Log: Happy BirthdayVersary

Sep 03, 2009 10:02

Who: P'draig, T'mic
When: 8/23/20
Where: Paddy and Mic's Place, Ista Weyr
What: It's Mic's birthday and a few days ago, it was the weyrmates' anniversary of actually becoming /weyr/mates at Ista. Paddy has /plans/ for Mic.


At dawn, Paddy wakes up Mic with a blowjob. Then tells him they're all packed to go and that the other two are on for the day because ... they say it's your birthday .... happy birthday to you ...

T'mic, slightly bleary but happy, tangles his fingers in Paddy's hair and tugs him higher. "Is it? Where're we going?" Trust Mic to not keep track of his own turnday.

"Anniversary too ... so, shipfish and that little hollow in the trees, where it'll be /more/ than a blowjob ..." P'draig just grins and kisses his way up Mic's torso. "And good food ... and more sex ... and more sex ..." teasing.

"Clever of me," says Mic of the simultaneous celebrations. "--Wait. Which anniversary? You moving in or what?" As long as the brownrider's coming this way he's not going to tug on his hair; one hand even slips free to cradle the base of Paddy's skull, fingers exploring his neck. Lazy: "I -like- sex. You've got it easy, getting me presents."

P'draig laughs and nods. "Yes. Couple of days ago, three turns with you now," the brownrider confirms, hands sliding up over Mic's shoulders and it's his mouth he seeks out this time. "Mm, I know. So spoiled. You'd wonder how it is I even manage to come up with any /other/ ideas."

"Is it really?" Mic not-quite-asks, complacently content still. "I should get you something nice, then. Mmm - how about a blow job? Or wait!" -Now- he uses Paddy's hair for nefarious purposes, tugging him higher for a proper kiss, his own neck bent nearly in half. "I'll get you a greenrider!"

P'draig is tugged, kisses, curls his arms around T'mic and hugs him tight, laughing. "Best present ever. The gift that keeps on giving blowjobs," he jokes, voice more than fond. "I love you, Mic," he says more softly, more seriously and bends his head to nuzzle at one of the greenrider's dainty ears. "More and more with every passing turn."

And T'mic even comes pre-wrapped! He's just the gift that keeps on giving. "Love you too. --You really did it?" Up onto his elbows, as best he can. "The whole day? You and me?" Paddy'll have to forgive him for being a little astounded. "Do we have to do anything before we go?"

"I really did it," P'draig confirms, grinning, hand lifting to caress Mic's cheek. "You and me. All day. Shipfish. Debauching as much as we like. Don't have to do a blessed thing. I've already got us all packed, have the supplies ready to go and D'pry and Esvi are prepped. I'm sure it'll be fine - they're about to start moving into their own weyrs anyway and Esvi knows what she's doing. Of course, the /weyrlings/ might not appreciate her kicking their asses for twenty-four hours."

T'mic stretches happily, careful not to clock the brownrider with an arm, sinks back into the bedding. "Mmmm, I have you all day. I can't decide if I'd rather stay here or get there as fast as we can fly!" There's no 'and' for this decision, so Mic steals one last quick kiss before rolling off the other side of the bed, there to stretch again. "A few days of just Esvi won't hurt them. /Months/ of Esvi, now... or shells, Esvi and Fadra. Maybe we could lose track of time for a day or three." Over his shoulder he throws a wink and a c'mon-hand before padding out to greet Aath.

"Let's get going, hm? I can't wait to see you all stretched out naked on that beach, basking in the sun," P'draig says fondly and rolls a little to let Mic out after that kiss. "Mm. Shape them up! And I'd say yes only it's a transitional time and I don't want to be gone too long during. We can always take a longer trip in a month or two."

Mic calls back without turning, "You said you packed?" but he's not looking for knapsacks or baskets of food: he's rubbing Aath's muzzle and exchanging adoring looks with his green. "Too long *between* to go naked," unfortunately, "--How long've you been up, anyway?"

"Yeah, bags behind the couch," P'draig says and stretches in bed for a little longer, then rolls out of it, neatens up the covers. "Not that long, started getting ready yesterday," the brownrider relates. "So ... about an hour maybe, today." The sound of drawers opening and closing follows and when Paddy appears, he's dressed and holding out a shirt and pants to T'mic. "C'mon lover, dress against between ... and the sooner gone, the sooner I get to peel you back out of these."

If ever weyrlings thought the dippy, dopey, devotion between dragon and rider would fade as time passed, all they have to do is watch Aath and Mic for a silent rebuttal. It takes T'mic nearly a minute before he can tear himself away, and even then one hand stretches backward after her. "You're so clever." Clothes have to go on before clothes can come off! Who'd'a thunk? He stops delaying, though, and trots over to avail himself of first shirt - no wait, pants. First pants, /then/ shirt, with a little frown but no other protest for the long legs. He adds, cleverly, "Boots," and ducks back into their room to pull out a pair of socks. "Should I pack anything, like that new blue pair of shorts? Or did you take care of everything?"

"I try," P'draig says for clever and starts to hold up the pair of socks he had tucked into his pants pocket, but Mic's off already. He tucks them into their bags instead, just in case. "All taken care of. They really do look nice on you those," Paddy notes and holds out his arms to the greenrider. "Come on. Let's go be throughly depraved."

Drawer opens, drawer closes, and a little bit later the greenrider pads out of the room and straight into welcoming arms. "You like taking 'em off better," he accuses, up on his toes and pressed tight to the other man. He lets a hand roam from shoulders to waist and the front of Paddy's own trous before stepping away with a mock pout. It doesn't last long. "Sounds great. I can't wait - a whole day with you!" Back to Aath (with a hello for Jekzith) and her straps, and a few more minutes find the pair circling above, waiting.

"I can't deny it," P'draig agrees and winds his arm around T'mic in turn, bends to kiss him and kiss him and then lets him loose in turn, grabs bags and his jacket. It only takes a few minutes to strap and load Jekzith then the brown and his rider are joining the greenpair in the air. Jekzith shares the visual with Aath, just in case and off they go.

^weyrmates, ^anniversary, t'mic, aath, jekzith

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