Log: Messing Around At The Beach

May 03, 2009 11:52

Who: Ajatha, Nenita, P'draig
When: 8/21/19
Where: Main Beach, Ista Weyr
What: Splashing. Flirting. Ista at its finest.

Main Beach, Ista Weyr(#444RIJMa)

The coastline of black sand stretches out in either direction, tropical waters lapping ceaselessly against the subtle decline of the main beach that rests at the base of the plateau cliff. To the northeast, water from the upper pool cascades over the plateau's edge, its destination shrouded in the lush fronts of the jungle's edge and a hint of blue-tinged mist. The Sandbar, Ista's seaside tavern, stands to the south beside the long branching structure of the docks.

The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. At the height of mid-day, a gray blanket of clouds dominates the sky and a nice, light breeze carries the scent of sea air.

Today is an absolutely sweltering, disgusting Istan day. There may be cloud overhead, but people still seem to be coming to the beach. They're out in little clusters here and there with their beach blankets and food. Nenita is there too with a few other young women about her own age. She departs from them, at least momentarily to go out to the water. With a splash, she's out amongst the waves, swimmimg not far from shore.

It's Paddy's /least/ favorite sort of Istan day and he's escaped duties and the Weyr itself as soon as possible. The brownrider and his dragon arrive, Jekzith letting Paddy down on the beach a little ways away from other people. THe brown promptly takes off for the water though and P'draig is left to set up his towel and strip down to his shorts. Sandals are left stacked atop eachother alongside his towel and he stretches a little before padding across hot sand for the water's edge.

Seems everyone's going straight for the water, and being a beach bunny begreened! And with the clouds overhead, the breeze's whipping up just a little bit, taking with it the skirt's edge of Ajatha's coverup as she wanders down the beach with her shoes in her hand. The sound of the girls bounding in the surf draws her attention, a hand lifting to one with a friendly wave, trotting down there to cool her tootsies in the water, easing out of the cover-up thing. Sploosh! "Faranth, why is is it so not today!" The arrival of the brown perks her up, her eyes sweeping for the rider. "Paddy!"

Nenita gets herself thoroughly soaked before bringing herself in closer to shore. She gets to a point where she can stand on the water, just up to her waist. "Jathi!" Goes out the call when the familiar blonde comes into her line of sight. She wades through the water towards her. The brown doesn't really get much notice from her until the greeting is sent out from the other girl. Jekzith is given a casted look before she too starts to check the beach ahead of her for the rider.

The call of his name draws P'draig's attention and he waves Ajatha's way then moves along the surfline towards her and by extension Nenita. When the cook comes into view he waves again, a warm smile on his face. "Hey Ajatha, Nenita. A lot nicer in the water today, yeah?"

The sound of her name has Jathi turning in mid bound - that is, to turn right in where the surf's coming up. Splat. Right in the mouth. She vanishes below the water just a moment and comes up sputtering, shaking her head with a wild spray of white blonde every which way and rubbing her eyes. "Nenny! ... I'm going to swat you!" Peeking back at Paddy, she grins. "Hey, Paddy. So much nicer. Keep forgetting the beach is black. It's so hot."

Ajatha's fall into the surf triggers laughter from her. Nenny tucks her wet hair back, wiping water from her own face. "Sorry! Didn't think you'd trip and fall like that. I thought you were used to water, hmm?" She giggles again before turning back at the sound of P'draig's voice. "Hey there! Coming in for a swim?"

"Whoops there," P'draig says in a friendly tone. "Need a hand?" he offers as he starts to wade in, nodding. "Yeah, need to cool off after duties earlier," the brownrider claims. "Can't imagine it was any fun in the kitchen."

"I didn't -trip-," Ajatha huffs at her friend with an edge of indignance. "The surf knocked me over. I'm used to water!" Puff. Eyeing the water warily, she gets her feet back under her and straightens up well wnough with a grin at Paddy. "Nah, I'm good. It's so hot in the bar, and the caverns. So boring."

"It was absolutely disgusting. Couldn't wait to get out of the heat from those ovens. Glad they let me off a little earlier." Nenita answers, wading back into somewhat deeper waters. The denial from her friend just promotes more laughing. "Sure, you didn't." Grin! "Duties just as hot as those of us stuck indoors?"

"Sun's strong. Even with the wind, if you're flying around without shade in full leathers ..." P'draig explains with a grin and wades in up to his waist, waves slapping up against him. His hands scoop water towards him, bringing it upward to splash chest, neck and back a little to his face. "Glad you got out early though."

"Lucky us. Everyone got away from working earlier than they wanted to." Ajatha beams lazily and promptly sticks her tongue out at Nenita for the laughter. "Go boil your head, brat. You're so very mean to me. Why am I your friend again?" Now she's laughing, however, teasing toned and all, wandering back up to settle into the wasit-deep water too. "Heeey, Paddy?" Innocently.. Uhoh.

"Go boil my head? Well, that's not very nice. You're my friend because you love me and you think I'm just so amazing and great." Nenita beams, splashing water at her. She sinks into the water a little more. "Me too, would have been hell being trapped in there." The innocent tone of Ajatha catches her attention and she casts a glance towards her.

"Ow, boiling heads. Tastes good if it's pig, but oof, ow," P'draig says laughingly and brings up twinned hands to splash water over his face. "Yeah?" and he looks over his shoulder a little towards the girls.

"Pfft. I think you've been dreaming again, Nenny," Ajatha suggests with a twist of her lips into that grin. But then she's splashing wayer back at her and drifting away, as if to make to hide behind P'draig. "Being inside today is miserable." But instead of hiding behind the brownrider, she instead sends water splashing at him, too.

More laughter from the cook as she holds her hands up to protect herself. Nenita floats along in the water. Not really following the blonde so much as keeping herself within earshot of both of them. "Oh no, I never dream. Everything I think is total reality." She smirks before sinking below the surface momentarily.

Splash! And P'draig blinks, then just laughs and splashes back gamely, eyes twinkling with good humor. "Tricky, tricky," he teases Ajatha as Nenny goes a-diving.

Ajatha rolls her eyes in a glance back to Nenita and shakes her head. "Knowing you, that's a liiiie. You --.. just went under. Silly girl." Cut off in her teasing by the girl's dive, she smirks and turns back to Paddy. "How you been? Your weyrmate behaving?"

She's sunk beneath the surface, when she reappears, she's several feet over. And by them, surprise. Nenita is gracious enough to emerge without making too much of a splash attack. Her appearance happens moments after Ajatha's question to the brownrider, so she misses it. Water is brushed from her eyes, "I what?"

"Heh, 'course not," P'draig says with a laugh. "He's /T'mic/ does he ever?" the brownrider says fondly and winks at Ajatha. "Heya," he greets Nenita as she re-surfaces and reaches over to push back some waterlogged hair from her forehead. "T'mic. He's misbehaving as usual."

"..Are ridiculous," Ajatha finishes when Nenita reappears and chuckles softly. "No, I'm sure that he's not behaving at all. Not in the slightest." She sets herself to drifting again, tredding water a bit with her legs tucked under her in the shallow water. "We are too quiet!"

T'mic? That's not a name that the cook is clearly familiar with right off the bat. But perhaps it's the fond look and familiar manner with which he talks about him or maybe she just doesn't want to admit she doesn't know. Because she doesn't ask who he is. Maybe she doesn't get a chance to, because Paddy is pushing hair away from her forehead. She blushes (or is it sunburn?) and smiles, though it's so obvious that it's one of those painfully shy ones. "I am not ridiculous." She shoots back over her shoulder, smile less awkward for Ajatha.

"Nahhh, not at all," P'draig says, friendly-like to Nenita as her hair gets tucked back. He tilts a look Ajatha's way. "So ... does that mean make a lot more noise?" the brownrider asks laughingly and makes a little splash her way.

"T'mic is Paddy-dear's weyrmate. Haven't met him directly myself, but I hear he's a cad. Greenrider, so that's a given." Winking back at Nenita, Ajatha's smile is lazy and generally a smug one.. until there's a killer wave of splash heading her way. "P'draig!" Ducking down, she pushes under the water herself to escape it. Dive! And there's no bartender reappearing.

Nenny self-consciously pushes the rest back behind her hairs, patting it down. "Ah ha, weyrmate. A lovely cad?" She asks, eyes brightening and 'brows arching. The shouting of the brownriders name gets an amused look from her and she watches as she disappears under the water. "Ajatha is a piece of work." She comments off-handedly to him.

"A /cad/?" P'draig shakes his head Ajatha's way. "He'd have to be a liar to be one of those," the brownrider says but it's likely lost in Ajatha's ducking. "Mic's not what you'd call the faithful type," Paddy explains to Nenita while Ajatha's underwater. "We keep things open and well, he's a very very very busy greenrider," he continues, amused.

Ajatha doesn't seem to be making another reappearance right away, but a few seconds later draws a soft dripping sound. And then someone's hands are coming to drop a few handfulls of water over P'draig's head from behind him. Sneak attack. "Well, not a cad. But a right flirt." She must have heard some of that, then, but not all.

"Open relationships have always interested me. But I've never been in one myself." Nenita flashes him a smile that's so much less awkward than before. Her mouth opens, like she's ready to say something, but then Ajatha is popping up out of the water. Her lips close and she just shakes her head. "I know some other really good flirts out there." There's a sly wink of her right eye before she splashes them both. From the beach several girls are heard calling her name. "Bye." Is her simple farewell before wading out of the water and giving them a small wiggle of her fingers. Then she's scampering off across the sand.

"Grew up with four parents myself," P'draig says with a chuckle and his smile answers hers only to be doused by the arrival of sneak attack water. "Augh!" he exclaims but promptly laughs after and turns around to splash at Ajatha again. "Yeah he is and here, how's this for flirting?" And then Nenita's splashing too and he laughs all the more, waving as Nenny runs off.

"You're one of those flirts, you know, Nenny!" Ajatha reveals with a wink over Paddy's shoulder and bobs back again to try to ecape the next wave of splashing. "You're not a bad flirt yourself, Paddy. Bye, brat!" The latter for the retreating girl, obviously. But then she's turning back to the brownrider, narrowing her eyes. "It's on, now." This's offered teasingly, as she's smacking her own hands down to cast another wave his way.

"Just a little, P'draig says with a chuckle about flirting then waggles his brows as he really sets to splashing back. Back and forth, back and forth, bigger and smaller waves and smacked sheets of water.

"Hey, now." Bobbing back a bit more, Ajatha dips her hands in the water and rears an arm back, flinging it forward to take a good big of water his way in a nice little arc. Take that!
Splat! Right in the kisser and P'draig claws water out of his eyes, laughing. "Oho, now you're asking for it!" he says and he's surging forward by steps, apparently intending to 'tackle' her down into the water.

"Haha!" Ajatha lets out a triumphant little laugh and widens her eyes when he advances, backing up a bit, pushing her feet into the bottom for some propel backwards. "Aiiee! No, no, no!" She makes it a few feet back, but finally she gives over to diving and swimming for safety. Tackle that!

"Mua ha ha!" P'draig exaggerates that as he stalks after. He makes a low, shallow dive of his own after her, hands reaching for feet or ankles to dunk her a little.

Burble. That's the sound of a squawk that gets drowned in the water and only comes up as bubbles to pop at the surfaceas Jathi's ankle gets grabbed, the other kicking out a little without the aim to hurt, but to shake off. Not quite what happens, but she's turning and making a grab to dunk him right back.

Not quite quick enough on the release, P'draig gets duly nabbed and down he goes. Gulp. And when he bobs back up, he's laughing again.

Ajatha pops back up as well and wipes her eyes clear of the water with a spill of laughter. "Got you this time!" One arm goes to smack the water down his way again, followed by the other for another splash. "I win!" Crow.

P'draig just grins and flops back into a float. "I'd say a /draw/," the brownrider claims and looks up at the sky. "Really is a lot better out here in the water. Have to say. So. How's things other than hot and busy?"

Ajatha makes a great show of rolling her eyes with a grin. "Find, it's a draw, if you want to get -technical-." Following his glance upward, she closes her eyes against the glare of the sun and smoothes her wet hair back behind an ear. "Hot. Busy. Busy, hot. About the same everywhere. If it's not the beach, then it's the bar. Dragonpoker games, people shouting for drinks, the sound of the glasses and trays clinking, the female laughter and the squeals as the riders and the sailors pop in and pinch the bartenders' backsides. Place gets so packed that on can scarcely breathe sometimes. Reminds me of Southern Weyr a bit. How 'bout you? Wing duties keeping you on your toes?"

Relaxing into the water, P'draig listens. He shakes his head eventually too. "Not too much. We don't drill every day, so it's mostly sweeps. A little non-Thread type training. Interval is really relaxing if you don't have something /else/ to do too."

Ajatha treads water again with a nod of her head, eyeing him in consideration. "What else /do/ you do, aside from drills? Besides splashing poor girls and pushing them underwater."

"Cook at the Sandbar, take care of my kids, visit my lovers, keep Mic happy, which you know, takes a lot of time. Take care of Jekzith. And when we have a clutch, help with weyrlings." P'draig's got quite the laundry list there he does.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Ajatha sounds as she shakes her head and flicks water off her fingers a bit, watching the ripples that the droplets cause as they meat the rest of the water's surface before regarding him again with a grin. "Sounds like you're busy all the time, with so many people to take care of. And.. How many kids do you have now? I don't think I ever heard."

"Mic accuses me of that all the time. Makes sure I have my prirorities straight," P'draig answers with a laugh. "Three. One daughter, aged five and a half and two sons, two and just under a turn," Paddy answers about his family. "Mic has six. And ... yes, all of our children have different mothers."

"Oh, well, in that case. Maybe you should wear him out completely so you can get some of your other things done." Amazing how she doesn't so much as bat an eyelash at the words, with her smile so innocent. "Wow. That's a lot of youngsters. I don't know how you handle all of them."

"Sadly, it's usually the other way around," P'draig says with a merry laugh. "Nine all together. But Mic's are older than mine. He got started early. Solla, his eldest is a rider here, all grown up." Beat. "Well ... mostly," the brownrider says with a little laugh. "She's sixteen. Grown up enough. And we handle it as most riders do, with the ample and copious help of qualified nannies in the caverns."

Ajatha muses on that for a moment. "That's grown up enough, certainly. Old enough to impress. Some holder girls that I know would be engaged by now, if not married with a kid in the making. Never really understood holders so much, though. My mom impressed at sixteen. Thankfully, she didn't have kids until later." She bares her teeth in a grin there. "Thank Faranth for nannies."

"Mmhm. Half of his kids are apprentice age or older. The others are more around my kids' ages," P'draig goes on. "So did I. Sixteen. Seems a good age for it. Old enough, not too young."

Ajatha nods. "Guess that's a nice mix. Half can take care of themselves, the other can still be adorable and make you remember that you're being watched, looked up to." There's a little smile there, musing. "Yeah. Isn't always the age it happens at, though." She shrugs her shoulders there.

"They don't live here, most of them," P'draig says about Mic's kids. "Southern Weyr. And he knocked up my daughter's nanny at Fort." Again with the fond askance there. "But you should know one of his kids pretty well actually. Tolian. Brianka's little boy." Of her fellow Sandbar barmaid's son. "No it's not unless the Weyrleaders wisely decide not to Search under fifteen," Paddy says, which is an opinion declared.

Ajatha purses her mouth faintly at the name and gives a nod of recognization. "Oh! Yes, I know him. Very cute. Probably know some of the kids at Southern, too. I've known them search as young as ..what was it, thirteen? No. No, it was twelve. My mother's a weyrlingmaster at Southern Weyr. It's no great secret that there has to be some measure of maturity to the candidate that gets to be a weyrling. That is the model. But that isn't always the case. Unfortunately. It's only by the grace of my mother that the boy didn't between himself into a stone rockface." Her lips press together at that memory, a little annoyance in her eyes.

"Mmm, Tomella, Jolemic and Tiisa are at Southern. Mic's from there. His mother's a weyr resident and he's never known who his father is," P'draig explains. "Fort and Ista both don't Search unless they're over fifteen now," he notes with a grin. "Having been a Weyrlingmaster so long, I'm just not ... in favor of Searching kids that young. It's maybe not so bad in an Interval, but at the same time, also unnecessary."

"Hmm. I'm sure my little sisters would know them, if I don't. Though, they're a little on the young side anyway." Ajatha cants her head at the latter and considers. "Well, that's good. Though the age doesn't always mean that there's the right level to take care of a baby dragon and that like. It's dangerous, whether there's Thread or not. ..Sorry, been living with a very.. very adamant weyrlingmaster with very strong views."

"They're between thirteen and ten, the kids over there. Tolian's four and the baby's a turn and a half, but over at Fort," P'draig explain about the rest of Mic's brood. "Mine, well Palia and Dylan are here, she's five and Dyl's just a little guy, not a turn yet. Just crawling. My other son, Jaivery, lives at Telgar with his mother for now, but he might be fostered." He smiles a little over her way. "I think it comes with the job, having strong views about it."

"Good ages, all. My sisters.. Izasani would be around eleven now. Jadalyn seven, and Jalya five or six, I think now. So I'm sure that at least Iza knows some of them. She's a wild one. Terror of the nannies. Hopefully Jalya'll be Mama's last, though. Her blue is a flight winner too many times." Ajatha twitches her nose faintly and smirks. "True that. Does scariness also come with it?"

"Terror of the nannies," P'draig repeats with a chuckle. "THankfully, so far, none of my kids has earned that title," he says and nods about flight winning. "Mm. Palia's from a won flight, the boys are both from flights lost." He straightens up to standing, hands moving through the water and then lifts one to pinch water off of his nose. "Depends, I think. I'm not usually what you'd call a scary Weyrlingmaster."

"It's a hard-won title," Ajatha offers in regards to the terror title and frowns a bit. "And takes an awful lot of spoiling. I'm from a won flight. The others are, too. 'Cept Jalya. Havath lost once, and Mama found a holder." There's a shrug of her shoulders and a clearing of her throat. "Depends. Guess that's about right. Know some that are sweet as bubbly. But some are scary personified."

"Mmhm. I've tried really hard not to spoil mine and make sure they're not /being/ spoilt too," P'draig explains as a wave rolls in and he bobs up a little onto his toes. "Usually somewhere in between myself," Paddy says. "I never did see much point to the scary act. Most weyrlings don't respond to it and go underground if they have concerns and it can lead to bonding problems if they're too scared to talk to their Weyrlingmaster."

"It's a real fine line sometimes. Thwy keep y'on y'toes, though. Ack." Someone's not been pauing attention to the wave and gets splatted with one again, pursing her mouth in an annoyed huff. "Grr.. That is true, too. I don't know how Mama never manages to damage some kids, carrying aroung her pugil stick with impromptu training sessions and all. Though the main weyrlingmaster is even worse have the time, from what I remember. Annnyyway."

"Yeah, they do" P'draig admits about kids and winces as Ajatha takes that wave in the face. "Oof the sea just has it in for you to day." Sympathetic smile. "Mm. Different weyrlingmasters have different ways. Most of the time, as long as the class comes out okay, the how isn't that important." Another wave comes by and Paddy nods once. "I'm going to go soak up some sun for a little at least, my towel's over there if you want to drop by though." With a wave of his hand the brownrider heads thattaway to chill out for a bit.

Ajatha's busy wiping her face this time but has a good idea of the next wave coming, bouncing up a bit to avoid it. Triumph! "Haha. Won't get me this time. Hmm? Oh, yeah, it's all a matter of perspective after everything's said and done, suppose. Have a good one, Paddy. I think.. I'm going to go back to the bar. I could use a drink. Something that isn't seawater." Casting a wary eye at the water coming in, she starts to make her way that way this time. Woo.

ajatha, p'draig, nenita

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