Log: Tough Things

Jul 25, 2009 20:38

Who: Javeri, P'draig
When: 4/15/20
Where: Plateau, Ista Weyr
What: Veri finally tells Paddy about her granny and the two talk about that, the Layabout, weyrlingmastering and their personal relationship.

Plateau, Ista Weyr
Bright afternoon light leaves the plateau nearly free of shadows. Once upon a time, the flow of lava demolished the westward wall of Ista's bowl; the plateau is the result of that event. Today, little evidence of lava is directly evident. Instead, grass has completely overtaken the sprawling plain that stretches out from the U-shaped bowl in the east toward the jungles and the beach opposite. From this vantage, the black sand of the coast is a dark contrast to the ocean's surf, and the waterfall disappears off the edge of the plateau from its upper pool, its path marked by the cloud of spray rising up above it. Far in the other direction, another cloud rises up from the corrals--but that one's just dust from the noisy, smelly herd.

Nighttime's creeping over the island and the scent of the ocean can just be picked out of the closer jungle smells if one's still. The sounds of the jungle are covered up by people leaving the market or heading farther down the path to go to the bar found in trees. There's still pockets of peace and calm to be found if one knows where to look. Near the waterfall path there's a small grouping of rocks that tonight's been claimed by a certain bluerider. Despite the spray of water that occasionally hits her Javeri seems content on her rock sitting and staring out into the night.

Over from the direction of the caverns comes a familiar whistling: P'draig fresh from tucking Palia and Dylan in, in the children's caverns and ambling over towards that path downward to the beach and presumably the Sandbar. Probably cooking tonight. For all it's nearly dark, the brownrider can make out Javeri's silhouette on those rocks and adjusts his steps a little to come lean up against the one she's sitting on. "Hey you," he says quietly, respectful of her contemplation.

Not so lost in staring out at nothing that she doesn't hear when someone speaks Javeri gives her head a little shake and then rubs her eyes. "Oh, hey!" she says with a smile. "You weren't there long were you? Sorry if you were. I was thinking and that's never easy so I kinda tuned things out."

"Just got here," P'draig confirms with a warm smile for the bluerider and tilts a look up at her, then steps a little closer, aiming to slide an arm around her waist. "You okay?" he asks quietly, taking in her expression.

"Whew. Afraid I was so far gone I'd lost track of people around me." Javeri smiles again and pats next to her. "Have a seat?" Tucking a braid behind her ear she shakes her head slowly. "I'm ok. I think. I'm trying to be ok so I guess that has to count for something right?"

P'draig smiles up at Veri and gives her a little squeeze then climbs up and settles in beside her, arm curling warmly around her again. "Trying to be okay ... that doesn't sound like actually okay," Paddy replies with a little grin. "Anything on your mind?"

When he's found a spot she slips her arm around him and leans lightly against his shoulder. "It's been almost a month," Javeri says quietly as she lets out a sigh. "Since my granny died. I just miss her. It's not...It's nothing. I mean it's something of course. But there's things to distract me so that's good."

There's a quiet drawing in of breath from P'draig and his other arm comes up around Veri and he draws her close. "Oh sweetheart," he says softly and promptly turns his face to brush a kiss to her forehead. "It's not nothing," the brownrider continues, voice full of compassion. "Of course you miss her."

Silence stretches out as Javeri turns her head and leans into him more. "I know it's not nothing," she says eventually. "It's just...I just don't want to be one of those people who burst into tears for no reason and stuff, you know? And she was old and-" Stopping she clears her throat and then frowns in the dark. "And the stupid healer. All 'there's nothing we can do.' What a jerk."

P'draig rubs lightly at Javeri's arm, nods as he listens. "Don't have to be like that. But ... if you need a shoulder, I've got two big ones," the brownrider says in a tone that's mildly joshing. "It's hard to lose the one person who was always there for you."

"Thanks. And I know. I just had to sort of sort out things." Javeri lays her head on his shoulder again as she smiles. "They are pretty big," she teases with a small laugh. "I've been busy though and that's helped. I've got a couple of people I'm looking at to handle the day to day oversight of the Layabout until I won't be so busy. I'm still nervous I'll screw up though after the eggs hatch."

P'draig chuckles lowly. "All those firestone sacks!" and he flexes his far arm, while the other stays curled around her. "Good you've found people, don't have to worry about it then, so you can focus on learning the job," Paddy says with quiet understanding. "And Veri, you probably will screw a thing or two up, but it's okay, I'll be there and so will Mic, just like when you were a Weyrling, to back you up and help sort things out so that any mistakes aren't /dire/."

Javeri's lips turn down for a second in a frown as she says, "I'm not sure I /trust/ them though so I need to see. I'm going to talk to them again tomorrow. My friend who was cooking wants to try managing...Which means I'm one more cook short, but she says she knows a couple people at the Hold who're interested. So, we'll see what happens." With a quiet laugh her head nods gently. "Oh, I'm good at screwing up. There's that at least! Maybe we'll only have non-troublemaking weyrlings!"

"Mm, well maybe it's a chance to build up some trust?" P'draig tries to put positive spin on it then laughs himself and hugs her again. "There's always a mix in every class, it's just a question of /how much/ trouble," Paddy says.

"Who do you think seems like they might be the most trouble?" Javeri asks curiously. "Have you seen that one guy? From Keroon I think. Really tall with the long nose?" Exhaling loudly she muses, "What has his name? Starts with a V I think. Shells. Well, either way. I don't think he's as old as he says he is. And if he is he sure doesn't act his age."

"Well, to be honest, sometimes the ones who /seem/ like trouble before Impression don't wind up being the ones who are afterwards." P'draig grins over at the bluerider and chuckles about the Keroon guy. "Yeah. There's something about the way he acts, but you know sometimes people don't act their age."

"Hey! You're not talking about me are you? I wasn't any trouble at all!" Javeri grins briefly before she adds, "Now Chadamalith was a handful, but never me!" Nope. Never her! "It's true though. I wonder about Ianna. How she'll do if she impresses. I know she's not much for working which is why she's always dodging someone. I hadn't really thought much about any of them at all like that until suddenly I was going to have to be dealing with them."

Laughing P'draig tightens his arm around Veri. "Maybe a little bit of trouble, but not the bad kind, Neraset now ... phew." Paddy shakes his head a few times. "Mm, people like that can surprise you though, and wind up showing traits you never expected."

"That girl was born trouble," Javeri says with a laugh of her own. "But at least I didn't have to deal much with it since I was lacking the proper physical traits to be of interest to her." Frowning in thought the bluerider's silent for a few minutes staring out into the night. When she stirs again it's to ask, "So, any advice for the new woman?"

"Yeah, no dick, no interest," P'draig says more bluntly with a sheepish look. "At least she's all settled down now. Who'd have thought right?" The brownrider takes a breath looks over at Veri thoughtfully. "Try not to walk into it with any preconceptions. Just stay steady for that first moment off the sands, it's pretty rote what you do and say then. Keep an eye out for /dragons/ that might be trouble and personality traits in the new riders that could be possible flaws. We'll talk through all that right after to figure out strategy for handling any of those kinds of things. Overall, keep an open mind, don't be afraid of your authority and if you're unsure about anything, don't hesitate to throw it up to me. It's what I'm here for."

"It's so weird. Not about Neraset. Although, well...no, not really. That kind of girl. Was it what's his face? Cause she always seemed the sort to settle down with the first guy she deigned let fuck her." Javeri rolls her eyes over that before chuckling. "It's a good thing I didn't. I don't imagine his wife would have liked that too much." Married men. Just can't trust them! But she listens quietly when he gives his advice. "Open mind. I can do that. Authority seems so..weird. That's what was weird. It's not that long ago I was there after all. It was just his hatching day anniversary less than a month ago. We tromped all through the jungles looking for undiscovered fruit trees and strange new mysterious fruits not yet discovered by man or dragon." She pauses before adding with a wry laugh, "Oh, and being eaten alive by bugs."

"M'ljen," P'draig reminds with a grin. "He's head over heels for her." The brownrider quirks brows a little at that claim from Veri. "No, most wives don't like being thrown over for another woman. But Veri, what does that say about /weyrmated/ men?" he teases her a little then quiets, listening. "Yeah, that can sometimes be the part that's hardest to get used to. I was fresh out myself when I was tapped to assist and then the Weyrlingmaster stepped down before the end of the cycle and I had to take over. It took me a while to figure out how to balance being the authority with wanting to just get along with everyone and help them out. Not to mention I was the same age as most of my weyrlings."

"Hey! I'm not disparaging weyrmated men or married men," Javeri says with a grin. "I've never had any complaints about any of them. Not that I spend all my time running around trying to screw men already taken. I just don't- Well, it doesn't matter since I'm not doing much of that at all these days anyway." Lifting one hand she wipes it across her brow with an exaggerated motion. "Whew. I'm lucky that won't happen to me. The weyrlingmaster I work for may work himself into the ground someday, but not until he's an old man. And I figure he's got at least a few turns on him left before he's old."

"Didn't think you were," P'draig teases further, "just you know, all those sailors!" His shoulder bumps against hers companionably and his hand lifts to sweep over her hair fondly. "You can come over more often you know, or I can. If you're missing it." Sincere that, with a dash of lusty mischief. "And no, I'm not likely to bail on you on purpose and Mic's got plenty of experience to step in if I do collapse." His hand shifts, turns so the backs of his knuckles caress her cheek. "Just a few, at least, until I'm old and gray and can't keep up with you anymore."

"All those sailors," Javeri agrees with a small laugh. "But it's different now because some of them work for me and all. Plus now some want jobs or may want jobs so I need to be more careful so they don't think just because we had sex I'm going to play favorites and all. It's not fun like it used to be." Woe to the end of fun. "Stupid adult responsibilities," gets added with another laugh. "And I know you're there. I just don't want- Well, anyway I just need for things to get situated and then things will be fine. But no collapsing is allowed! If only because if we do wind up with another Neraset there could be all sorts of misunderstandings as she tries to help you recover." Leaning into his touch she smiles while saying, "Are you kidding? I can't keep up with you now. When you get old it might just mean I can finally keep up."

"Mm, that can be a little hairy," P'draig says with a nod. "Though you know, I hired you for an assistant because I thought you'd do a good job, not because we screw each other on a semi-regular basis," the Weyrlingmaster states with continued bluntness. "Though I see how it can be diffeent when you're hiring on an ongoing basis." His hand turns around and cradles her cheek gently. "Don't want what, Veri?" Seriously though he does chuckle in the next moment about Neraset-like misunderstandings and then leans down to kiss her gently at that last. "And I can't keep up with Mic, so maybe when we're all ten turns older it'll even out."

"Halleck says it doesn't matter, but I just...maybe when she's been going for longer it won't matter, but right now I just want things to be run well, you know?" Javeri grins like she won't always be anxious about her baby out on the water. "Sometimes I think Halleck says that just because he's looking to get laid though. Crafty bastard that he is, but he's a good captain and he keeps the crew in line so that's good." Slouching down some she straightens long enough to return the kiss and then leans heavily against him once more. "I know that you and Mic don't see it the same way I do. I don't want to intrude. And I know...I just don't ever want to feel bad about what we do and for all I don't always act it I /am/ holdbred and that just makes me a little nervous about things."

"Yeah, who doesn't want something they've worked hard on and have a lot invested in to work well?" P'draig says with a hint of humor in his voice in the wake of that kiss. The rest makes his face go all soft and his arm tightens around the bluerider gently. "You don't intrude, sweetheart," the brownrider reassures. "You really don't. I know it's hard to wrap your head around it, but yeah, what you and I have doesn't take away from what Mic and I have or anyone else I'm involved with. And I sure /hope/ that you don't feel bad about what we /do/ do." He leans back a little to look down into her face questioningly.

"Yea, yea," Javeri says with a quiet laugh. "I know I sound like some first time parent with regards to the Layabout, but just think. If she does well I can use her to get a second boat. Then maybe even a third someday. There'd be lots of work for people and the Weyr would be making plenty of marks off what I pay. Even if after the interval is over they're never hardly used again they could be sold easily back into someone's fishing fleet." She stops there and grins playfully, "Also I'd be rich and could stop hitting this brownrider I know up for marks." Her arm around him tightens just a bit and she shrugs as she looks at him. "I don't feel bad. But I don't want to press either. I don't think Mic likes me much after all. He never seems...I don't know. I just don't want to feel bad and it's easier to just...stay back some."

"Look at you ... a whole fleet of ships," P'draig says with admiration in his voice. "It's like vicariously getting to be a sailor?" He winks at her there, a light tease. "Want me to teach you to sail?" He laughs about getting hit up for marks and winds both arms back around her. "Mic likes you just fine, Veri. It's usually pretty obvious when he doesn't like someone."

"There's no point dreaming if you're not going to dream big," Javeri says with a laugh. "And when I'm old I want to be able to look back at what I did and be proud you know? It's not all...I don't want my life to have been nothing but hanging out on the beach and getting sailors to buy me drinks and all. Not that it's not huge fun and all, but I don't want to have wasted opportunities. I've done that enough." Shaking her head just a fraction for those past mistakes she sighs and then moves on with a smile. "I'd love to learn how to sail, yes. But I never did consider running away to join the fishercraft or anything," she teases. "I may have thought about it, but there's a distinct lack of clay to be found onboard most ships. And...ok about Mic. If you're sure. He doesn't think I don't like him does he? Because I do!"

"I'll definitely agree to that. Dream big," Paddy answers with a smile and he nods. "Yeah, I get that. Probably part of the reason why I work so hard. I don't like to do things halfway. And if you want to learn to sail, then we'll do that. It's a good stress release around weyrlingmaster duties." He laughs about the clay, nodding. "Yeah, and you're a very good potter." Again head shaking: "I don't think he does, no. He's happy for us that we've got what we've got and honestly I think he likes looking at your legs too. Because he's Mic. He almost always sees something attractive about everyone. Even people who aren't necessarily physically attractive." THe brownrider takes a breath, turns towards Veri then and reaches up for her chin to tilt towards him. "I think, that before we get insanely busy with weyrlings, I should totally make up for your lost sailor time. What do you think?"

"Well, I don't want to be as busy as you!" Javeri informs him with a laugh. "I'd die! I like my sleep too much." Tightening her arms around the brownrider she nods. "Well, ok. If you're sure. I just...I mean it's bad enough when we just run into each other and stuff, but I didn't want to be working with him and him thinking...or...well. But sailing, yes! We should do that. This time we won't even have to behave!" Which is always good. Especially right now since she slides her hand up to the back of his neck. "That is a brilliant idea," she informs him quietly before leaning in close for the first of many kisses.

"Heh, I don't know how to sleep anymore," P'draig confesses ruefully, which must be true given he doesn't tend to sleep more than four or five hours a night. His fingers curl along her jaw, slip back towards her braids. "Everything'll be fine," Paddy reassures again and beams about sailing, beams all the more about making up for all that sailor time. "No ... we don't have to behave at all," the brownrider murmurs and leans in turn to claim that first of many, before they slip off to find a more private spot for the rest of 'many'.

$granny, #weyrlingmaster, $t'mic, javeri, $weyrlingmastering, @ista

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