The bland words don't seem so empty as they might, as her face is chock full of surpressed emotion as she turns to hurry off to the barracks.

Padraig exits the skiff as well, absently thanking the attendant. "I'm sure she would," he says in response to Piper's remark. "But I'm not sure I'm cut out for it. He sticks his hands in his pockets as he waits to give her a head start back and then blinks. "Oh ... Piper ... wait," he calls after her and pulls out a now rather crumpled piece of hide. "Your letter ..." he trails off, face equally as full of a motley of emotions.

Piper is, much as it would be to her dismay, already out of earshot, her sojourn across the beach and the bowl rather more rapid than need be as she heads toward the sanctuary of the barracks.

julisin, candidacy1, padraig, piper

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