Log: Pamphlets

Sep 03, 2009 10:24

Who: P'draig, T'mic
When: Afternoon, day 23, month 8, turn 20 of the 10th Interval
Where: Shipfish Island
What: What happens to Maitrey's 'literature' when the weyrmates get ahold of it.

This is very short, but you do the math on what happens when Paddy and Mic get their hands on good porn, even if /this/ isn't really smutty at all.

Day before BirthdayVersary
T'mic had a great time at the - gets no further before being tackled and ravished. A whole bunch of pamphlets go fluttering to the floor, but does he care? He does not.

And there was ravishing. Thorough ravishing.

Day of BirthdayVersary

T'mic doesn't complain about that, either. But when Paddy takes him to Shipfish the next day, for his birthday? One or two of those pamphlets reappear. They have naughty stories in them.

Lying lazily on a blanket, flipping through one, P'draig seems ... enchanted. "Here, Mic, I'll read this one to you aloud. With voices. You're not allowed to jump me until I tell the whole story."

How To Spice Up Your Sex Life 101, By T'mic. (Even when it didn't /need/ any spicing up.)

That's why the author was a little astounded too.

T'mic rolls lazily off his stomach so he can throw a few blades of grass at the other man. "When do I ever jump you?!" he accuses, so innocent. "They didn't have any man on man ones, or I would've gotten those too. Which one do you have? Lisbet and Maronia? Dontral and Jennet?"

"You really want me to answer that?" P'draig answers laughingly and waggles his brows at T'mic. "Well. We could you know, write our own maybe? For man on man. But this, this is pretty good and uhhh Dontral and Jennet. So shh." And he starts reading.

T'mic says, "I offered inspiration, but I think the g- they thought I meant /demonstration/." With another shrug. "Not that I wouldn't've done that, too. And maybe there will be some with two guys later, now that they know I'm interested." Then he shhs and lays back, flinging one arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun. Every so often there's an encouraging noise, or a wriggle, and once things really get going Mic has to adjust things, but he's good. No jumping.

Keeping it up (ha ha), P'draig takes the story all the way through and when it's just getting good, reaches over to slide his hand beneath Mic's waistband and teases along physically as well as verbally until the story ends.

P'draig does -not- play /fair/. At all. Mic shoots him a faux-outraged grin when suddenly there are two hands down his trous but pulls out, only unfastening things before he grabs onto the edge of the blanket instead. Good thing that blanket is there, though it gets tugged and twisted every which way. "I was. Gonna do. That." Whatever -that- was, though his breath catches at a particularly clever twist of fingers. A few long seconds later he adds, "Your turn. Next. 'Fyou want."

"Oh no, no, no. Now we re-enact," P'draig says with very waggly brows. "I'll be the girl. You be the guy," he says mirthfully with wickedness in his eyes.

T'mic says, "/Deal/."

^weyrmates, ^anniversary, $porn, t'mic, @shipfish

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