Log: Hatching of Dowanth and Niyath's , Part 2

Sep 26, 2004 00:10

A tremor takes the Goodnight Moon Egg. A single crack appears in the center of the moon and spreads. It runs along its length and divides into make paths through the comb and brush. For a moment, it sleeps in perfect silence, waiting. Then, a gleam of gold is seen as the hatchling pushes her muzzle out from the center of the moon sending a spray of shards flying. She pushes her way out and flows out of the egg. With a snort, she pulls herself upright and gets her feet firmly planted on the ground.

Chunky Polished Gold Dragonet

Polished gold fresh from the ore refineries has no match on this hatchling for purity of colour. Her gleaming gold hide is smooth and consistent, unmarred save for her neck and wings. At the base of her throat is a glimmer of coppery green mingled with charcoal. This imperfection washes into her wings across the spars and down along the tips and trailing edges. Save for this minor variation, her molten colour is unblemished. Her muzzle is an aquiline slash of classic elegance, jeweled eyes set wide apart in an intelligent face. This and her near flawless hide is where her perfection ends. Her wings seem large compared to her body, her legs small, and her neck short. The unkind may say that she is 'chunky', though that may change as she grows. Burnished amber forms around each sharp talon, nestling the damp ivory which makes up this hatchling's claws.

Scintillating Viridian Green Dragonet suddenly sneezes rather loudly considering her small form, and blinks. The last cloud of sand made her stop. Tilting her head to one side, her gaze now focuses on the white forms again and there. Where it just moved. Arching her little neck she peers and even hops forward. carefully, this time.

"It is a change from what's it's been like around here, that I agree, but Lee," Piper darts a smile in the older candidate's direction, "How can you possibly even concentrate on it with all this going on...oh my!" she declares, her voice lifting, "Look, look," she tugs at Padraig's hand as she points over to Charlie.

"Oh..I recall." Xandra then releases her hair and bruhes herself down. She stands ready. "I can dodge if I have to. You'll seeeeee!" She squeaks and stares at the newly hatched gold. "..." at a loss for words, she simply gapes. Slack of jaw.

The Rumbly in My Tumbly Egg has been quivering for some time now. Finally, flakes of honeycomb begin to shatter off, and then the paw print shadow tears down the center with a wet, splurching sound. The movement strands a Honeyed Sweetness Green Dragonet on her back, and she goggles at the bright colors for a moment before clumsily gaining her feet.

Honeyed Sweetness Green Dragonet

Rich honey drips over this hatchling's zaftig figure, highlighting the dusky basil green of her snub-nosed muzzle, roly-poly sides and quirking curl of a tail. Palest amber pools upon her feet in the glint of her talons, perhaps some snack intended but forgotten; trickles from curve of jaw, down neck and curls between her forelegs, before being swallowed underneath the shadowy asparagus that covers her shoulders and half her belly. Saucer-round eyes startle in perpetual innocence under broadly-set headknobs, echoed in the wide-sparred wings almost laughably short.

R'yat stands near P'ter and Ramya, a wide proud smile curving his lips as everything seems to go rather well. He does lift a brow tho, at the sight of Fort's newest Gold.

Jenna nudges P'wert again. "Is that Charlie over there with that blue?" Her attention is on the new pairing, waiting to hear a name in all the chaos.

Padraig can't ignore the tugging, nope and he swings around. "Charlie!" he yelps and then lets out a whoop of congratulations for his fellow Candidate. "All right!" he says happily and shifts his right foot, knocking his sandal loos. "Shells ..." he mutters and bends down put it back on properly and loop the strap closed.

P'wert breathes a sigh as the Gold hatchling breaks shell. "Oh look, Jenna. . . " Dowanth trumpets proudly at the arrival of his newest daughter. P'wert's face is no less proud. "Shards." Jenna's nudge distracts him, and he looks. "I think it may be."

P'ter ahs, "There we are, another one." He tilts his head to one side, "Whoa, there was a good bit of food in that egg. That's one nicely developed dragonette. She's going to be a beauty."

Ramya watches as the eggs hatch and grins when she sees Charlie and the blue dragonet.

Charlie tremors before stepping forward and brushing a hand over the blue's cheek, a soft smile on her face, almost unbelieving. "Let's go eat, shall we, Endanth?" Her voice is shaky but she glances up, her happiness curled into a huge grin. "His name his Endanth!"

Lexiana is standing next to Charlie and when the blue comes running for them, she jumps to the side just as the blue looks up at Charlie. "Oh, Charlie. Congratulation." But just then the gold that hatch catches her attention. "Oh, look at her, Piper."

Acadia sees Charlie Impress and says quietly to Xandra, "See Charlie? When a dragon does something like that then you know it's okay to pet or hug him or her. They're matched for life."

V'yse hurries his way over to Charlie, reaching for her with a hand to help steady her if she needs it, his grin huge and goofy. "Congradulations, Charlie! Endanth is a wonderful name. Please, come with me and we'll get him some food right away."

Jenna's brow furrows, "Look where? Oh. Niyath, love, you didn't tell me." Her head turns to view the newest arrivals on the sands, much as Niyath's does. At Dowanth's trumpet, Niyath just looks faintly smug.

Xandra says "Oh...yes...I see..." She turns and blinks at Charlie then "Oh YES! I see now! Oh..." She turns back and stands on her left leg "Did you see the Gold, Acadia? Did you?""

Endanth nudges Charlie gently and croons ever so softly in contentment.

Kyan can defend his sis against some things, but even as he catches sight of the blue's direction and starts to get defensive, well... Charlie moves away. "Charlie, hey--!" the boy starts, but then she says a name, and he subsides with eyes wide. "Aww. Well. Gee." Suddenly confused, he backs off a couple of paces, forgetting the other hatchlings. "Hey, uh, congratulations." His sister! Clearly he feels bizarre offering that to her.

Piper watches happiness unfurl across Charlie's features and just beams, "Endanth...how endearing," she puns, giving a little giggle that halts as she has to release Padraig's hand to let him fool with his sandals, talking to Lexiana in the meanwhile and completely missing the newest pair of hatchling, "Oh, Lex, did you see her smile?"

Julisin lets go of Charlie's hand, offering her a smile, "Well done, Char. He's a beauty." Julisin steps back, arms folding across his chest, then eyes drifting from the union over to the gold, "Well... Who'd of thought." Julisin shifts again, awkward, his cheeks flushed red from the sand's heat. One hand reaches up, wiping away the beadlets of sweat that threaten to roll down his forehead, "Whew.." He moves a bit closer to Kyan, eyes still searching the sands.

Honeyed Sweetness Green Dragonet seems to take an unusually long time to get to her feet, as though making a mental inventory of every part and assuring herself that they're in working order. This dones she lurches upright with a remarkably cheerful warble compared to thre creels of many of her clutchmates, and peers around with frank curiosity. Though the attention span is short - first she's looking at a clutchmate, then a /fascinating/ bit of shell, and now she seems to be contemplating her own feet....

Leeana's eyes go wide at the myriads of Hatchings and Impressions all around her. "Well, I guess you have a point, Piper." She returns the smile, but focuses her attention on Charlie. "Hey, congrats!" Said a bit late, but the thought was there.

Acadia nods. "I see her now, along with another green dragon! Seems Dowanth is proud of his daughters, judging by that trumpet!" She mops the sweat off her face with her sleeve, and adjusts her stance a bit for a better view of the three dragonets on the sands.

Seeming to turn around in her skin and make a last leap and bound, the Vivacious and Scintillating Viridian Green comes to a halt. A spray of sand covers the nearby candidates as she looks up at the dark-brown haired girl she has chosen. Hers. Her Leeana.

Padraig straightens up with shoes fixed up and -blinks- as he sights gold hide amongst the wandering hatchlings and then he -freezes- as that green sidles up to Leeana. He's reaching for Piper's hand again rather urgently, eyes wide. "There's ... one ... right ... here ..."

Chunky Polished Gold Dragonet looks around, curious at her first sight of this new world. She arches her neck upwards, staring at sire and dam, uttering a little croon. She lowers her gaze and studies these little pink things carefully. A careful first step and she's on her way, searching for that one.

Ringed Egg sits still for a moment, almost unnoticed. Bits of shell flake off despite this, almost as if the process, once started, keeps mounting without effort.

Lexiana takes two steps back when Dowanth sounds his hello, shaking her head a bit, she smile sleepily. "Yes, he does. Acadia."

Xandra nods and says "Loud, isn't he? Oh hrm." She changes legs and then relaxes some "Well, it hasn't seemed to be dangerous so far. And look how many there are now! Aren't they /pretty/?"

Leeana drops to her knees in the sand, smile turned to a full grin and tears pricking at her eyes. "You /have/ found me." She raises her head to the rest of the candidates, to the Stands, and announces, voice filled with pride, "Her name is Yrath!"

V'yse jogs out to the sands just in time to catch Leeana's green make her choice. Weaving his way over to the girl, he gently begins to lead her off the sands. " Yrath is a beautiful name. Come this way, we'll get some food for her. Congradulations, Leanna."

Rising and falling like a galloping horse, the Golden Dell Egg rocks back and forth. Cracks spider their way across its length preparing to give birth to that which hides inside. A brown coloured like the trunks of a skybroom tree breaks forth in a spray of small shards, creeling to announce his arrival. He travels like a rushing water over the sands avoiding all obstacles before they can avoid him. Over there, a bright gold-haired candidate catches his eye. As one, the meet, wobbling in their stances at the shock of impression. Almost a formal bow complete their first greeting, and they hurry of the sands. She murmurs to herself as she departs, "Maladurth. I would brave anything, for you

Piper blindly grabs for Padraig's hand again, something to anchor her in the maelstrom of activity all around her. She overhears Acadia's comment about Dowanth and flashes a grin at the sire who searched her, laughing, "He can be quite vociferous when he wants something...ask me and Lee...Lee!" Piper actually bounces up and down in sheer joy and excitement.

Jenna ahs at P'wert. "And that little green nabbed Leeana, wasn't it?"

Acadia congratulates Leeana on finding Yrath, and chuckles to Lexiana. "I think my ears will ring for a day or so. Just the thing to distract me from my feet!"

Lexiana claps for Leanna. "Congrats, Leanna." but her attention moves to the sands where the other eggs are starting to rock.

Julisin smiles over at Leeana, grinning, "Well done!" He stands in his spot quietly, not sure what way to look. The new brown hatchling catches his eye, and Julisin can't help but grin again as one of his fellow candidate's impress, "Ah! Maladurth, that's a lovely name!" He pauses again, then shofts his gaze over to the other eggs, 'brows lowered in concentration.

Padraig gets to gape again and then beam brightly at Leeana walks off the Sands with Yrath. "Huzzah for Lee!" he joins Piper in exclaiming though he's not bouncing up and down, nope. "It's going so fast ..." he says with a bit of a laugh and runs his free hand through his hair briefly.

Chunky Polished Gold Dragonet steps on a shard of one of the other eggs. It cracks beneath her feet. Fascinated, she looks down at it, watching for just a moment as the cracks travel. With a little shake of her head, she continues back to what's important. A boy stands in her way, but jumps out of it quickly, receiving a snort from the hatchling.

Honeyed Sweetness Green Dragonet finally breaks off from her fascinating toes to return to some semblance of interest in the world around her. But there's so much to look at! Her neck snakes frantically trying to take it all in...and then the gaze fixes on the white robes in her line of vision. Now they /really/ look interesting. Her stumbling steps take her closer to the candidates.

Kyan knows Julisin far less than his sister, of course, so gives the other boy a sidelong look, but sidles closer. At least it keeps his back a little more guarded.

P'wert nods in agreement, "Leeana and Yrath - Shards, Charlie, too. They're all beautiful, Jenna, aren't they? Even that green in its own way. I'm surprised Niyath wouldn't tell you, though. Dowanth said she was taking good care of the egg, but . . ." he shrugs, "She was taking a fair bit of care with the others, too."

Shuddering one last time, the Ringed Egg stops moving. Small cracks spread, spawning yet smaller fissures, before the entire egg shatters, all in the briefest instant. Breaking through the hail storm of shell-fragments, the Winter's Breath Bronze Hatchling rears up, shaking off the last remnants of his former prison.

Winter's Breath Bronze Dragonet

The sun rises over a northern ice field, a glaring conflagration which resolves into the form of a just-Hatched bronze. Pale fire licks fingers down his lean back, a bronze so misty as to be almost white. Burly shoulders flare into long wingspars of fog-touched verdigris, dripping down into pale wingsails of light caramel flame. The sails are wide for the spars' length, the trailing edges kissed again with the ice floe's flaming breath. His long tail, over-narrow for his size, is tinged with the faintest glimmer of russet, echoed in the darker grasp of talon. Powerful shoulders burning with embers lurch into a cobby neck, the pyre cooled in exhalations of steam-touched jade only to be blown away with a breath from his wide white-bronze muzzle.

Lexiana watches the female dragonets on the sand with some fascination. "They both have wonderful hides, don't you think Acadia and then when the bronze hatches, she smiles at Piper. "Look, Piper. We where right."

Xandra twitches somewhat, and then relaxes "I wonder what they look for in a person..." She looks about, a little slack jawed still

Wind in the Willows Egg rocks more violently than before. An audible thud comes from within the egg and it tips up almost onto it's end, hangs there for a second and then falls back. A second thud and this time the egg twists, rolls out of it's sandy nest and starts to shake violently, vibrating all the way to the slope on the edge of the hatching mound.

A crack forms at the start of the golden ribbon traversing Poppy Fields Egg. It travels along it, following the path with clean precision until it ends in the middle of the red-speckled green field. From there, they split off in every direction until coming to a lazy stop. The egg slowly falls apart around a blue. It seems to weariness of breaking free of his shell has caught up with him. He's curled up almost though sleeping. A startled creel announces the end of his rest. Wings spread and he travels across the golden sands heading for that nice candidate, Tyelami. She steps carefully towards, caressing his head gently, "I know you're tired and hungry, Oymith. Let's follow her." She points to an assistant, and together they leave, walking in step.

Piper's gaze pivots instantly to see what Lexiana's talking about, and spots the last shards of the evil looking egg flying through the air, "We did, we did!" she utters, talking much more like the adolescent she is instead of her usually literate and wordy statements, she turns a beam to Padraig, "Lexi and I were sure that was going to be a dangerous bronze, and just look at him! Faranth help his mate!"

Winter's Breath Bronze Dragonet gives a snort of annoyance at the shell fragments still clinging to him. He drops to the sands and rolls, getting grains all over him. He unsteadily regains his feet and then wiggles his rump. Ah.... that's better.

Acadia shrugs one shoulder. "I don't know, Xandra. I don't think anybody does, since they always Search lots more Candidates than they need." She eyes the bronze that just hatched and says idly, "I'm glad I never bet on what dragon would come out of that egg like some of the others did. I'd have been wrong."

Lexiana chuckles at Piper. "My brother owes me now." She seems to be boiling over with happiness. "I almost feel sorry for the boys."

Julisin turns, catching a glimpse of bronze hide. Icy eyes widen ever so slightly, Julisin's lips parting to let forth a gasp, "Wow, he sure looks like a handful.." Julisin pauses, wiping sticky palms across his robe, leaving stains of dirt and grime. That, however, is forgotten, as his gaze swings forth between the gold and bronze, his expression still conveying his nerves.

The Wind in the Willows egg, after all its violent tumbling, rolling, and shaking, finally seems to have its act together. It makes one great bounce, then bursts open as it lands, sending shards flying pell-nell everywhere and leaving its occupant to sprawl out ungracefully on the sands. Heads up, candidates!

Valiant Mouse Brown Dragonet

He is small, he is sleek, and he is compact. Everything about this young dragonet is about agility and nothing about power. Lithe and skinny, his color is a rare hue, a grayed mouse brown that makes for a smooth and even pattern along his hide. Subtle markings of darker browns form short streaks all down his body, flowing in one direction like a supple fur coat from head to tail, while paling to an almost completely grey color along his chest and underbelly. His legs are a bit on the short side, and yet they provide him with quick movement; each is abrupt and calculated, and often his walk is more like a scurry over the ground. Each finger and toe ends in long, delicate pink claws, a pale, barely-noticeable hue that also tips the end of his rounded nose. A long, skinny, whip-like tail and large, floppy grayed wings give him a bit of a goofy appearance, though many might describe such as 'cute' -- such is further accented by innocently rounded facial features, large eyes, and tiny rounded headknobs.

Honeyed Sweetness Green Dragonet has now closed up with one group of candidates, and seems to be intent on inspecting them from head to foot. One boy seems to catch her attention for a second...no, she's gone past him. That boy next to him is getting closely inspected too - and then suddenly her eyes have fallen on the girl at the far end of the group, with a long dark runnertail. That seems to amaze her, she actually blunders in a full circle round the Candidate to look closer before returning to the front of the group.

Padraig laughs at Piper's words, nodding. "Sure sure ... nice looking fellow too, for that matter," he says tipping his head to the side slightly to admire the young dragon, then he's poking Piper slightly with one elbow. "Gold, Piper ..." he says, nodding his head slightly.

Chunky Polished Gold Dragonet croons to her newborn bronze clutch mate as she passes by. Over there, a bit of excitement catches her eye. She hurries along, dodging other candidates without even looking as she heads in the direction of that tubby girl right next to the boy.

Xandra squeaks a little more "Bronze and gold..it's so shiny!" She clasps her hands and watches the path of the gold and points "Looksee where she's off to! Oh!" she spots Paddy and Piper and frowns "Oh I...I see now..."

"Huh?" ever so eloquent these days, Piper turns to see what Padraig's talking about and blinks as she hops up on the balls of her feet a la P'wert's instructions. She may be a little on the round side, but she'll prove she's agile! "When did /that/ happen - look at her go!"

The Chunky Polished Gold stumbles towards a girl with dark auburn hair. She stops in front of her, a short distance away. She looks at the adolescent girl's feet consideringly and works her way up to those eyes. Then she stops. A loud creel like a trumpet blaring echoes the hatching grounds as she lurches towards Piper. She pauses, then takes a final step towards the girl and butts her hand ever so gently.

Padraig eyes the gold's determined progress and looks around. "Yeah ... she sure is moving fast all right ..."

Lexiana watches the gold stop and butt Piper. "Oh, Piper. She wants you." she gives the girl a smile. "She is wonderful."

Winter's Breath Bronze Dragonet checks out the other dragonets still on the sands. Brown, right, green, right. Gold... He stops as the gold impresses, an almost comical look on his face. OHhhhhh. So *that's* how you're supposed to do it. His head turns and he makes his stumbling way up to one of the female candidates. He stops abruptly, with an almost annoyed expression on his face and takes a swipe at the girl. YOU are definately not what I want. The girl shrieks and jumps back, turning to her fellows for comfort.

P'ter takes a step forwards as the bronze swipes. "There! See, what did I tel.. ah, no. He missed." Does he look disappointed? Surely not.

Piper's mouth falls open. Never let it be said that poise was her middle name. Somehow both her hands are free, falling forward to clasp her cheeks as tears well up high in her eyes, threatening to spill over, "Faldaverth," the name is exhaled, "How could I do less that get you whatever you want?" she utters, her eyes still full of wonder, not to mention unshed moisture.

V'yse stumbles over to Piper, looking a little shocked, but grinning all over nevertheless. "Piper, amazing! Congradulations are definitely in order! Here, steady. Please follow me and we'll get Faldaverth her food."

Acadia watches the ever-perky Piper get chosen by the gold dragon. She says, "Congrats, Piper!" before returning her attention to the rapidly-diminishing group of dragonets and eggs remaining on the Sands.

Xandra blinks a few times and then claps "Oh! Oh she is beautiful! PIPER!" she waves "So beautiful. Oh this is too good!"

Padraig gives Piper's hand one final squeeze and swallows rather convulsively as he lets it go and steps away, leaving the gold dragonet plenty of room. "Piper ... congratulations," he says rather shakily and drifts over toward Lexiana looking just a bit bereft around the edges, and yet, smiling.

Like a boat floating gently on the waves, Under the Sea egg sways gently in the sands. Like a wave crashing on the shore, it breaks for sending a shower of water and seaweed coloured flying out from one end. A bronze hatchling steps forth. His body and wings are wetter with birthing fluid than as usual and his swirling eyes blink at the light. One step than another seems so fluid that he appears to swim across the sands rather than walk. There. His prince in waiting. He trumpets and butts Darigan - Da'gan with his head. "Alloth." The studious apprentice says, rocking in his stance. "Yes, yes. Food. Food?" An assistant weyrlingmaster heads to the candidate's aide as he, for once, forgets something.

With a whisper of tail against the grey-black sands, the Honeyed Sweetness Green pauses beside a short young lady with black hair. This one! Green head butts gently into her thigh, then the Honeyed Sweetness Green awkwardly rears up onto her haunches, meeting Acadia's eyes for a moment before tumbling gracelessly onto her back.

Lexiana gives Padraig a confronting smile. "Well, that was fast." She turns just in time to see the green stops infront of Acadia. "Oh, look Paddy, look." She point towards them."

Winter's Breath Bronze Dragonet stuies the other bronze that just impressed. Aha! Now that makes much more sense! Tail swaying, he makes his way up and down the candidate lines, checking out all the males in the group. Yes. Now this is more like it.

Ramya watches the proceedings with a smile. She notes who impresses to which dragonet and nods as if to say, 'good choice'. Absently she reaches out to grab P'ter's hand then gives it a squeeze. "They are all so beautiful," she tells him in a soft voice. It looks as if there might be tears in her eyes. But most probably it is just the shimmer from the glows...

Piper darts a glance around at her fellow candidates, but her lifemate is calling, and her attention and steps go with her, as they're escorted off the sands by the weyrlingmaster team.

Julisin is still watching the bronze, raising an eyebrow questioningly as he heads towards a group of girls. The gold's arrival at Piper's feet is cause for Julisin to smile, as he waves and yells out, "Congratulations, Piper!" He watches on for a few minutes, turning only to keep an eye on the progress of the bronze. The pressure is swapped between feet, Julisin attempting to ease the heat that seems to seep through as if he had no sandals on at all. With a wince, he moves again, briefly looking over at Kyan, then back to the scene unfolding on the sands.

Valiant Mouse Brown Dragonet shakes himself and looks about in concentration. Settling on a group of candidates that seem promising to him, he steps forwards with confidence. And as is often the case, too much confidence leads to a fall. Tripping over a trailing wing with a hind foot he mewls in frustration and sorts himself out. Better now, he folds his wings wetly over his back and searches for that group of candidates. But some have impressed, the group is not the same and he is a little confused. Where did they go?

Faldaverth wobbles off sands after Piper, crooning softly as they move off.

Xandra turns and looks to the other side at Acadia. More applause. More wide eyed amazement. "So..Acadia too! Oh all my friends seem to be so popular!"

Acadia leans forward to help the green back up, not hesitating at all. "Be careful Inneth. You don't want to hurt yourself on the day you were born!" Realization sinks in slowly, and the glow lighting above her head is clearly visible. "Inneth? Are you sure?" Dumb question.

Jenna ahs to P'wert. "Piper, wasn't it? Well, they kinda match, don't they?" Not a terribly kind remark from the junior weyrwoman, though this isn't the first gold her queen has hatched. Niyath, however, gives her rider a reprooving look.

Again, V'yse is just in time to catch another hatchling impress. The weyrlingmaster is looking horribly out of breath. Dashing over to assist Acadia, he grins and offers her a hand if she needs it. "Let's get Inneth some food!" he says. "Follow me!"

Padraig squares his shoulders and looks around nodding. "This is great ... yeah, Acadia!" he joins Lexiana in those congratulations as well.

Kyan's just not being as attentive to Julisin, poor fellow. He keeps looking off after where Charlie's gone, at least when too-near dragon movements aren't keeping his attention. He does note warily the bronze's direction. The brown seems less of a threat, and that green--just went and got herself impressed. Dismissed.

P'wert snorts softly, and whispers to Jenna. "I'd be careful about saying that. Might hurt both their feelings. But they do seem well matched." Chunky gold hatchling, or no, both him and Dowanth might as well be glowing. "They'll be just fine, I'm sure."

Valiant Mouse Brown Dragonet is annoyed and having lost track of where he is and he starts to search all over again for that candidate he wanted. There, there! Over to the right, that dark hair there. He sticks his head out in the direction and starts to move forwards. But if head and body are not lined up in the same direction, walking forwards doesn't quite work out right if you are new at this sort of thing. He trips over his own limbs and flops down into the sand, head first. He comes up, blowing sand and eyes whirling.

Winter's Breath Bronze Dragonet heads down the line, rejecting this one and that. Too tall. Too skinny. Too nervous. Too old. Too young. Picky little guy, for one just out of his shell. He sits back for a moment, giving a snort of disgust. HELLllloooo! He's supposed to pick one of these things, and it just ain't working.

The pie seems to have baked on the sands. Indeed, the Pastry Wrapped Egg has become cracked like an overdone crust. A small fissure appears between lines of golden goodness. A little green muzzle pokes its way out. Nostrils sniff the air hesitantly the withdraw back into the egg. A moment passed and the pretty green slips her way out. She lumbers slowly across the sand, checking faces and shaking her head. Finally, she comes to a rest at a sweet girl from South Boll. "Paith. Paith." She repeats as she and the dragonet rush for something to eat.

Xandra is exposed and so seeks comfort in numbers by moving closer to Padraig now "Well. Piper was very deserving."

Lexiana watches as the brown is again down for the count, again. "I hope his is okay." when he pops back up, she smiles. "Thata boy."

Padraig grins at Xandy and offers her his hand. It might even be a conciliatory gesture. "The dragons go where they know they need to," he says simply, eyes looking up into the Stands briefly, probably looking for his family amongst the sea of faces.

Jenna looks around as the last of the eggs crack shell. "There's just those two boys left," she notes to P'wert, nodding at the brown and bronze. "And I don't think that bronze will ever pick."

P'wert chuckles softly to Jenna. "Too true. But he must; mustn't he? Wouldn't be good for him not too." He glances reluctantly over the remaining candidates, "Too many left over, with only two to choose. Too bad for the girls, though."

Julisin rubs his hands together again, then wipes then on his distinctly white-now-grey tunic. Blue eyes focus forward,

Julisin attempting not to continue fidgeting. His gaze drifts across the sands, mainly focused upon bronze and brown, "Is it just me... or is it getting hotter." Self-consciously, the candidate rubs at his neck, shuffling continually.

Xandra takes Padraig's offered hand and says "I know. Is your family here? Mine are not, I think?" She looks at the dragonets and says "I hope you'll get a lovely one!"

The Winter's Breath Bronze grows increasingly edgy as time passes and his lifemate isn't immediately obvious. Why hasn't the boy leapt out with glad cries! He shoulders past a brightly expectant lad from Ruatha Hold, his tail catching the boy smartly across the legs. The boy stumbles back with a cry, but the bronze pays him no mind, suddenly caught. There! That one! He slinks toward a tall blue-eyed lad, easing to a stop before Julisin.

Once he's recovered from his latest blunder, the Valiant Mouse Brown Hatchling climbs back to his feet and hastily tries to gather his composure. He's getting desperate now, gazing longingly at all the candidates, creeling in frusteration. Why can't he find the one he's looking for? Why must it be so hard? He's trying his best here, and yet...There comes a sudden pause, as enlightenment washes over his gentle features. Bugling excitedly, he dashes over towards a girl, trips over his tail, and rolls across the sand with loud squawks of protest, sending candidates scattering everywhere. When his momentum finally dies, he's left lying there at Lexiana's feet.

Kyan loses the rest of his cover. The boy eyes between Julisin and the bronze with mild astonishment, then retreats a bit further. "It's hot, all right," he agrees in a mutter, beginning to find the situation visibly amusing. After all, nothing's taken a swipe at /him/ yet, though he does give the boy who yelped a quick look. And where'd that other--? Ky tracks down the brown and relaxes as the critter sprawls out.

Jenna ahs. "Finally! There he goes. Who is that that got him? I can't remember his name - oh! And there goes the brown too. Lexiana - oh, she'll make an excellent brownrider. Wonder what his name is?"

Padraig nods. "THey are ... all of them ... see?" he points up midway into the Galleries, where a rather large looking family group sits: four riders and three children. Then he looks back at the Sands and smiles. "Juls! Lex! WOO!"

Xandra peers up and then turns to see two impressions almost at once. "Oh this is too much! Lexi and ... Julisin got bronze! Oh this is so wonderful." She smiles distantly and squeezes he hand in hers tightly.

J'lisin steps back involuntarily, his mouth parted in shock, eyes wide, "Oh of course... We'll get you food right away." He kneels down, one hand reaching up to stroke the bronze's jawline with pure affection. A glimmer appears in Julisin's eyes, the candidate silent for a few moments, then calling out with excitement, "His name is Jaath!" Julisin gets to his feet, blue eyes still focused intently upon his lifemate with joy.

V'yse strides out to J'lisin, looking rather breathless from all his running around. "Congrats! Follow me, we'll go get Jaath plenty of food." He then hurries over to Lexiana and helps her steady her new lifemate. "Come on, Lexiana, let's go find Duerth some place where he won't smash everything. Both of you follow me."

P'wert lets out a deep sigh as the last hatchling impresses. "Julisin, I think. And Lexiana will make a wonderful brownrider indeed." Each remaining white robed candidates gets a little look as he shakes his head, "It's never easy standing where they are right now, is it, Jenna?"

Lexiana looks down at the brown, seeming to be startled a bit. Blinking a couple of times, she reaches out her hands to help right the brown at her feet. "Oh, Duerth. Let me help you up." she takes a bit longer to understand. "Oh, Duerth. Lets get you something to eat."

The chaos dies away as the lingering pairs that have not yet been escorted off the sands sort themselves out. All the eggs have hatched, all the pairs have been matched. Niyath stretches, and then rumbles an invitation to Dowanth to go and eat. Jenna nods to P'wert. "Happened to me often enough before Niyath found me. And thank Faranth I never have had to give this speech," she nods to the weyrleaders.

Duerth croons at both the touch of his lifemate as she helps him sort himself out and at the thought of food. He stands carefully and nudges her with his blunt head before following.

Xandra looks left and right and then asks. "Oh...is it over then?" She blinks at Paddy to one side of her and asks, brightly "Do I have to go home now?" She smiles, a little unsure of where to look.

Kyan just looks a trifle relieved to have all those dangerous dragons out of the way, though the sidelong glance he gives the departing ones-- more for the cavern than them, since Charlie's long gone-- is a little bit wistful. Then he takes a deep breath and shifts his feet, looking with renewed alertness to the weyrleader types and out toward the bowl. Yes, burned feet are calling for a quick retreat.

Dowanth cranes his neck, looks consideringly at Niyath, and rumbles back. Slowly, he starts to head out. Pwert nods to Jenna, "Twice, for me, before Dowanth saw me there. I . . . I would hate to have to give this speech as much hear it again."

Ramya looks over at the candidates left on the sands. She looks over at P'ter and says, "It is done." Then she nods towards those that are left and nudges him.

Padraig takes a deep breath, lets it out and nods. "Yep." He offers Xandra his arm. "Don't think you -have- to go home though Xandy ..." he trails off. "Though I'll be glad enough to get off the Sands now ... ow!"

P'ter shakes himself out of his watching at being nudged. "Well, no blood on the sands, so I'll consider this a good hatching."

Xandra looks down andthen something dawns "Oh...oh...OW?" she grins a wide, rather silly grin "I think so too. And I don't think I can go to the place you want to go to." She then releases his hand and steps back. "Let's go somewhere cooler"

Jenna follows Niyath, nodding grimly to P'wert.

P'wert follows the dragons out, staying close to Jenna. A last look is given to the sands and shattered shells as he exits off them.

P'ter hugs Ramya briefly and then clears his throat. He calls out loudly, "Okay folks, can you please gather over here at the edge of the sands. Thanks you."

Padraig drops his arm and he hesitates for a moment, then walks in amongst the shards, turning pieces over here and there. Fingers pick out several specific bits of colored shells and then he trots after Xandra at a rapid clip, to get off the Sands and meet his family.

Kyan tags along with the others, just impatient to cool his feet. "We can stay, right?" he asks P'ter, blunt as always.

P'ter actually chuckles at Kyan, and that's a first for him at this time in the proceedings. Nothing's ever made him laugh before. "Yes Kyan, you can stay. You took the words right out of my mouth in fact. And to be honest, I hope you do stay. I hope you all stay."

Ramya walks over to stand by P'ter. She smiles at the candidates who are left but says nothing as she listens to P'ter.

And that's all Kyan wanted to know. He nods a thank-you to P'ter and shifts on the balls of his feet, glancing around at the others. "I'm staying," he says simply. "'Cause Charlie's staying." Which is predictable, really....

Ramya grins at Kyan, "Well we are glad about that."

Padraig clears his throat. "If I may sir ... once I've finished my Baker training, if they take me that is, I'd like to ask to come back ... but my feet are headed for Tillek and an interview with Master Dendra I think." He grins a bit cheekily and quips: "They need a lotta help in that Kitchen over yonder." His head jerks toward the inner caverns.

P'ter shakes his head after Kyan, "Well, the rest of you, don't rush to make up your minds. No one is going to chuck you out. And we want you to stay." He jerks his thumb towards the exit, "Let's head out to the living cavern. Food and drink provided."

Kyan isn't about to argue. He said food!

Padraig nods and scrambles off the Sands. Food sounds good to him too.

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