Log: Tours

May 02, 2009 01:34

Who: Javeri, P'draig, Chadamalith, Jekzith
When: 8/15/19
Where: Main Beach, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy and Veri flirt (of course), talk Layabout and a little of what's been on Paddy's mind lately. Veri also spills the beans about Nenny's opinion of Paddy's ... anatomy.

Main Beach, Ista Weyr(#444RIJMa)
The coastline of black sand stretches out in either direction, tropical waters lapping ceaselessly against the subtle decline of the main beach that rests at the base of the plateau cliff. To the northeast, water from the upper pool cascades over the plateau's edge, its destination shrouded in the lush fronts of the jungle's edge and a hint of blue-tinged mist. The Sandbar, Ista's seaside tavern, stands to the south beside the long branching structure of the docks.
The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. At the height of mid-day, a gray blanket of clouds dominates the sky and a nice, light breeze carries the scent of sea air.

Another humid and hot summer day means a lot of the Weyr has retreated to the beach. There's a lot of noise and the children, who are way more energetic than the adults, run around just making those lying there feel even more tired. A little farther down the beach where there's not quite so many people Javeri's set up shop. Or at least she's found a spot to flop on a towel while Chadamalith lies just where the waves will hit him. The two seem as lethargic as anyone else.

Among those perky children, is Palia. She's got her little surfboard and is defying the heat and practicing her moves in the little waves. She's a fairly nimble child and her posture is getting decent. Paddy stands watching her, hands on hips, a little proud, paternal grin on his face while Jekzith wings in from overhead and aims out deeper, wings folding to diiiiive down into the water.

Among those perky children, is Palia. She's got her little surfboard and is defying the heat and practicing her moves in the little waves. She's a fairly nimble child and her posture is getting decent. Paddy stands watching her, hands on hips, a little proud, paternal grin on his face while Jekzith wings in from overhead and aims out deeper, wings folding to diiiiive down into the water. << Hello Chadamalith! >> is offered before he vanishes beneath the surface.

Energetic children just make someone feel old. Which is probably why Javeri was staying away from them. Chadamalith doesn't lift his head as a wave splashes over it, but he does send a cheerful << Jekzith! Good day to you. >> Then the important question << Is it cooler down there? >> And where the brown is his rider is likely to be as well so Javeri sits up when alerted to the other dragon's presence. "Ugh, it will require walking," she complains to no one, but then up she hops and sets out a slow jog to find P'draig. "Hey, handsome," he gets when she comes up behind him.

<< Good day, good day. It /is/, >> Jekzith says merrily in answer as he keeps on going down-down where it's cool and shadowy and floats for a little, watching the deep fish. Paddy's still focused on Palia and giving her a thumbs up as she 'rides' a mini-wave then turns, grinning at Javeri's approach. "Hey there, gorgeous," he greets back and leans over to kiss the bluerider lightly. "Look at how well you've been teaching her!" a gesture to Palia.

If his rider can do it then the blue can do it. Chadamalith more slithers than walks into the ocean and then swims farther out so he can dive down. << I want to go somewhere cool. She says it's not bad and will not go visit someplace cold. It is silly. >> Silly Javeri! "A few more kisses while we visit and maybe it'll be worth the effort to make it over to say hi," she teases with a laugh before looking out at the water. Once she spots Palia she observes her in silence before nodding. "She looks real good."

Welcoming, Jekzith stays put and flashes a few places: the Reaches, Honshu, Telgar, northern Benden. << These are all cooler places. And I suppose if she's used to it, it doesn't feel bad to her. Paddy is hot. >> A brief sharing of the uncomfy prickly feeling and stickiness of sweat. << It's on days like today that he sometimes wishes we hadn't left Fort. But he is happy here otherwise. It's been two turns. Very soon. >> P"draig chuckles and reaches to wind an arm loosely around the bluerider's waist, dips his head to offers another kiss and another after that. "Worthwhile yet?"

Down goes Chadamalith as deep as he likes to linger. Just deep enough to make it easy to come back up for air when he waits until the last minute to do so. << She is used to it. She says I should be used to it since I was born here as well. And that it was hotter where I was hatched. >> The pictures are picked apart before he asks << What fruits are there? >> That might make it worth him to convince her to go. "Close enough," the bluerider answers with a laugh. "Oh. I have a part time cook for the Layabout. And a harper. Although to be honest I just want her to say I have a harper. I've plenty of local performers who are, well, a little better. But it's all in how you market. Or so I've been told."

Jekzit shares the fruits of those places, with help from P'draig. << Things are in season now too. The harvests ... >> Another kiss between statements. "Mmhm. Yeah? Good. Good. Sounds like it's all coming together, huh?" And he's not letting go of her waist either.

<< Then we will go. >> Chadamalith decides this as he lingers underwater to watch a school of fish. << Maybe I can find someone to go with her. Or an excuse for her to go. It would be good for her to get away. >> Well, it would be good for him to get fruit. Javeri leans into him since his arm is around her anyway. "Yea. Now comes the panic part where I worry about having all these marks people have given me and them not getting them back. Oh, the cook. Nenita? She says she knows you. Or met you. She thinks watching you in a swimsuit is worth risking death in surfing lessons so she might show up sometime."

<< We would be happy to go with you, >> Jekzith says exuberantly. << It /is/ good to get out and about. >> Though he's relaxing right now, watching fish. Paddy keeps his arm right where it has been and this time it's the tip of her nose he kisses. "Think you're going to have trouble with that?" And then he's laughing, a bemused expression on his face. "Nenita did, huh? Yeah, met her at the bar while on shift the other night. Well, properly met instead of 'in passing in the kitchen'. Nice girl. And huh ... me in a swimsuit is a draw. I'll remember that."

That is likely the answer he was looking for and there's a bright flash of blue and the background scent of citrus explodes. Chadamalith is pleased. << Excellent. She does not like going places alone because then she does not have anyone to talk to. >> Except him, but that goes without saying. Slowly he drifts upwards. Soon it'll be breathing time and all. "You know me," Javeri says with a wry laugh. "Always panicked about what's going to happen. I've never run a business so I'm worried about every little thing. And, yea, well, you outside of the suit is a bigger draw, but she can get there on her own." After all she didn't have anyone helping her!

A moment or two more and Jekzith is bobbing upwards too. He's b een down longer, but lungs are emptying out. << Oh? Well we're always happy to go places with you and yours. >> Contentment from Jekzith. Paddy laughs and nods, gives Veri a little squeeze and waves as Palia plants her board. It tips over. She tries again with solid determination. Over it goes again. "Think so, huh? Well ... hm. Something to think about," P'draig says and ducks his head a little. "I've been ... holding back a little. But I might be all right now."

Chadamalith's head breaks the water and he hangs there with just his muzzle exposed for a moment before he pushes himself all the way up. << That is good. We mostly go to the ship place right now. >> A picture of the hold is shared where the boat is being fixed up. << She likes the people there. >> Or at least all the sailors roaming around with not much to do. Javeri watches Palia try to get her board up and laughs softly. "The hardest part," she comments quietly. "You been ok?" gets asked then as she looks away from his daughter to him.

A few seconds behind, up comes Jekzith. << Oohh the boat. That they're making. So that people can have fun, >> the brown concludes and blows bubbles around the mental Layabout. Palia frowns, digs a little trench with her foot and /jams/ the board in. Hand dusting. There. Ha ha. And back to the water to splash with the other kids. Paddy's watching Palia a little fond grin on his face and he doesn't answer right away. "Doing too much, as usual. Figuring some things out."

<< I am going to swim with it. She says it is coming back soon and she will be on it. So, I will swim with it. In case there is trouble. >> What kind of trouble Chadamalith does not seem sure of, but he cannot entirely trust her on her own. Rolling around he winds up floating on his stomach and blowing bubbles. "I have to say after doing too much these last months I am amazed you don't just collapse every seven or so from it. I just want to go sleep for a month some days." Eyes slide from the kids in the water towards the man standing next to her. "Figuring things out?" He can share if he wants, but Javeri doesn't sound pressing.

<< Oh that'll be fun, >> Jekzith declares still all bubble as he stretches out on the surface. Bubbles! The brown totally gets in on that. "Heh. Well ... you know. Have to keep up with everyone," Paddy says lightly and rubs at her back absently, one-handed. "Yeah, about me and sleeping around and how well or not I manage that," the brownrider says frankly and grins over at her, something self-deprecating in his expression.

<< Yes, it should be fun. I am going to ask Roriath to come with me. >> Chadamalith shares an image of a green who's all sharp angles and lean muscles. << I think she will come. >> Except if he likes her then she's going to want nothing to do with him. But those are just details! For now there's ocean bubbles to blow. The ocean that Javeri stares out at right now. Not just the kids and other people in it, but the water itself. His grin is met with hers only hers might be hiding a little concern, but then she's looking at the ocean again. "Oh? Age catching up with you?"

<< Sharp-looking, >> Jekzith remarks. << But nice hide. >> And he considers that stray thought about not liking him. << THink so? >> Jekzith re-draws that thought and blows another bubble. "No," Paddy answers laughingly and then shrugs. "My own conscience ... or just ... re-realizing things about myself."

There's lots of images of that hide and the wings and the rest of the body attached to it. Chadamalith is quite smitten with her after all. << She flies well too. I think she will swim well. >> What like or dislike? There is only trying to woo her! Feet paddle lazily to move him forward to a school of fish near the surface. Snack time. "Ahh. It's never fun learning or relearning about yourself." Javeri shrugs and grins though while looking out at the water. "Especially when /someone/ decides it's time to. I suppose it's all a matter of whatever will make you happiest though."

Jekzith enjoys the picture show. If he were human he'd probably be going "Mmm mmm mmm damn fine ass." As it is it's just a general sort of appreciation for a well-put-together green. << Have fun when you go. >> As for wooing, Jekzith is more blase about these things. Happy go lucky. "Yeah, just ... taking a little bit easier, that's all."

She is lovely and Chadamalith has a few more pictures to share before he lets her go. There are fish to enjoy and he opens his mouth wide to swoop a mouthful of fish to chomp. Chomp, chew. << It will be interesting. Have you tried these? >> The fish. Not the swimming with a boat and trying to lure greens into one's lair. Javeri looks again at him and then away. "Sure it's not age?" she teases, but then she asks, "Are we, you know, taking a break too?" Not that it really seems it, but of course she has to ask with concern.

Jekzith's not hungry but he does watch how the rest of the school scatters and then he blows more bubbles. << Yes. But I like the big ones better. >> P'draig tilts his head down, kisses Javeri's forehead lightly. "I'm sure. And no. We're not."

Another mouth of fish disappears while they're easy to catch. << The little ones have different tastes. The big ones all taste the same bite by bite. >> But now the fish are scattering so he has to work at them and right now it's not worth doing that. Back on the beach Javeri steals a look over and then lets out a breath she may not have known she was holding. "Oh, ok. Good. I mean, you know, if you had to I'd understand and all. No big deal."

P'draig lifts his hand to run gently down Javeri's arm. "It just means I'm not running around with Mic picking up strangers every other night," the brownrider says with a lopsided grin. "Taking it easy," he reiterates while Jekzith continues to float and blow. << They don't fill me up. >> The little ones.

There's a picture of Jekzith and then his stomach. Both are compared to Chadamalith and his stomach. The former is way bigger. Gigantic. << Of course not. >> Her head leans just a bit against him as Javeri smiles. "Oh, well, since I plan on making you lure people to my boat with fancy cooking that is good. I need you alert. Speaking of which I was thinking of inviting...I don't know. People who should know about the Layabout. So her maiden voyage would be, well, advertising. And then after that I'll take out everyone's family who was involved as a thank you."

Laughter like bubbles floating on the wind, all technicolor from Jekzith. Big belly. Funny. "Mmm. Only reason," P'draig says with a laugh and gives her shoulders a squeeze. "Yeah, Mic and I were talking about the Katz Field holders maybe."

His belly is not full, but since chasing fish would be more work Chadamalith just floats. He's had a snack after all. That'll do. "Katz Field? Umm, sure. I don't see why not." Javeri frowns a moment and then nods. "I'll add them to the starting list. I need someone who, you know, knows etiquette and all. So I can sort out my list..I don't want to offend someone by not inviting them, but I also don't want to invite everyone and have too many people. My poor head."

Chuckling, P'draig nods. "It's to smooth things over with them. Fayre'd like it," the brownrider says with a little s mile. "But yeah, I can see how that could get confusing. All the different people."

"We sure didn't cover anything like it in those etiquette classes we had to sit through in weyrlinghood. I guess I'll ask a harper. They're supposed to know that stuff." Javeri shrugs lightly. It'll sort out. "Oh, well, if one of my investors would like it then I can certainly arrange it. Once I've a list I've found someone in records who'll make nice invitations to be delivered. And once it's all done I can...can stop revolving every conversation around it! Shells!"

"Really? Huh. Yeah, hierarchy of holds, minor holds all that," P'draig says with a nod. "I ah -- actually know a harper who teaches those things ..." he trails off with a look down at the sand. "I could ask her. And that all sounds nice. INcluding being able to focus a little more elsewhere."

"I went looking through records for a book on it, but they made my head spin before it fell asleep." Javeri's head shakes a bit so beads go clack and hit softly on his arm. "If there's something who can help that would be lovely. I just need the right mixture. Holders, crafters, riders, you know? To make sure everyone knows and word spreads and the like."

"Mm, she's not at Ista, Reaches," P'draig explains and toes at the sand a little. "Old friend," he says with a smiles that might say volumes about what /kind/ of friend this harper was. "Mm, yeah, keep the business going."

Eyes slide away from the people playing in the water to look at him. "Paddy," Javeri teases with a grin. "Are you using me as an excuse to see this friend again?" Then a hurried, "Not that I mind! But if she's that kind of friend you can always bring her for a special tour of the Layabout."

"An excuse? No. Invitation is open to visit," P'draig grins over at her and curls toes more deeply in sand. "She used to teach etiquette at the hall almost ten turns ago. She really is an expert if you're looking for quick answers. Though I'm sure the harper here could help too." The offer of the tour quirks his mouth a little. "She might like that, though sometimes she strikes me as the sort of person who'd rather have solid ground under her feet."

One foot taps at the ground as her hip bumps against his lightly. "I suppose I've never thought of the ground as being all that solid. Despite knowing otherwise I always preferred to think of Ista just floating along. Like a giant surfboard and all. Or maybe flying now. Real low over the water like when Chadamalith goes skimming." Javeri pauses and gives her head a shake. Enough random musing. "But when the ship's docked she'll be pretty close to solid land. Anyway, in another seven or so...I keep saying that. Always one more thing to tweak, when she's back and ready for the final painting and so on and so forth if you want to invite her to tour feel free."

"Huh. Floating ..." P'draig hasn't really thought of it that way and he looks out towards the water. "Interesting idea. And yeah it does feel that way when you're flying sometimes, doesn't it?" There's a bob of Paddy's head about the invitation. "We'll see," he replies non-committally. "So ... are we going for /our/ little tour though?"

"Floating, flying, all the f-words," Javeri teases with a laugh. "Anyway if you want to do it just let me know when and I'll make sure nothing's going on." Then she laughs again and the hand away from him gestures. "You're a little busy right now. But anytime after dinner we can go. If you're free tonight?"

"You forgot one," P'draig jokes just a little and he nods a few times, about the nothing going on. His arm slides around her waist again and he bends to press a kiss to her temple. "Yeah, I am." Palia runs up dripping and excited then and the brownrider disengages, reaching down to pluck up a towel to wrap around his daughter. "Let me get the monkey here all settled. I'll meet you down at the dock later." He smiles up at Javeri fondly and heads off with Palia over his shoulder to get her board and haul the kid up to the Weyr.

p'draig, chadamalith, javeri, $layabout, $nenita, @ista, jekzith

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