Log: Veri Flies

Dec 28, 2008 02:26

Who: Javeri and P'draig with Chadamalith and Jekzith
When: Afternoon, 8/4/18
Where: The bowl on the ground and in the air
What: Javeri and Chadamalith take to the skies under P'draig and Jekzith's watchful eye.

The weather is not conducive to much time being spent in the bowl. The breeze that hits the bottom of it barely stirs the air and leaves nothing but that familiar walking through a wet blanket feeling to contend with. Anyone who can has sought out a more comfortable spot to lounge right now and only seeks the bowl to cross it, usually in a hurry, to somewhere better to spend their time. The weather doesn't keep everyone out of the bowl however and every now and again a person might be spotted sitting somewhere. One of those someone's is Javeri who has found a rock to perch on as she occasionally peers up overhead. Overhead would be where Chadamalith currently can be found. Even though she can't quite make out where he is with her eyes there's still the idea she must turn her head and try to find him that way.

Out into that heat comes P'draig, walking slowly, head likewise tilted upward to catch wind of Jekzith even higher up. He spots Javeri on her rock and heads over in that direction. "Heya. How's he doing up there?"

No one's bothered her for sometime so Javeri wasn't expecting someone to come along her way and talk. When she hears a familiar voice she drags her attention back to the ground and smiles at P'draig. "He's doing well. No problems so far." Rubbing her forehead she grins as her eyes drift overhead once more. "He tried to make me dizzy earlier, but he stopped when I told him I wouldn't share my orange with him later."

"Good, drawing the line," P'draig says encouragingly, hands in pockets as he looks upward again himself. "Jekzith's up -- high. But he said you two were out here." He takes a deep breath, lets it out. "So. Fancy cooling off a little? Call him down and if your straps are ready, you guys can go up together."

"Well, bribing. It's kind of the same thing, yes?" Javeri replies with a wry grin and a shake of her head. It must be close enough for her anyway because she's not upset sounding over it at least. "Cooling off would be great. I love it here, but there are some days in the summer I do wonder why." The words come out normal enough so it must take a moment for what he said to sink in entirely because when those words do the weyrling grins wide and holds up her fingers to wiggle them about. "No bandages for a seven so I hope they are ready!" Tilting her head back to try again to find Chadamalith she relays the message as her feet twitch.

"Whatever works, yeah?" P'draig answers laughingly. "I do that sometimes with my daughter, though I try to use other means of -- persuasion," he notes further with a quirky grin. "Good then, get the straps out, let's have a look, see if you guys are ready to go."

Hopping up from her seat Javeri grins again. "My granny spanked me," she tells the brownrider with a wink. "That won't work with Chadamalith. He's too big! Bigger than some of the other blues in the class even." Not that size matters, but it's still worth noting by her. "Straps. Right. I hope they are fine." Luckily her rock is not too far from the barracks so by the time Chadamalith has landed she's running back with them. Nearly tripping over a loose end brings her to a breathless stop.

"Mm. Don't spank," P'draig notes idly. "And nope. Won't work with a dragon." And it's the blue that P'draig is examining when Javeri returns, walking around the blue slowly and pausing now and then. "He's looking good, Javeri, so just -- whoa there. Don't have to run," the brownrider says with a little laugh, but then he's holding out a hand for the straps. "Okay, I'll just check these, then get them on him."

"Don't have to run," Javeri says with an out of breath laugh. "But I wanted to. Didn't you want to run when you were going to get to fly?" She hands the straps over and then gives them a nervous look. If she could will them to perfection then that is what she would do. Not that painstaking hours of work did not leave them serviceable, but still. Her eyes drift to Chadamalith who is watching her back having no interest in strap examination.

"Yeah, I did, but I was learning at /Fort/ and not at Ista in the summer," P'draig points out as he takes the straps, starts to pass them through his hands, tugging and checking every join. There's some little bits here and there that aren't perfect, but P'draig declares them safe for flying and passes them back to her. "Okay, let him know what you're doing and get him strapped up, then the two of you can take off together. Jekzith and I'll go with you." Said brown is spiraling lazily down to the Bowl floor, though his thoughts are a livewire of excitement. << Flying! Together! This is great. You'll have such fun, Chadamalith! >>

Hopping on her feet Javeri laughs again. "Yes, but I am from Ista. So, I am used to running through this weather. I can't help it. I'm excited." Every tug has her chewing on her lip nervously waiting for something wrong to be discovered even though she's sure it has to be good enough. Her squeal of excitement is poorly contained when they are declared useable. "I can't wait!" The straps are taken back and she heads for Chadamalith who does not make the process easy by the way he keeps trying to watch. Only when Jekzith speaks to him does he settle down and let Javeri do what needs doing. << Flying >> he answers in a heavy tone. << Flying is excellent. She is very excited. >> Like he is not. The big faker.

"Good point, and yeah, it's an exciting thing and heck, I might not be able to get the two of you down once you get started," Paddy says with a bright laugh and he stands with hands on hips to watch her get the straps on the blue. Jekzith's bubbles fizz brightly in his mind, all technicolor rainbow. << Oh yes, it is /very/ excellent. P'draig is too, though he looks calm. >>

"We'll come down eventually. We have to." Although not even in the air and Javeri's already sounding like it will be hard to get her down. "We'll behave. Really." Lest he get the idea to not let them up in the first place. A little wrestling is required to get the straps on but there's some pre-flight excitement on the weyrling's part that makes her fingers a little less dextrous than normal. When things are finally done she looks over at P'draig. << We're excited as well, but she shows it. >> Like it's not obvious this is the case. Chadamalith, despite wanting to sound calm, lets his own excitement get the best of him and his words come in a whirl of distant music and blurring pictures of the ground as he's seen it so far when in the air.

P'draig just laughs, shakes his head. "Uh huh. Well you know what the consequences are to not behaving," he says with a little shrug and waits until the straps are all the way on. The brownrider steps up to check on how they went on, tugging here and there to make sure. "Okay, you're good to go. Helmet on and up you go." And again Paddy waits, spotting though he doesn't make it obvious. << Of course! It's a big day! >> Jekzith twirls bubbles in time to the music.

There's a second when Javeri's sure she forgot her helmet and it shows on her face before she laughs and reaches behind her to where it was stuffed down into her belt. Tugging it out she crams it on her head before tucking her hair into place under it. "Up I go!" she says with an excited laugh as she scrambles gracelessly up onto Chadamalith who suffers it all with not even a look to his rider. << Is the day not the same size as the others? It does not feel as if it encompasses more time or space than any other day I have experienced. >> From her blue's back the former potter gives a thumbs up to P'draig. "We're all set."

"There you go. Just uh -- practice getting up and down this seven," P'draig notes humorously and waits until she's all clipped in, before stepping over to Jekzith to swing up much more gracefully onto the brown's back. << Big for feelings and excitement and happenings, >> Jekzith answers with a laugh for that literal interpretation. "All right then, all set here too." << Go for it, Chadamalith! >> Jekzith tells the blue. The weyrlingmaster pair wait again, watching the takeoff carefully and then the brown is in the air right after provided all goes well.

The color on Javeri's cheek darkens under her tan when told to practice. Or maybe it's just the excitement getting the best of her. One hand pats at Chadamalith almost nervously only stopping when the blue tells her it's their turn. Taking a deep breath and looking forward she tightens her grip on the straps as Chadamalith begins his take off. He's been practicing that so there's no skipping steps or almost stumbling as he gets into the air. His concentration is mostly noticeable because he waits until he's gotten himself and his rider airborne before he answers Jekzith. << Feelings and excitement. Yes, there is quite a lot of that. >> Again the mixture of calm and excitement from the blue as he speaks.

Both brown and rider look over, keeping an eye on the young pair. << Very much, >> Jekzith answers Chadamalith still exuberant. << You do well so far, P'draig says to tell yours. >>

As far as first flights go it is not so bad. Chadamalith wobbles a bit on a slow turn as he has to adjust for the extra weight he's carrying, but Javeri handles it well enough. << Of course we do well. >> Such modesty from the blue as he gains a little altitude. << I had no doubts we would fly well together. >>

Jekzith keeps pace with the blue, watching for signs of issues but also sending approval and encouragement towards the blue. << Be careful as we get a little higher up. Ista has some strange currents, >> the brown warns. On his back P'draig shoots Javeri a thumbs up though and a wide grin.

The altitude gain doesn't remove Javeri's grin and she waves over at P'draig before returning his thumb's up. << We have studied the wind here. To be prepared. It is different than the books, but I believe we will be fine. >> For all his assurances the blue levels off rather than go any higher than where he is now.

<< Excellent! >> Jekzith compliment is simple but sincere for the pair and his wings stretch wider, holding too in an easy glide. P'draig looks completely comfortable on the brown's back though he's watchful of the weyrling pair. << Just a few more minutes then we will go down again. >>

Smaller wings spread wide as Chadamalith glides around in the upper currents. << It is different. Being prepared for something and experiencing it are different things. >> Stating the obvious in such a ponderous way if something the blue has gotten quite good at. << Soon. We must go around once more. >> One more trip shouldn't wear him out even if he was flying before. One more and then they'll be good weyrlings and go down.

<< Now you know how it /feels/ to fly with her, >> Jekzith agrees. << And how the wind is with her there, not yourself alone. >> P'draig turns in his straps as another dragon wings in overhead and crosses over. He lifts a hand to wave, but keeps a weather eye on the training pair. << Yes. It's good to be up here in the free air though. So good. >> And they wing about a little more before the brown tells Chadamalith it's time to descend.

It's a moment after they're told to go down before the pair comply, but they do head down. Just so very slowly with a wide berth given to any other dragon in the air. Rather than answer Jekzith the blue is silent for their last circle and the slow descent. As Chadamalith finds the ground there's a stumble that jerks Javeri forward and then back, but doesn't seem too bad. At least by the time they've stopped she seems fine.

There's no fussing over that lingering from either P'draig or Jekzith. Wanting to stay up there is likely something they both understand. However, they do continue to keep careful watch. Back on the ground, P'draig calls over a prompt: "You okay? No chest injuries?" for that bounce.

Rubbing her chest and then her forehead Javeri winces, but shakes her head in answer to the question. "No. I don't think so. A little sore." Her hand goes down to her chest again, but just to tap it gently with one finger. Still she's a little slow as she frees herself from the straps and fumbles her way to the ground.

P'draig hops down and comes right on over. Jekzith curves his head around towards Chadamalith's muzzle, not quite touching. << Good job, though practice landings! >> Cheery that. Paddy waits beside Chadamalith, looking up at Javeri. "Had a weyrling in my last group at Fort who cracked her breastbone," he notes a little wryly. "So tell me if you've got pain."

"Oh, oh, no." Now Javeri peers down at her chest and rubs it experimentally. "No. Just sore. No pain. Promise." Because as much as she hates going to the infirmary she wouldn't really mess around with horrid things. Chadamalith watches Jekzith and blinks when he is not touched. This would seem to be the preferred course of action with the blue. << I will practice. I am not used to the weight. I will be used to it next time. >>

P'draig watches Javeri closely, aware of that infirmary-aversion and nods. "Okay, good. If it bothers you though, please tell me right away," the brownrider says sincerely. "Not something you want to mess around with." Jekzith agrees with his assessment though. << Yes, you will be more used to it next time and practicing is good. Gets you even more used to things. >> P'draig beams at Javeri. "So. Other than that bump. Happy?"

Javeri's looking at Chadamalith and rubbing her chest at the same time. "Huh? Nah. Not bad. Just sore. Promise if it gets worse I'll talk to someone." She makes a face that clears away quickly when the question is asked. "The bump was worth it! Really, it was great. I can't wait til we can really go somewhere. This is excellent! Thank you!" Chadamalith may not appreciate contact, but Javeri's quick to try to hug P'draig in her excitement. << Yes. Practice. We will do much of this. >>

"We'll all start going out a little more every day," P'draig answers that with a smile and a nod. "First stop will be down the beach, then someplace outside the Weyr but on the island, and then we'll fly all around Ista." That hug is met with a faintly bemused smile, but the brownrider returns the gesture, keeping the embrace loose. << And then you'll be able to go and see places by yourselves ! Eventually. >>

"I can't wait!" Javeri's excitement drains just a little as she rubs her chest again. Likely she'll have a nice bruise to look at in the morning. "Right now though I think I want to go lie down for a little bit. I'm fine, I promise. I just want to lie down." Chadamalith looks at Jekzith before he moves a pace or two away so he might gently nudge at Javeri. << We look forward to going place and seeing things. We see things now, of course. >>

"Numbweed, Javeri," P'draig says as he releases her and then fixes her with his best weyrlingmaster look. "Get some numbweed on that. I'm going to go get a drink. Want me to bring you back something cool?" Jekzith's lifting his head now to scent the wind. << And there's so much more yet to see. GOod job for the first time. >>

"Water would be good, thank you." Javeri rests one hand against Chadamalith and presses the other against her chest. "Numbweed. Eww, but ok. I'd almost rather suffer some things than deal with it. But don't scowl or anything I'll do it." The pair head slowly for the barracks and there's just a quiet hint of a brief song for Jekzith as the blue's more focused on something else now and cannot be bothered to keep up social pretenses.

"Water coming right up," P'draig promises and gives a little wave. "I trust you." Is the last he says as he heads off across the Bowl towards the caverns. Jekzith has bright colors in answer for Chadamalith then he's lifting off into the sky again to enjoy the wind.

p'draig, chadamalith, #awlm, javeri, @ista, jekzith

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