Log: Water Ribbons

Jul 11, 2010 00:21

Who: P'draig, Vyshani | Jekzith, Laonyth
When: Early afternoon, day 4, month 3, turn 23 of Interval 10.
Where: Main Beach, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy and Vy chat while Jekzith and Laonyth play. Everybody ends up swimming.

Thiefed entirely from Vyshani.

Main Beach, Ista Weyr
The coastline of black sand stretches out in either direction, tropical waters lapping ceaselessly against the subtle decline of the main beach that rests at the base of the plateau cliff. To the northeast, water from the upper pool cascades over the plateau's edge, its destination shrouded in the lush fronts of the jungle's edge and a hint of blue-tinged mist. The Sandbar, Ista's seaside tavern, stands to the south beside the long branching structure of the docks.

Hot as ever and sunny -- for the moment anyway -- early afternoon sees heat shimmers rising from the black sand beach and bright sparkles reflecting off the water to dazzle and otherwise trick the vision. With sturdy footwear and socks all discarded elsewhere, Vyshani's got her trousers rolled up to above her knees, and her overshirt threaded through her belt to hang limply at one hip, arms bare. Splashing her feet happily through the surf rolling in, one hand is lifted to shade her eyes as she looks out over the water, to where Laonyth is flying low, dipping down to skim her forepaws along the surface of the water occasionally before beating her wings to send her upwards again. The cubby green looks, from a distance, rather like an oddly-shaped bouncing ball.

Dark hair curls, collar-length, atop this man's head above a face composed of strong features. Evenly spaced eyes the color of water on a cloudy day are overarched with thick, dark brows and set above a straight nose, generous mouth and strong jaw. Tall at just an inch or two above six feet, his build shows proof of strength through shoulders and arms. Telltale scars that look like old burns and cuts on his hands and arms speak of time formerly spent working in a kitchen. Though long of limb, his physique is well-balanced, neither wiry or muscle-bound. He appears to be in early to mid thirties.

A simple linen shirt, off-white with a hint of blue decorative embroidery is tucked into sturdy brown canvas pants with many pockets along the legs. Boots make up the brownrider's footwear. The cords of an Istan wingrider's knot, threaded with brown loops his shoulder.

Escaping from that heat is P'draig, Jekzith descending from above after the brownrider dropped his kids off with the harpers. The brown sets down lightly some distance up the beach and Paddy slides off his back, promptly pulling straps off. These are coiled up, then the brownrider strips down to shorts, leaving the rest of his stuff piled atop the straps and heads down to the water line. Jekzith takes off, wings stretched wide as he flies over Vyshani and heas out toward that bouncing-ball on the horizon. << Hello Laonyth! Look at you! Isn't that fun? >> Likewise, Paddy waves as he nears the weyrling at the water line. "Hey Vyshani!"

Lean musculature, loose and mobile characterizes this curious-looking brown dragon. Bright interest reflects aquamarine in the multi-faceted wide set eyes that are surrounded by a heavily creamed klah mask, the hue especially pale next to the dark cap of loam that tucks around his headknobs, reappearing below as if the tip of his muzzle were likewise interred in the earthy shade. Trailing down his neckridges only to tunnel beneath and behind the sprawl of fanned out wings of luminous maple is a drab swathe of weather-beaten teak. But while said dull coloration dominates his underbelly, it is brought up short at the elbow and knee joints where the bright fawn hue of caramelized sugar coats downward, punctuated by ebon claws. Trailing behind, a slender tail snakes out in a mellowed cider that darkens only at the very tip where the spade matches the near-black of talons. Though certainly not handsome in a traditional sense, the lively play of colors splaying out across his hide is eye-catching, a unique if startling combination, as individual a treasure as the brown on which they are displayed.

At 19 turns, 10 months, 5 days old, Jekzith is 35 feet long with a wingspan of 61 feet, 3 inches, standing 23 feet, 5 inches tall at the shoulder.

When the dragon-shaped shadow skims past, Vyshani tilts her head back to squint at the brown belly. << Hello Jekzith! >> Laonyth returns brightly, all chuckling brook and playful wind to ruffle leaves, turning on an upward swing to slice her tailtip through the water and send droplets arching into the air to glitter like flung diamonds. << It's very enjoyable. Much more so than just slapping paws in puddles, but I enjoy that too. How high can you carry a streamer off your talons? >> Inviting the brown to join in her play. "Oh, hi Pad-- P'draig!" Vy greets, as bright as her lifemate, cheerful wave floundering halfway through and turning into a sloppy salute. She doesn't seem terribly upset about her lapse though, her grin rueful but her shrug on of an 'oops! oh well' variety. "How are you today?"

Cheerfully colored bubbles float toward that chuckling brook, answering playful with playful. << Oh goodness, you know, I don't know! Let's see? >> he suggests gaily, definitely up for the challenge and his wings beat a little harder to bring him near to 'buzz' by, then he dips, angling for the water, pulls up with it trailing behind him like a bright glassy streamer. "You can still say Paddy after you get the formalities out of the way," the brownrider says with a laugh for that salute. "But try for crisper next time," he adds with a wink and provides a playful demonstration that is nevertheless, correct. "I'm good. Just dropped the kids off for their lessons and I'm facing a lot of chopping in the kitchen later, but figured I'd come cool off a little first. Feels like a scorcher today."

<< Yes, let's! >> Laonyth eagerly encourages, a swirl of flower petals kicking up as swift water burbles over stones, her 'dodge' a little wobbly as she tries to put a bit of bounce in it. At least growing doesn't make flying as awkward as it makes walking! << I think you could get higher if you dipped your feet in further. But can you do it without getting your belly wet? >> And down she dips her own self, not one to issue a challenge without attempt to see if she can also accomplish the feat. Vyshani swings a foot around in a sideways arch, timing it to make the latest incoming swell of water break and splash up over her knees, and soaking the rolled cuffs of her trous. "Crisper. That's what everyone says," nodding though as she pays attention to the demonstration. "It just makes me think of cabbage." Impishly, she scrunches up her nose before her teeth flash in another grin. "Ooh, poor things. Sitting through lessons on a day like today is just awful. So is working in a kitchen. Or are you planning all cold dishes or something?"

Jekzith runs out of water, the last bits glinting as they fall back to the surface of the ocean. << If I suck my belly in, I bet I can, >> the brown claims cheerily, electric blue tinging the edges of his sending. Happy. He waits as Laonyth dives, then turns and drops down himself, proving to be amazingly agile for being so long. Up he goes again trailing water long behind him. "Really? Cabbage? Huh. Do you like cabbage? Because I could make some things with cabbage leaves," the brownrider says thoughtfully and grins. "I'll probably do a number of cold things yes, but the customers still want cooked even in this kind of heat. At least some of the caverns are actually cooler inside and the harpers are smart enough to teach to the weather usually."

Laonyth skims, drifting lower until << Whoops! Not that time. >> Even her wingtips touch the water on her downstroke, water streaming and dripping as she lifts back up with a wet tum. << ...three, four... >> Counting her wingbeats is her basis for height, her 'failure' not stopping her from enjoying the game. << Two more than last time! >> she crows, even as she watches to see how successful or not Jekzith is. "Just something Ma says a lot. 'Could do with being a bit crisper, these leaves.' It's a bit too bitter for me, usually. Needs something to take the bite out of it." Vyshani's take on cabbage, as she kicks a foot again. This time, in an echo of Lao's playfulness, flicking droplets off her toes in the brownrider's direction. "Who wants to be stuck in the caverns? /Look/ at this!" Laughing, arms flung wide to take in absolutely everything. "It's gorgeous!"

<< Better luck next time! >> Jekzith encourages as his paws run out of water and his count reaches eight. << Niiice job! >> And several bubbles pop, sending off showers of congratulatory sparks. On the beach, Paddy's hands sink into his shorts pockets and he steps into the surf, toes brushing through the incoming waves. "Mm, butter, or cooking it down with bacon tastes good," the brownrider offers over and laughs, flicks some water Vyshani's way in turn. "It's a little warm and bright for some, but I'm willing to bet Palia's grousing a bit inside. The waves are good today and she'd rather be surfing."

A flurry of flower petals get blown this way and that, fluttering more like confetti than the sparks they were meant to emulate. << But did you touch your belly? >> Laonyth couldn't quite see, her angle being a bit off. << Okay, here I go again! >> With a neat flip of her wings, she upends herself to head towards the ocean surface once more. "Ooh. We mostly get beef at the 'station. Pork's a special treat, and I can't remember Ma ever making any bacon and cabbage." Vyshani skips about, bent over slightly as she makes an impromptu game out of seeing how many of those return droplets she can catch on one palm. "I'd suggested swimming, but Lao's feeling a bit too energetic for diving at the moment. Surfing looks like a lot of fun, too. Couldn't learn at the 'station. Too much cliff, not enough beach. Fantastic for jumping off of, though."

Turning in a slow roll, Jekzith displays his teak-hued underbelly, which seems at first to be entirely devoid of any wet. There's a tell-tale darker spot though where a touch of water clings, likely unfelt. << I don't think so? Check for me? >> A little breeze tinged with rose and gold colors ruffles at those drifting flower petals. << Oh! Yes! >> Jekzith completes his roll so he can observe Laonyth instead. Paddy kicks up a little more spray for Vyshani to catch, still grinning. "Ahh. Yeah, get plenty of pork here and the bacon is fantastic. How about I see if I can work something up for you? Maybe some pork filling you can wrap in a lettuce leaf with some early fruits added in." He looks out toward the waves, nodding. "I was planning to swim out to the buoy and back. And if you'd like to learn to surf, I'm the wrong person to ask for lessons: I can barely stay up on the board long enough to keep up with Palia, but she's a whiz at it and might be willing to show you the ropes." Her last comment makes him laugh brightly. "You know, you're the second person in the last couple of months to mention cliff-jumping. Do yo know Vanissa from Fort Weyr? She's from Nerat and cliff-jumped there. I used to climb cliffs at Tillek."

Before her dive, there was a vaguely ghostly image of Jekzith sent for the brown. Laonyth's view of his stomach with a hint of iridescence to pick out the damp spot, with a glimmering amusement and wordless flow of confidence that he'll manage it. It's only a little spot, after all. << Yes! I think.... >> Angling sharply upwards, the roundly built green turns her head to try to peer down her own underside as she also counts her wing beats. << Maybe not. My belly is rounder than yours. >> One beat less than last time, too. << If we dove together, do you think we could make the water spiral? >> she asks suddenly, painting a silvery double helix in her mind. "Oh, that'd be wonder-- woah! --ful!" Vyshani chirps, laughing as an overly energetic lunge upsets her footing and she goes down on her knees in the shallow water. So much for keeping her trous mostly dry. Grinning up at P'draig, she swipes her hand over the top of a foaming swirl of surf to send it skittering in his direction. As for learning to surf, "Maybe, once we're out of training. I think my head might fall off if I tried to learn anything /else/ right now." She pulls a face, tip of her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth before she's lost to laughter again. Shaking her head, "I don't know her, no. It's ever so much fun. Especially if you've got a bit of a slope down to the cliff edge, so you can really built up some to launch yourself further out. And climbing is fun, too. There's all sorts of interesting little bits you can find that you can't see otherwise. Are there very many cliffs at Tillek?"

<< Oh I touched! >> Jekzith answers, peering along his own belly, but then he's plummeting down after her to try again. His belly? Definitely not terribly round. He's all long lean lines this one. << Oh I /like/ that! >> Keen is Jekzith to make that spiral and he scoops for water on his pass, angles his wings. << Let's do it! >> Vyshani over-lunges and in spite of the splash sent his way, Paddy steps over to offer her a hand up. "THere's lots of cliffs at Tillek, pretty steep and rugged. It's good climbing territory," the brownrider explains. "Maybe we should try some of those Nerat cliffs sometime."

<< I bet the water jumped, >> is Laonyth's playful explanation for the belly-skimming, jokingly 'blaming' the waves. Despite the rich depth of her voice, there's hints of a childish giggle, full of delight, in her mental laughter as she turns to adopt a complimentary angle to the elder dragon and scoop up some water of her own to attempt the spiral trick. "Thanks," for the hand up, Vyshani's touch fairly light as she bounces back to her feet. "I always had to sneak off to go cliff jumping. Gives Ma fits. Pa used to dive right off his balcony when he was a boy though, and there weren't any ships coming through. It would be fun to go jumping at Nerat someday! What about here, though?" Head tilting, she squints not in the direction of the main Weyr complex but off towards the broader island. "Think there might be some good jumping cliffs on the island?"

<< It has a habit of doing that, >> Jekzith states as he winds upward, very agile in the air to start working that spiral, water dribbling down from his paws. "You're welcome," P'draig answers, gives her hand a little squeeze and then looks off through the marine haze in the same direction. "There's some spots that might work, not as dramatic as Nerat though. But could be better to you know, kind of work up to it," the brownrider says with a grin. "And shells, that's right, there's all those outlets from the cliff at Boll-Gar station. Probably would've given my mother fits too."

Wordless for the moment, Laonyth is all drifting petals and whispering leaves, sharing her enjoyment in the company and the game with feeling and mental impressions alone as she curves through the air in tandem with Jekzith. With her paws held close together, the watery streaming off to capture the sunlight in white-gold glory merges into itself to create a long ribbon before it begins to break up at gravity's insistence. << Ooh, just look at it! >> Vyshani, distracted by a call that was projected further than just the brown, turns to shield her eyes again and peer out over to where their lifemates play. "Work up to it? Pshaw!" Proving that she hasn't lost the conversation, at least. "Little cliffs don't give you nearly the same thrill. But flailing is bad," she adds after a thoughtful moment. "So maybe practice /is/ a good idea." Turning yet another grin on P'draig, her eyes shine with high humour. "Did the climbing give her fits?"

Snaking his head downward a little, Jekzith does look and mirrors the effect mentally, caught in the prism of many bubbles floating through his mind. << Nice! I /like/ that. We should do it again! >> Paddy looks outward likewise and blinks at the shimmer of light on water. "Shells, that's cool what they're doing. Makes for a whole other take on an aerial show." His head tilts a little then he laughs again. "Practice, definitely, because I am very /out/ of practice for jumping off of cliffs. As for my climbing, there's some things that sometimes, it's better not to let your parents know you're up to," he confesses with a wink.

<< Yes, let's! >> No need to suggest it twice, as streamers dwindle to little more than drips to get lost in the brighter, bigger seascape. << What if this time, we spiral counter to each other? >> For mirror images, as Laonyth reorients herself for another dive down to collect more water. "Like ribbon dancing," the little Bollian agrees. "Shells, could you imagine a whole wing coordinating?" Vyshani can, if her wide eyes and smile are any indication. "Little cliffs for you then," she says, jokingly firm as she comes back from that little flight of fancy. "Kiddie cliffs, even." Holding her hand up level to her own height with a giggle. "Did you free climb? Or did you use all the--" her hands wave, vaguely sketching out a climbing harness "--stuff?"

<< Okay! >> Jekzith is happy to participate and turns tightly though not as tightly as Laonyth can, to join her in water collection to try out the mirrored version. "Yeah, I can actually. It'd be spectacular. Maybe see if you can convince Indra to let you all do that as part of your drills and exercises?" Paddy suggests to the weyrling then laughs. "Kiddie cliffs. Oy. At least it'll make me young again?" he jokes. "Both," he says of climbing. "Depending on the cliff. Of course I had an ace in the hole after I got to be a rider. Jekzith would hover around in case I fell."

Laonyth has plenty of other ideas for different things to try out, from a tight spiral within a looser one, to loops to form interconnecting arches. But the young green has been playing for quite a long time, so those ideas are shared only as possibilities for a future game. << I should return to the beach after this, or at least float for a while upon the waves, >> she informs, even as she delights in the twin ribbons of water. << Thank you for flying with me, Jekzith. >> "Oh, Faranth! That would be chaos!" Vyshani laughs, shaking her head so that her unruly tousle of short hair flips as much as it's able. "Fun though, I bet." A wide grin is turned up at the brownrider for his joke, bubbly laughter accompanying. "At least until we scare you up some grey hair with a really /big/ cliff," she teases back. "Oh!" Now there's a thought. "I wonder if you could safely dive off a dragon's back while they fly?" Not that she'd ever seriously attempt such a thing, surely. Surely?

<< Want to float for a bit? >> Jekzith suggests after their latest display, very excited about her ideas and coloring some of them in to highlight possibilities. << Any time! >> he answers exuberantly about the flying. P'draig laughs. "Maybe, or it could just be a lot of fun and really spectacular." He tugs at his own hair experimentally. "See any grays yet?" Breath out. "Yes. You can. With straps on, usually," Paddy says. "Or you know, over the water if you're not too high up."

<< Yes, >> Laonyth decides after a couple moments of serious consideration. She gives her wings a couple extra beats though, attempting to loop up and over Jekzith to see if she can sprinkle the last droplets of water from her talons onto his head, before turning for a glide to a lazy water landing. On the way down, << I think it will be more pleasant, to feel the warn sun upon my back and wings, but the cool water around my legs and belly. If we do not get called back, perhaps after a rest we can chase fish? >> Catching is, apparently, optional. Going up on tiptoes, Vyshani conducts a laughably serious visual examination of P'draig's hair, even going so far as to 'hmm' and click her tongue thoughtfully a couple of times. "Only two," she declares as she takes a small step backwards to compensate for the sand shifting out from under her feet. With much too innocent an expression to accompany the pronouncement, hopefully making it obvious she's just joshing him. "Why would you dive without being over water?" Honestly puzzled.

Up she goes and over and Jekzith's mind is full of bubbling laughter as he gets sprinkled. << I like how that feels too, >> he says, pleased and there's bright acceptance about fish. << Definitely! How deep can you go already? >> Because this is important for the size of fish to chase. "Ha. Well then. Time to break out the hair dye," Paddy jokes in return and then his mouth quirks to the side, wry. "Some people like that kind of thrill."

As sudden as a change in the weather, much of the frisky wind and blowing flower petals have fading from Laonyth's mind as she settles to bob along in the water, wings partially unfurled to catch the sun. It's calm meadow grasses that sway only slightly now, shimmering and cool as if a gentle rain had passed not too long ago. << I would like to be able to float on my back like humans can, sometimes, to feel water on my wings and sun on my belly instead. >> Shared in a lazy murmur of contentment. How deep she can go is shared in the same manner, her visuals of the underwater 'scape firm and solid, sharp contrast to the phantom quality of people and dragons. << It is like and not like flying, to swim beneath the waves. Do you find it so? >> Giggling cheerfully, Vyshani scrunches her nose up. "I'd be afraid of my hair turning green or something. One of the girls who used to work in our tap room used lemons once to try to lighten her hair, and it turned a really weird shade of orange." Which memory is funny enough to earn itself another giggle, though there's still a tinge of sympathy about her expression as well. "Sounds like a good way to dislocate joints to me. Or break your neck." A brief shudder, no thanks! Speaking of breaks, though it's of the far less potentially deadly kind her mind leaps to, "Oh! Shells, I've kept you here chatting when you were going to go for a swim. Mind a partner? Or have I kept you too long?"

Jekzith lets a bubble or two float through, glimmering with prismatic colors and sunlight. << If you tuck your limbs and wings in carefully, you can, >> the brown offers over and demonstrates like some gigantic puppy. << And I do! The water is just ... heavier to push. >> Paddy runs a hand through his hair, grinning. "I think mine is dark enough it wouldn't make much of a difference. And it would probably just make the kids laugh if I did turn it orange." He nods along with her opinion on sky diving. "Nooot really my thing either. I like my neck unbroken. And please! You're welcome to join me. Could race you even."

Oh! That was not something Laonyth had considered, and she watches that demonstration with keen interest, paddling a little closer once Jekzith has flipped. << Ooh, I should like to try. >> And so she does, though after paddling away again to put enough distance between them to avoid any accidental smackings-into. "Seems a bit silly, you know? I mean, sometimes I've wished my hair was a different colour, or curly instead of straight, but to actually try to do it? But if eating more could get me some curves, /that/ I'd try!" Vyshani laughs, clearly joking with that last comment. "Ohhh, a race would feel too much like training. Let's just have fun and enjoy the water?" she suggests. "Just lemme dump my things near yours." She'll wait for his reply before scampering up the beach to create a small pile of her outer wear near the larger pile of straps-and-clothing, her bathing suit worn beneath since her own original intent in coming down to the shore was a swim as well. It doesn't take her very long at all, and then she's trotting back to the waterline to join the brownrider once more.

<< It's fun! >> Jekzith answers exuberantly and waits until she's flipped before turning back over and dives beneath her playfully. "For what it's worth, you're lovely the way you are," P'draig compliments sincerely and nods. "No problem. Leisurely swim then," the brownrider agrees and wades in a little further, up to his waist while Vyshani is stripping off outer layers and dips a hand into the water to bring some up over his chest, along arms and back of neck. Refreshing.

Luckily for Vyshani, she's stopped blushing by the time she gets back to the water. For her part, she just plows right on in until she can cut beneath an incoming wave to swim a bit further out. Turning, she waves and calls out with a grin, "C'mon!" But will bob along and swim only enough to keep herself from drifting further out or being swept back in, not /actually/ in any sort of rush, and wait until he's ready to join. Laonyth doesn't spend very long on her back, flipping back over to paddle about in leisurely fashion, until she feels rested enough to begin to play again. After the respective swims, both human and dragon weyrlings will have to return to the barracks, with thank yous from them both for an enjoyable time.

Laughing again, P'draig swims over to catch up and is willing to drop a few turns off his age to horse around in the water a bit. Jekzith likewise enjoys playing with Laonyth until it's time to retreat out of the water for a nap on the beach while his rider starts a day of sweating in the kitchen.

$palia, p'draig, vyshani, laonyth, #riptide, @ista weyr, jekzith

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