Log: Visiting Vrys

Oct 18, 2008 15:56

Who: P'draig, Jenivrys, Giremi, Xoneth
When: 13/15/17
Where: Jenivrys and Giremi's Weyr, Telgar Weyr
What: Paddy has stretched out some of Mic's socks and on a visit to Vrys, asks for a new pair. They talk about Jaivery's future and relative happiness.

This started as a bit of a joke based on knot chatter at Ista and turned into a play-by-IM scene.

P'draig begs Vrys for new socks

Jenivrys purses her lips fondly. Silly man. All right. I have brown, blue, and grey wool. Which would you like?

"Blue. For Mic." P'draig explains. "Make them about three inches smaller than you would for me."

Vrys' eyebrows go up, but what she says is, "All right. If you can wait for a little bit, I think Remi is almost done with classes for the day. He'd love to see you."

P'draig explains the whole story about putting on Mic's sock and stretching it out and ... yeah. Paddy can definitely wait on his brother.

Jenivrys settles down in a rocking chair - it's new - and nods the other brownrider toward one of the pair of arm chairs in front of the hearth. "Remi's is on the left, so I suggest you take mine." She reaches down into a basket and pulls out a ball of dark blue yarn and a pair of needles. "Tell me what you've been up to? I heard you moved to Ista..."

P'draig eyes the pair of chairs, eyes Vrys, and then does as he's bid. A part of him might be thankful that Vrys chose his brother. The brownrider settles down, hands on arms of the chair, long legs sticking out in front of him. "Yeah, wingriding again. No more weyrlings. Moved in with Mic. Palia's up with us a bunch, but also down in the nursery with the other kids more and more as she gets bigger. It's good, you know. Being with Mic. I uh -- well there's a girl too. Paige. She was a weyrling in the last group out of Fort. We're thinking about having kids in a few turns." His eyes slant over her way to take in any reaction.

Jenivrys listens attentively while she does esoteric yarn-y things; when her hands next still one of the needles is filled with stitches and she's reaching over for a handful of tiny double-pointed smaller ones. "Busy," she observes with one of her small smiles. "This Paige - she knows about you and T'mic, I suppose? I can't see you -not- telling her. She sounds lovely."

P'draig rocks the chair back a little and gives the knitting a brief look, then tips his gaze back up to Vrys' face. "Yes. She knew about him before we got together. She -- didn't think I was available. We're working it all out though. And she is, she really is," Paddy says earnestly, face lighting up and a little blush infusing his cheeks.

The Telgari does something, and hey-presto! now all the little sticks are covered with stitches. Unimpressed by this magic, she starts knitting, her hands going around and around and around while she spares her work only a glance every so often. "You look like that around Jaivery, sometimes," she says with a smile and a nod toward the dopey look. "I hope it works out for you - the three of you too." Only a little hiccup there. "You deserve to be happy, Paddy."

Hey presto and Paddy just blinks, watches the stitches grow into ... actual knitting. Blink and up to her face and he grins. "He's my boy, I love him," the brownrider says simply. "And thanks. Me too. I worry a little about Paige being able to handle it. But she's really strong underneath seeming shy on the outside." There's a little pause and then more quietly: "And you're happy Vrys? You and Remi?"'.

"He loves you too," she answers, though Jaivery is of sunny disposition and has never met a person he didn't adore. "I'd be happy to talk to her, if you think it would help." A beat. "Or if she'd just like another friend." Clickity-clickity, around and around, and the sock just sort of drips from her hands. "I think so. He's not dashing, he's not exciting, but I think it was one of his brothers who told me once I could do far worse than to fall in love with him. Xoneth remembers his name. They have long conversations, sometimes," there's a fond eyeroll for being stuck in the middle translating. "I'm very happy, P'draig. I think we both are."

"Yeah, I know. He had so much fun skating over at Fort with me and Palia and Paige the other day. He's a good kid and you're both doing a great job with him," Paddy says, leaning forward now, hands lacing together between his knees. There's a wry little smile as she talks about his brother. "No. Not dashing. Though if you get him going about harper things, maybe that's exciting to some. But ... he's steady and he adores you. So. I'm glad you're both happy too." He chuckles a little about Xoneth and Remi going on and on. "Figures."

I can't take all the credit," Vrys says placidly. "The nannies have done a fine job with him. In another couple of turns we'll have to think about finding a foster family for him." Her fingers still, eyes going toward the ledge. "Xoneth sees Remi - if you'll excuse me, we'll bring him up. Do you want to be a surprise for him, or not?"

P'draig only smiles a little then, nods. "Sure. They do that," he says quietly and then goes completely silent at mention of 'foster family'. He swallows hard a few times and nods. "Yes, I'd like that. The surprise part." He's made his take on fostering amply plain before and isn't about to bring it up, yet again.

Vrys rises and sets down her knitting, crosses over and lays one hand on his shoulder. "In a few turns," she repeats gently and pats his shoulder, then turns and crosses out to the ledge without waiting for a reply. Perhaps five minutes later Xoneth returns, the voices of Remi and Vrys rising and falling. "Go inside," she urges, laughing, "You've been on your feet all day. Xoneth doesn't need you to watch me take off his straps. I'll be there in just a minute."

P'draig tries to give Vrys a brave smile, but apparently 'in a few turns' doesn't make him feel any better. It's an old argument though and he just lets it go, waits while the other brownrider descends and returns. A little grin pulls at his mouth as Giremi ducks inside and he drawls out a friendly. "Hey there little brother." Startled blue eyes come up and then Giremi's face is wreathed with a happy grin. "Paddy!" Up out of his chair goes P'draig to clasp his brother warmly.

@telgar, jaivery, xoneth, p'draig, jenivrys, giremi

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