Log: Weyrlingmasters

Jul 22, 2009 14:00

Who: Javeri, P'draig, T'mic
When: Sometime in early month 4
Where: The Sandbar, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy taps Mic and Veri to assist him with the upcoming clutch at Ista.

The Sandbar, Ista Weyr(#447RJ)
As the sun hits its zenith, the Sandbar offers a shady respite from the day's heat. Standing on stilts over the water's edge with a broad ramp leading up from the beach, the thatch-roofed building sits well above the highest tide line. The walls of the structure are nothing but timber frames, open to the cooling sea breezes but equipped with hinged panels of woven grass that can be lowered during inclement weather. Within, supporting pillars are draped in cast-off nets and shells and myriad tables provide seating with spectacular panoramic views of the ocean, beach, and the bustling activity of the docks to the west. A finely polished, sparkling slab of obsidian serves as the bar and it's smooth surface is etched with decorative carvings of shipfish and flowers and other emblems of the tropical location. Shelves behind the bar are lined with bottles and glasses of various shapes and sizes and hanging in prominent view are slates listing the menu, beverages both alcoholic and not as well as a handful of greasy appetizers provided by the kitchen to the rear of the bar.
The dry spring season relieves Ista Island of its humidity, replacing it with light, buoyant air. At the height of mid-day, clouds interrupt the sky and a good, stiff breeze cools the Weyr.

Dragon> To Aath and Chadamalith, Jekzith is bright and bubbly as ever as he reaches out to Aath and Chadamalith on a sunny, clear day. << Hello, hello! P'draig would like to talk to your riders, pretty please. He's here! >> And the very familiar silhouette of the Sandbar traces the horizon.

It's early enough that the 'bar isn't crowded yet, but not so early that people can't drink if they want to. P'draig's just come in and has a little bemused grin on his face ... and a brand new knot on his shoulder. The brownrider orders a pitcher of ale and settles in one of the booths, then looks expectantly towards the entryway. Waiting.

There's a burst of laughter from one of the booths at the back, and a man's head pops over the separator. "Be back in just a minute, sweetie," comes Mic's voice loud and clear just before he disappears again, out of sight. A few seconds later the greenrider shoves out of the booth and saunters over to join his weyrmate, adjusting his clothing, while behind him a pale blonde woman's head appears and pretends like it wasn't doing anything untoward. "Hey ba...," Mic starts as he slides next to the taller man, before that grin has him trailing off. "Little early for beer, isn't it? What's up?"

It takes a little longer for Javeri to arrive since she was not actually hanging around macking on people. Much too earlier in the day for that! When she does appear what she has been doing is readily apparent judging by the splatters of clay and paint on her clothes and skin. At least she's washed her face and picked bits of clay from her hair although her fingernails are dirty as ever. Bare feet stop just inside to try to get a line on where she's going and when she's located the dynamic duo that's the direction she heads.

Smirk. That's what P'draig does when Mic appears from a couple of booths over. "Sorry to interrupt," the brownrider teases Mic gaily and leans back in his seat, tilting a look up at the bar. The server appears a moment later with the pitcher and a basket of mixed appetizer type foods. It's an odd mix. Some of them are fried lunch type things, some of them are more breakfasty, rolls and wraps and so on. "On us, Weyrlingmaster," the server says with a cheeky grin and Paddy laughs, passes over a good tip and winks across at T'mic. "Eat up?" he proposes and nudges the basket over a little then starts pouring from the pitcher into mugs. "Not really, it's almost lunchtime," the brownrider says with a shrug and looks up as Veri comes in, waves her over. "Hey Veri. Beer? Munchies?" Beat. "And Mic, you've kind of sort of been expecting this, but let me break it to Veri gently."

You sense T'mic's foot finds brownrider calf about three beats after 'Weyrlingmaster'.
At 'Weyrlingmaster' Mic's eyebrows pop up, and he leans back to get a good look at the new/familiar knot. A slow smile spreads over his face like butter on a warm pan; he accepts both the offerings of food and beer with equal gladness and a cheerful, "Better you than me." "Morning," he adds to the bluerider before pausing to check the angle of light and correcting to, "Afternoon."

"Break what?" Javeri asks as she sits down with a grin. Then she looks from Mic to Paddy with an exaggerated look of surprise. "Did Mic knock you up, Paddy? Oh my!" Glancing back towards the door she says, "Shells. Afternoon really? I didn't notice on the way in. Ah, well. No plans I had for the morning were that important." With a shrug she reaches for a beer, but ignores the food once she's looked it over. "Anyway. What's up?" Arriving too late for the on the house comment she's not quite aware enough to notice the knot. It not being something she normally looks for.

"Yeah, yeah," P'draig tells T'mic, his own brows lifting briefly and he leans an elbow to the table, sends a quirky little grin up at Veri. "That /would/ be ground-breaking news, wouldn't it?" Paddy jokes back to the bluerider and nods a couple of times. "Close to at least, just about lunchtime," the brownrider answers and he leans to slide his arm around her for a moment, hugs, then reaches for the basket and plucks out what looks like something healthy: fish and veggie wrapped in seaweed. His other hand curls up to tap the knot on his shoulder. "I was asked and have accepted the Weyrlingmaster's knot for this clutch. And that means I'll be needing assistants. Mic's already been pestering me about whether or not I was going to do it and how happy he'd be to help out, so I know he's good for it." Paddy takes a bite of the wrap, chews, swallows, reaches for his beer, swallows some of that too. "Question is, Veri-love, are you?" and he grins over at her just a little cheekily. "Feel up to helping out some weyrlings?"

"Nah, I'm the pregnant one," answers Mic, irrepressible as ever. He gives the food an eyeing before pulling out a tangle of breaded something-or-other and spends a few seconds shaking the mass to get a manageable portion before giving up and claiming the whole shebang. "I dunno, babe, you never -asked-, and I was thinking about transferring to the -Reaches-...." Of course, his dancing eyes and broad grin proclaim his lie.

"Good of you to be the one risking his figure bearing the child," Javeri tells Mic with a small laugh. Looking at her beer she seems to rethink the not food part and goes through the basket looking for something carefully nudging items she doesn't want out of the way. When she finds something that used to be healthy vegetable before being dipped and deep fried she seems satisfied. "Umm. Are you serious?" she asks looking at Paddy. "Me? I mean I don't want to say no, but after all the trouble I had and it hasn't even been that long since I was completely clueless myself."

"Clearly it hasn't affected his figure at all. Due any day now," P'draig jokes further and takes another bite of his roll. "Hot day between," he tells Mic breezily. "But you can consider this official asking too." Another bite and he tilts his head, listening to Veri, then starts nodding. Very seriously. "That's why, Veri," he says frankly, "you overcame a lot of issues and you did well with them, but you had to work hard to get there. There's always weyrlings who have big stumbling blocks and someone like you who's been through it and is also pretty close to it still can be a big help with a group."

"S'why I started doing it," T'mic tells her, sobering. He's managed to get one string free and coils it up before popping it in his mouth. "I know what too-close weyrlings look like. I was one of 'em. And it does help, to remember what you went through not that long ago." He glances over at Paddy. "Chadamalith would probably be a help, too. Steady." Unlike, say... Aath.

Chewing away on her food as she listens Javeri washes it down with a swallow of beer before saying anything. "A help? I was just sitting here thinking how he was as like to drive them crazy as anything else," she finally says with a laugh. "If you think we can be helpful though then I won't say no." She stops and wrinkles her nose. "Also it seems I won't say no if I want to sleep for the next seven or so. Now that someone's weighed in with his opinion." Shaking her head she grins faintly. "So, I guess yes. If you're sure it's a good idea and all."

"It's always a mix," P'draig says calmly and pops the last of his fish-roll into his mouth, has more beer and reaches for something far less healthy, deep-fried and oozing with cheese. "Chadamalith's got a pretty interesting outlook on life and as Mic says, he's a lot steadier than Aath and he and Jekzith get along pretty well, so that'd pretty much cover the range for dragons." He starts laughing though at that note about Chadamalith. "I see, so he's pretty keen. Sorry about that, Veri, but good, good. Yes, I'm sure," Paddy says and he leans a little to stick his hand into his pocket and pulls out the two necessary knots, slides one across the table to Mic and holds the other up for Veri to take. "Consider yourselves officially drafted for duty. We'll need to check the barracks out, make sure it's all set, I've got to sort out one other assistant and then we'll have a couple of meetings before the eggs hatch to go over things."

T'mic notes to the bluerider, "They've got to get through their own lifemates driving them mad before they'll even notice him. --Ooh." That for Paddy's choice; he sits straight to pick through the basket to find another, but not very hard. "Won't get much sleep for the next three months if you say yes." Not that it stops him from taking -his- knot. "Who're you thinking for the fourth, babe? ...'Scuse me. /Sir/." Complete with a broad wink.

"I'm still not convinced it's not a conspiracy," Javeri says with a moment's thought. "You're leaving the Layabout. Nenita and Ianna could be leaving. Someone clearly doesn't want me to have a crew! My remaining cooks are going to go crazy until I find replacements." Finding a fish wrap amongst the food she takes that over something filled with cheese. Once it's in her hand she wipes the other one off on her shorts before taking the offered knot. "Now I just need to be sure I've still got enough appropriate clothes to wear," she points out with a grin. "Sleep's no worry though. It comes and goes as it will. I either get too much or not enough and it always seems to even out in the end."

Munching away, P'draig listens to the back and forth between the other two, nods about the lack of sleep. "I'm not thinking of anyone in particular just yet, have a few people I'd like to sound out though," the Weyrlingmaster says with a faint smile then nudges Mic with his foot for that 'sir'. "You just like calling me by titles instead of my name. It turns you on," he accuses the greenrider fondly. "Not leaving so much as you know, won't be able to pinch hit quite as much. Have to be organized, see, but I'll still need to blow off steam cooking," Paddy claims, because he is Paddy. He shoots Veri's outfit a brief look and grins. "Other than the clay spatters, that's fine," he quips. "More seriously, just make sure you have stuff you can clean off easily or don't mind getting rid of for the first crazy few weeks."

T'mic? Is utterly innocent of the brownrider's baseless accusation. Honest. "Actually," he muses once he's gotten his face back under control, "Dunno how much time you'll have for the Layabout, at least for the first few months, Javeri. Might have to delegate to your captain. 'Sup to you, of course, and how much you can handle, but..." There's a shrug, and he has another breaded thingy. A thought strikes him while he's eating, and he has a 'wait a minute' finger for the brownrider. "So - it's not going to be like last time, where we all had experience, is it? You're not thinking of Bali or Fadra, are you?"

"I'll sort it out," Javeri says with a thoughtful frown. "I've still got a little time yet to try to come up with...plans. Plans and stuff." She sounds utterly thrilled to death about that idea, but looks resigned to it. "Cause Halleck's fine with the crew and all, but not so much with the customers." But the bluerider just shrugs and finishes off her fish before having a drink. "Just will be kinda of bummed losing my harper. I'll have to stop advertising having one unless I find someone else. Maybe the Hold will have a journeyman looking to make a few extra marks." But enough of that. "It'll sort out."

"I don't think Bali will ... want to," P'draig says slowly, carefully, "or Fadra," he continues and takes another bite out of his cheesy thing. "Besides, I think it's a good idea to have some experienced and some learning or you don't wind up with new people who are experienced," Paddy points out with a grin for Mic. "Yeah, it'll sort out," he says encouragingly about the Layabout. "I can't imagine that there aren't qualified people out there looking to make an extra mark."

T'mic says, "Could ask at the Hall, too," consideringly. "See if there are any, oh, retired ones or something." He shrugs - not his problem - and slides a look sideways at P'draig. "Yeah, that's true. Just was a little strange, last time, with all of us being experienced. I dunno who you're thinking about, but T'riu might be interested. Or, hmm. M'sel or Kettlia. You thinking any particular color of rider? Maybe a bronze, so you have the whole set?"

"I just have to put the word out, sure," Javeri says about finding people. How hard can it be? "It's good experience at least! And I've been trying to avoid the Hall if only because I can work a cheaper deal out on the sly." Sounding entirely unrepentant about that because hey the ship is just getting going. "But retired's a good idea. I might be able to do that." She grins at Mic in thanks before looking for something else to eat. "A set. I would think a good set would be if you could manage a male rider on a male and female dragon and a female rider on one of each. Balance out the experiences and all."

"I'm not thinking anything in particular," P'draig answers Mic and fishes some more deep-fried goodness out of the basket, brings his beer up and has a nice long drink. "Clutches are small enough now that you don't need that many assistants and overall, for particular experiences, usually encourage them to talk to other riders, not just the weyrlingmaster staff," he points out further. "I can ask Remi if he's got any recommendations for your harper, Veri, even though my brother's not really the world's best entertainer."

The greenrider continues to munch his way through his prize, though he's very nearly finished. "Fifteen eggs - it'd be nice to have a fourth, at least at first. Two on, two off, night and day." He's got a quick pout, but it disappears withouth explanation. "Five might be a bit much, but it means there's only... what. Three or four weyrlings per teacher." A flicker of fingers solves the math for him: "Three."

"And bronzeriders that are too good looking are only going to distract any weyrlings like Avey or Neraset," Javeri says with a laugh. "If you get a chance to ask around that's great, Paddy, but if not I'll sort it out. It always does." Finishing off her beer she says, "I should go tell-" And stops with a frown before shaking her head. "I'd best go leave word at the docks for Halleck to come see me between cruises today so we can start working on it." Standing up she smiles at the other two. "If it's ok if I slip out right now? Was there anything else we needed to go over right now?"

"We used to have that many for twice the eggs," P'draig points out mildly, "so I'm not particularly worried. Definitely going for that fourth to line up the schedules like that," and he nudges Mic's leg again with his foot, grinning. "But generally, there aren't more than six even for a really big clutch." Paddy laughs for that quip of Veri's. "Hey, handsomeness is not dependent on dragon color," he teases her and then crooks a finger at her. "Yeah, just one thing, a kiss," he says to her with a bright little grin. "Otherwise, off you go to take care of things. I'll let you know when we're going to meet up and who our fourth will be."

"I know," T'mic says with a nose-wrinkle to counteract the mildness, though it too disappears beneath the rush of a grin to match P'draig's. "No kisses here, unless you want to." Not that he expects the bluerider to follow through, but he's being polite, see? The blonde he was sitting with earlier ambles past just then, working her hips and blowing a kiss over one shoulder at the greenrider; Mic waggles his fingers at her and leans out to get a good view of the show.

"I said girls like Avey," Javeri points out with a smile. "She was all about the color." Not that it spared her though in flight. Ha! Wait, she's not thinking of that. "But, yes, dear. I am sure your handsomeness will be a great distraction. Both of you." As for the kiss she leans down and does just that for the brownrider. "Yes, sir," she teases with a laugh. And while Mic might not get the same kind of kiss it doesn't stop her from planting one on his lips before he's distracted by a hip waggle. "I'll see you two later then," gets said with a wave as she heads off.

"Okay, okay," P'draig says laughingly for the disclaimer Javeri provides and reaches up to draw her near while that kiss takes place, lets her go with a cheeky litle grin back in place. "See you, Veri," the Weyrlingmaster says good naturedly and leans back in his seat. "So. We've had appetizers, life's looking good. Lunch?"

T'mic startles at the bluerider's kiss and grins before turning back to Paddy. "Know what -I- want for lunch." A tilt of his head after the departed blonde, and he's sliding out of the booth. "I'll see you in a little bit? Sannie's patient, but not -that- patient." The brownrider gets a second kiss to tide him over until later, and then the greenrider steals one of those cheese things to nibble on while he trots to catch up with not-that-patient.

Tilting his head up for that kiss, P'draig's response is very fond. Bright laughter follows after Mic as he heads off in pursuit of 'lunch'. Grinning to himself, the Weyrlingmaster finishes off the contents of the basket at a leisurely pace then heads out to go pick up his kids for lunch instead.

$giremi, #weyrlingmaster, t'mic, javeri, $fadra, lierythxriuth1, $balinne

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