Log: After Work Drinks

Jul 18, 2010 00:32

Who: Josian, P'draig
When: day 25, month 3, turn 23 of Interval 10.
Where: The Sandbar, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy and Josian share after work drinks and conversation. Fish eggs and pus figure heavily in the talk.

It's evening, the Beach House has just closed and P'draig is pulling up a stool at the bar in the Sandbar. There's a decent crowd tonight but not too rowdy and the brownrider signals Kip, orders something with a grin. Shortly a brown liquor is served up in a glass and the rider-baker takes a single long sip, lets out a long, quiet sigh, shoulders visibly relaxing.

Josian strolls across the beach in the eventing warmth and makes his way up to the Sandbar. Josian pauses for a moment to look around before he heads towards P'draig. "Fancy meeting you here. Enjoying a place where you don't have to do the service?"

"Hey there," P'draig answers jovially, turning a little on his stool and laughs. "Usually come over after service for a drink that I didn't mix," he agrees amiably. "Have a seat? Join me?"
Josian makes his way over to slip up onto the stool next to P'draig. "Sure! It's always better to have drinking company." Josian states with a cheerful smile. "Good chance to relax before you turn in for the night?"

"Definitely, especially when you've got the hard liquor out," P"draig claims and lifts his glass toward the healer. "Good whiskey. And yes, chill out, let the adrenaline flow out that kind of thing."

Josian smiles over to P'draig. "I'll leave the hard stuff to you. I like my alcohol a bit lighter." And when the bartender comes close again, Josian orders himself a glass of hard cider. "I definitely agree about the chilling out though. Great way to end a day."

"Takes a lot to actually go to my head," P'draig says and tilts his glass a little. "Usually get rum and cinnamon liquor actually, but felt like something with a little more kick tonight." He nods as Josian orders though. "Cider's tasty. And how was your day?"

"Busy. Lots of people through the infirmary today, but thankfully not for anything more major than one broken arm." Josian states with a shake of his head. "How was yours? Good day business wise?" The cider arrives, and Josian takes a sip with a grin. "Very tasty."

"That's good to hear. No strange colds or fevers wandering around," P'draig notes with a grin and a little toast of his glass to general good health. "Yeah, it's been picking up pretty well, i guess we're starting to get a pretty solid reputation," the brownrider explains and has another draught from his glass.

"No. The plague seems to have passed, at least with the knee high set." Josian says with a smirk before he nods. "That's good! Sounds like a positive vote for your cooking skills as well."

"Good to hear," P'draig says evenly, glass set down on the bar, but tilted a little to let the booze sort of slide back and forth within. "Yeah, it's getting to be a groove. Might be able to hire another cook on full time soon instead of spot-like. And a waitress who isn't a friend doing me a favor."

"Employees. Sounds both great and a bit scarey at the same time." Josian notes with a grin as he lifts his glass for another sip of the cider.

"Yes. Had some when we first opened, then had to cut back a bit and now, back to staffing up, hopefully fully," P'draig says with an answering grin, downs more of his liquor. "So when're you planning on coming by next?" Teasing.

"It has been far too long since I've been by. Especially since the food is so good." Josian states with a grin on his face. "I'll have to make a point to stop by soon. Maybe drag Nenny along kicking and screaming." He pauses after that joke for a quick sip before adding. "Well, it sounds like you're back into an upswing at least."

"We've got some interesting specials coming up this week. It's spring and all of the fish are running," P'draig says with a grin. "If you like roe, that is." He laughs at the joke. "Sure, though I'd like to flatter myself that she wouldn't kick and scream too hard at the prospect of eating my food and having someone else pay for it."

"Roe? I'm not sure I've ever had it. Or at least known that was what I was eating at the time." Josian comments before he grins over. "True. Great food that I'm paying for? I'm sure I could /somehow/ convince her to come along sometime."

"Fish eggs," P'draig notes with a laugh. "They're sweet and depending on the fish, have either a jelly-like texture or something closer to a lightweight nut paste," the brownrider describes further. "Don't think she'd turn down a good meal, no. Nenny likes good food," P'draig remarks with a touch of fondness bleeding into his voice and he looks down into his glass, grin edged with something wry and he lifts his drink for a long draught.

"And I'm sure she'd just /hate/ seeing you." Josian jokes with a grin over to P'draig. "Fish eggs? No. So far I've avoided eating those. They look a little bit funky, don't they?" The healer states with a shake of his head.

"Oh yeah, you know, hates my ugly mug and all," P'draig jokes back as he sets his glass back down ob the bar. "Funky? Not really, they don't even really look like eggs the way most people probably think of them," the brownrider describes. "Tell you what, you try some for free and if you like them, buy more and if you don't like them, no harm done, right?"

"I know. It's awful." Josian jokes with an overly dramatic sigh before he wrinkles up his nose. "I've seen them. They don't look like eggs like normal animals have. They look like little bumpy things. Like they might be full of bugs or pus."

"Terrible," P'draig agrees, corners of his mouth tugging outward helplessly and he laughs outright at Josian's description. "I think they look more like they're full of gelatin. You know jelly desserts," Paddy says with an amused look over at the healer. "So ... you have a strong stomach for all those things in the infirmary but not for fish eggs. Interesting."

"Well, I'm not going to eat all the gross things in the infirmary." Josian points out, still grinning. "Things that I'm going to actually injest shouldn't look like they could come from a nastily infected wound."

Laughing all the more, P'draig shakes his head. "Don't happen to think that they do look that way, but hey, everyone's got their own opinion on what makes good food and what doesn't" the brownrider answers, easy-going. "Could always /dare/ you though, to try them." Merriment in Paddy's gaze.

Josian shakes his head, still overly dramatic. "But then I'd /have/ to try them! Maybe close my eyes and pretend I've never seen them." Josian considers before he adds, "That just means you haven't seen a really grossly infected wound."

"Oh no and you might actually like them!" P'draig teases further and props his chin up on one hand. "I've seen some bad ones in my time, but nothing that looked like little orange beads full of jelly," he admits.

"Ah, the stories of puss and infection I could tell." Josian jokes easily. He lifts his glass to finish off the last of his cider. "It was good to see you tonight. I'll have to stop by the restraunt soon to avoid eating eggs. But I should get off to bed. Got to be up early."

"Not over dinner," P'draig quips with a wink for the healer and nods. "Sure. We'll have a good table for you when you do, Josian. Sleep well, puss-free." More teasing and his not-yet empty glass is lifted in parting toast, then tossed back before the brownrider orders another. He'll be sitting at the bar for a while it seems.

p'draig, $restaurant, $fish eggs, josian, #riptide, @ista weyr

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