Log: Sunsets and Separation

Dec 22, 2008 21:20

Who: Javeri, P'draig, Jekzith
When: Sunset, day 17, month 7, turn 18 of Interval 10.
Where: Garden and Pool, Ista Weyr
What: Javeri catches up with P'draig mid-relaxation and they talk sunsets and dragon bonds.

Garden and Pool, Ista Weyr(#456RJ)
From bowl to waterfall, the gardens of Ista stretch out across the plateau. Nearest the bowl are the practical plants--the herbs and crops and an orchard of fruit trees--but the closer to the stream one ventures, the more fanciful the foliage becomes. Lush dark leaves, flowers as big as a hand, jungle creepers hanging from old-growth trees--like most of Ista, the plant life grows rampant here, everything outsized and richly green. The streambanks in particular are impressively overgrown, until every rock is moss-covered and pockets of still water in pools on the banks teem with algae.
Only the waterfall itself seems to have escaped the onslaught of flora, cutting a channel through the rock and falling toward the pool below. The craggy cliffs leading downward post a number of places to sit and swing your feet, or to wade in the shallow puddles that collect in dips in rocks and around the edges of the water. For all the cliffs and their outcroppings, however, the best way down is still the steep, slick stairs switchbacking down the rock face.

The sun is sliding down towards the horizon, casting ruddy light across the garden and the pool within it. P'draig's in the water, arms stretched along the pool's stone sides, head tilted back apparently relaxing at the end of a long day. Jekzith is down at the far end of the pool with his head buried under the water, blowing bubbles for the entertainment of a small cluster of firelizards. Every now and then one particular blue and green dip back Paddy's way, the green in particular fussing with the brownrider's hair before lifting off again. The rider only cracks an eyelid when this happens,l ooking vaguely amused.

Quiet footsteps along the path are the only warning to the arrival of someone else. Along comes Javeri not long after her feet warn of her immanent arrival. She stops near the pool and lets out a sigh before she sits down and rubs her cheeks. The presence of someone else was noted, but it's not until she lifts her head that spies exactly who the rider and dragon are. "Oh, hello," she greets quietly with a smile that lasts long enough to be seen when he looks her way.
Jekzith's the one who spots Javeri first, lifting his head from the water in between bubbles and he warbles brightly as she sits. P'draig rolls his head lazily to the side, grins up at the weyrling. "Hey there, Javeri. How's things?" he asks, voice calm, expression pleasant.

"Great," Javeri says with a smile to the question. "And how are you?" Fingers wiggle towards Jekzith before she pushes them through her hair to tuck braids behind her ears. "Am I interrupting your quiet time?" she asks and then offers, "I can leave if so. I was just out for a walk. Not going anywhere or anything in particular."

"Good to hear it," P'draig answers and stretches arms up above his head, then drops his hands behind his neck, fingers interlacing to make a 'pillow'. "Nope, company's always nice, I don't need much quiet time. That's more my younger brother," the brownrider says with a little laugh. "Milani, Ily and me, we're people persons." Beat. "Person people? Whatever, you know what I mean." His head tips back a little more taking in the hue of the sky. "Nice evening for a stroll. But then Ista usually does have nice sunsets."

Javeri's forehead scrunches up some as she considers the people person debate. Shoulders shrug as she finally grins. "Liking people. I don't mind people. Sometimes I like to get away. It doesn't last for long." Tugging off her boots when her feet are bare she drops them into the pool. "Sunsets aren't as much fun when you're alone. I prefer to share them with someone. But right now there's no one to share them with so I figured I'd enjoy it myself."

"Mm. Don't often feel that way, myself, but I know what you mean." P'draig's chin drops a little, gaze coming to rest on the braided weyrling. "Share just for company or you know, share with someone special?" he asks curiously. "Because if it's the former, if I swim around the pool thattaway a little, we can pretty much watch the whole show from here."

"Well, there's no being really alone anymore," Javeri says with a quiet sigh. "Not with Chadamalith there all the time." Shoulders shrug as she pushes braids back once more. "Not that it is a problem, but I wonder if not being alone ever will be weird?" As for sharing she laughs quietly as her head shakes. "There is no one special. No such thing as someone special in my world. Well, Chadamalith, but he can watch his own sunset because I am not speaking to him. So, you will do!" How wonderful a way to put it.

"No, but dragons are dragons and people are people," P'draig points out, voice mild. "And ... most weyrlings I've known have trouble remembering what it was like, after a while. And there's times when he might be especially quiet and it might feel strange not to have the patter of him in your head. So I guess it comes and goes." The brownrider loosens his fingers, pushes away from the part of the pool he was leaning against, grin lopsided and amused. "All right then," and he swims across to the side of the pool that faces out over the cliff, rests his forearms there, looking out over the sea. "So, why aren't you speaking to Chadamalith?" This as some clouds start to turn golden around the edges, shot through with purple.

Twisting about so she might watch the sunset without removing her feet from the water Javeri frowns in thought. "I guess? I don't know. I think it'll be weird in one way or another for a long while. It's been months and there's still times it can all seem so odd." Shaking her head she flexes her toes under the water as she stares at the sky. "Because he's being deliberately- He's just a pain." Another head shake causes her hand to lift and brush back her braids once more. A neverending battle to keep them where she wants them. "When he eats. He likes to see if he can make me sick again. I can't remember the last time I could look at meat and want to touch it let alone eat it."

"Mm, it's not been all that long," P'draig concedes with a little nod. "And Chadmalith has a pretty unique mindset. Very philosophical." The brownrider's head tilts a little to the side, though his chin remains propped on his hands. "He's deliberately trying to make you sick about his eating habits?" That hikes Paddy's brows up a little bit. "Really. He didn't strike me as the type."

"Well, it's more like-" Javeri taps fingers against her leg as she stares at the sky and tries to sort out her thoughts. "Like he's not trying to -not- make me sick. He finds the whole thing-" Shaking her head she frowns again. "Interesting. The whole killing process. And how the beast is put together and-" And she stops to press one hand against her stomach. "He says it's interesting and I should know all about it too, but I don't think I need to know when he is eating what is attached to what or what it looks like. And I asked him to stop, but he forgets."

Javeri's head nods rapidly and then she sighs once more. "It's not working. I've tried everything, but he just won't stop. I can't get it through his head that it's -not- interesting what muscles and fat and...stuff is like when it is being eaten. It's just gross. I don't ever want to eat meat again after all that. Just smelling it during meals is bad enough and if it's not cooked all the way I can't even be around that if someone's eating it." Another shake of her head and she smiles wanly. "Maybe he'll stop once he knows all about them. I mean how much is there to know about the pieces of a herdbeast?"

P'draig shakes his head though as he listens. "I don't mean getting him to stop, I mean letting him keep going, but not letting the stuff through even when he's sending it. Still connected, but you know, lightly blocked," the brownrider explains. "It's part of how you can stay in control during a flight, for instance, when that comes along later, or keeping cool in Threadfall, though thankfully you guys won't have to face actual Thread. Because you know, losing all taste for meat? Not so good, especially if you liked it before." Paddy's mouth pulls to the side though at that last. "A lot, but I don't think know's the time for me to go into the particulars of butchering a cow."

"I really don't think I need to know about butchering a cow, no," Javeri says with a faint grin. Pulling one foot from the water she scratches the bottom of it before it goes back into the water. "I don't want to listen to it at all. I mean he shouldn't be doing it if he knows it bothers me. I don't do things that bother him. He can learn to do the same." There's something resolute in her tone like she's thought this through even if it's not the best course of action. "Anyway food is food. If I don't eat meat for awhile I am sure I will be fine. It's no better than anything else."

"Yeah," P'draig says laughingly, shifting a little to prop one elbow up and his chin in his hand. "Actually, with all the exercise we're doing and more of it coming, you're going to need the meat for the muscle you'll be putting on," the brownrider says more seriously now. "As for what's going on with you and Chadamalith, maybe a little bit of both ought to be going on. Sure, put your foot down about him not oversharing with him, but in the end, being able to throw up that screen is pretty important too. I mean, Jekzith for example, his mind's a constant buzz inside mine you know. When I was a weyrling it was just /always/ there, couldn't turn it off. Most of the time now, I choose not to. We've got a good back and forth going. But I did have to learn to mask him out, so that when I /did/ want some quiet inside my head, I could have it."

Pulling her feet from the water Javeri tucks her legs up under her so there's no more twisting about. "We do ok most of the time. But he seriously needs to get the food thing down." Her nose wrinkles as she mentions the food and her head gets a quick shake to clear it from her mind. "I'll be fine. But if I try to eat it now I'll just get sick everywhere and I'm sort of tired of getting sick." There's a certain wryness to her tone, but she shakes it away and tugs at one of her braids. "I'll get over it. It's not usually a problem he's so good at keeping to himself, you know? He doesn't really seem overly inclined to share on most days. The eating thing though. Oh, well."

"Yeah, sicking up everywhere isn't much fun," P'draig agrees, expression shading wry and sympathetic. "Mm. Still, balance, Javeri, remember?" the brownrider prompts gently. "And this is one of those sticking points. Just because he keeps out most of the time, doesn't mean that he can come charging in over this one thing." The sun's dropped a bunch more, the sky turning all sorts of red-hued colors as Rukbat starts to touch down in the ocean.

The sky's show is lost on Javeri who stares at it without really seeing it at all. "Yea, I know. But still doesn't always want to share with me. So it feels, I don't know. I just hate to tell him no." Her voice takes on a more resigned quality as she lets out an annoyed sounding sigh. "I'll try. I know I have to, but still it's a pain. We're mostly fine anyway. I'd rather be sick than faint." Because if Neraset does it then it is clearly wrong. Also embarrassing.

"Welcome to parenting," P'draig says with a hint of jovial humor in his voice. "It's not all that different when they're young like this. When they get older, it's a little less so, but yeah. Just have to put your foot down no matter how much of a pain it is, work through it." That last draws a wry grin from Paddy. "And she was doing so well up to that point too, heh."

"Yet another reason why there are no children in my future," Javeri says with a laugh. "I certainly don't want to go through that again." Her attention wanders to the sky again as finally takes in the sight before her. At least she's seen it before so there's not much of a problem with missing it. "Oh, well, I mean fainting is not my thing, but she could definitely have done worse. Although I hear you carried her to the infirmary. I'm still not sure it wasn't a ruse. At least she didn't nearly decorate the Weyrwoman's slippers with her lunch."

"Mm. Most riders don't raise their kids themselve, I'm ... a bit of an oddity," P'draig notes, scrubbing his hand through his hair. "But then, you know that." His voice is light, likely referring to her own mother. "Yeah, she went down pretty fast and wasn't coming to right away, so I figured they'd better have a look at her head in case she bumped it on the way down," the brownrider explains. "Last thing we need is a Weyrling with a concussion."

"Scrapers and bruises are one thing, sure," Javeri says with a look down at her own hands. Strapmaking has not been kind to her in the least. At least there's no bandages wrapped around fingers or palms today. "It's different for guys anyway. You can have a kid and not have to do anything after that." Frowning she fingers one of her braids. "My dad left too. A few sevens ago. So his stupid apprentice could be closer to her father. What is up with that? Oh, well, good riddance. I don't need him now anyway."

"Some might feel that way ... I didn't," P'draig murmurs quietly, looking out towards the sunset. "Palia's mother didn't want her, so I took care of her when she was tiny. Made me wish, sometimes, that I was you know, actually built for the job." He lets out a little sigh, then tilts a look over at the braided girl. "Did he now. Hm. I guess he must have thought you were old enough you could handle it. Still, hard being split from the family you know."

"Mm. Especially for folks who have to focus on other things," P'draig says, drops his hand back down to the stone and looks out at the water, where the waves are all tipped with orange and purple and gold. The sun's gone orangey-red as it slides further downward, almost half gone. "Except it isn't. I mean, sometimes it is, but not always. And she does sound that way, your grandmother," Paddy adds with a little laugh. "How about 'clueless idiot' for your Da?"

"Clueless idiot is not harsh enough. I guess to be fair he is a good potter. Taught me what I know. Not all he could cause of not being an apprentice and all, but still." Javeri's head tips down to study her hands as she picks at a bit of dirt under one stubby nail. "Anyway really there's no need to worry about it all. It happened and I'm not some baby who's going to cry over it or do something stupid. That would be pointless and just make it seem like it mattered what he did. I hear we get to move out of the barracks coming up?"

"And you do it well," P'draig says with a little nod, follows the path of fingers picking under nail. "Not worried and I'm not expecting you to cry. But if something is bugging you, you can always bend my ear," the brownrider adds casually. He keeps his opinion on whether or not what happened matters or not to himself. "You do, very soon. As soon as Balinne says the word. And then all sorts of rules are lifted and you'll have your own living space with no snoring."

"No snoring sounds like heaven," Javeri says with a sigh of relief. It extends for an exaggerated effect before it turns into a laugh. "That's all I care about. So long as we have our own space the rest I could care less about." Privacy! At least! "At least Chadamalith doesn't snore. Although I can't do anything but pity those who do have a snoring dragon. I know there's at least one in the barracks who does."

"Yeah, no more random people getting up and walking by in the middle of the night," P'draig concurs with a wink. "And it seems like there's always at least one weyrling and one dragon in every group who /does/ though some are worse than others."

Javeri's laugh is loud as she bobs her head once in agreement. "What is wrong with sleeping through the night? It's just a pain to get good sleep when there's snoring and rustling about and getting up again and again. It's bad enough when Chadamalith wakes up in the middle of the night with questions. He doesn't do it so much now, but in the beginning." In the beginning it was a royal pain. Her head shakes at the memory. "I've never had my own space though. It'll be weird."

"Yeah. I don't sleep much myself, but when I do," he makes a motion with his hand. Out cold. "At least since Palia started sleeping through too, and lucky me she did that fairly early on." P'draig chuckles lowly about Chadamalith. "They do the darndest things when they're little dragonets." The sun's just about gone, just one last reddish sliver lingering above the horizon, stars pricking through the blue of the sky as it shades towards periwinkle and indigo. "And yeah, I hear that a lot. Weyrlings can't wait to get weyrs and then they get them and it's /too/ quiet and they don't know what to do with themselves."

"There is no such thing as too quiet. And my own space will be so nice. I've never had it before." Javeri doesn't sound like quiet will be an issue at all. "And I'm going to find a pottery wheel to keep in my weyr so that whenever I have time I don't need to worry about getting time with the one the Weyr potter's use." This is the most excited she's sounded about the whole own space thing for sure. "Anyway. It'll be different I guess, but it's not like I'll totally be alone and all." Lifting one hand she yawns and blinks as the sun is nearly gone. "I fall asleep easy, but noise wakes me up easy. I like sleeping. It's the only time I don't have to worry about things."

"Maybe, maybe not," P'draig answers with an easy shrug. "Always fun to decorate a little though," he answers and a moment later he's pushing up on the pool's edge to haul himself out of the water as the last of the sun goes and twilight settles in around the pool. "Ahh, yeah. That I really get. It's been nice having the kitchen down at the Sandbar, Kip's more likely to let me cook than the cooks are. I get to try things out, keep those skills going." The brownrider grins over and then lifts a finger to wag at her. "And if you're yawning, some supper and then hitting that cot is probably a good idea. Me ... I've usually got too much to do, between Mic, Paige, Palia, Jaivery and another kid on the way, not to mention Jekzith." He moves back around the pool a little ways to catch up the towel he brought with him earlier. "Speaking of which, I need to go pick up Palia for dinner and catch up with Mic. So, take care of yourself, Javeri. Get some rest and I'll see you in the morning." Jekzith pulls his forepaws and head out of the water again and comes around to meet Paddy, shaking water droplets to and fro.

"I feel like an old woman," Javeri says as another yawn catches her and she gets to her feet. Looking around for her boots she laughs. "An old woman. The sun goes down and I'm ready for bed." She stops before picking up her boots and then clears her throat. "I did not mean that in any way other than, you know, sleep. It was nice talking to you. Have a good night." With her boots in hand she heads back the way she came to see about food.

P'draig finishes toweling off and catches up his shirt to sling on over damp shorts. There's a look cast back over his shoulder and he chuckles at that disclaimer. "And if you meant it any other way, it wouldn't really matter," Paddy notes as he gives Jekzith a scritch, swabs some water off the brown's snout. "Not the end of the world, anyway. You have a good night too." And moments later he's climbing up onto Jekzith's back and taking the slow glide up to his weyr, likely to change before picking up his daughter.

p'draig, #awlm, javeri, lierythxmikhuth, @ista, jekzith

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