Searching Sooz

Oct 17, 2008 15:52

Who: P'draig, Suizen, Jekzith
When: Sunset, day 14, month 13, turn 17 of Interval 10.
Where: Main Beach, Ista Weyr
What: Paddy's down on the beach knocking back a few beers and waiting for Mic. Suizen's the one who comes along and has a beer instead. Jekzith finds her beer bottle fascinating.

The sun's just settling itself down into a watery bed off the shore and P'draig sits on the beach near Jekzith, with a line of beer bottles sunk into the sand beside him. The brownrider's either waiting on company, or has the tolerance of a giant. Seems he's just starting on his first bottle, ruddy light glinting off the brown glass as he tips it up to his mouth. Dressed down, definitely off-duty, he's only got on a pair of shorts and bare feet dig into the sand in front of him, shirt lumped in a pile with a towel.

Suizen picks her way down to the beach, a towel over one arm and feet bare. Of course, that's probably because she's dressed more for swimming than work, even if that doesn't allow for as much tanning as some would go for. Toes digging into the warm sand with no little pleasure, the potter hits about halfway down the stretch before spotting (because Jekzith is so hard to miss) rider and dragon. A moment's hestitation, and then she's making her way over, "Drinkin' alone, or waitin' for company? Did your friend like the pottery?" she asks, one after the other.

Up come blue-gray eyes and P'draig smiles over at Suizen. "Hey, waiting on Mic to get off-duty with the Weyrlings. Might be a while. Want one?" He bends to curl fingers around the neck of one of the beer bottles and looks over questioningly. "And Paige is due over tomorrow to have dinner. I'll be giving her the set then."

Suizen takes that as an invitation to grab a seat of sand, and does so, digging her feet into the sand to keep toes warm, not that they need the help. "Nothin' like a warm beach..." she admits, before tilting her head and considering the bottle. A shrug later, and the beer has been taken, "How's the new batch goin'? she asks, before taking a small sip of the beer, trying it out.

P'draig pulls the beer out of its sandy hollow as Suizen agrees and passes it over. "Mm, you're right about that. I like Ista in winter the most. Warmer than everywhere else, dry, pretty, can't really beat it," the brownrider agrees with a low chuckle. Jekzith meanwhile has lifted his head and leans in to nose at Paddy's hair gently. The brown curls closer, eyes happy aqua. "They're keeping Mic hopping, that's for sure."

Suizen snickers a bit, "Hopefully not in a hoppin' mad, or a one footed kind of way - that'd be all kinds of annoyin', I'd think." The bottle is lifted in silent toast to the description of Ista, having been ungrimanced at the tasting, leading to a touch of surprise. "Better than the last time I'd had one."

Laughing, P'draig shakes his head. "Nope, just really busy," the brownrider answers with a warm grin and his bottle clinks against hers. With the 'toast' complete, he swigs from the bottle and follows up the swallow with an 'ahh' of pleasure. "Good ale on the tail end of a decent day, nothing quite like /that/ either," he says and looks over at Sooz curiously. "Not much of a beer drinker?"

Findin' a recent liking for the fruit drinks at the 'Bar though - and possibly ale too - this isn't what they're servin' there, though, is it?"

"Yeah, that's usually a good place to start, with the fruity things. Work up to stronger," P'draig says and has another swig. "Mm, nope. This is from over Tillek way. I know a guy there who makes good stuff. Had some up at the Reaches one time when I was dropping my daughter off with my mother and went and ordered a case or two to keep around." Jekzith sidles closer again, apparently interested in the bottles. Or maybe not the bottles in general, but Suizen's in particular, though his head doesn't try to bump her hand or anything, but he is snaking his neck around his rider and looking at the beer bottle lifting to the young woman's lips rather intently.

Suizen lowers the bottle, and points the end at the rider. "No tryin' to turn me into a lush - one of these is pretty much goin' to be my limit, if it's anything like the fruity Ah... is he wantin' to have some?" the potter asks, blinking at the sight of the brown head staring at her drink, bottle sort of frozen a bit from her lips, and pointing at Paddy.

"Oh don't worry, I know, most people can't sink four or five of these like I do," P'draig says a little sheepishly. "Built up a tolerance during the Comet Pass." His eyes slide sideways as Jekzith moves the way he does. Paddy swallows the contents of his mouth and clears his throat. "Yeah, Jek? Really? All right then." The brownrider focuses back on Suizen and grins lopsidedly. "Actually, what he wants is you. Will you do Ista the honor of Standing for Lieryth and Mikhuth's clutch, Sooz?"

And for that moment, Sooz remains frozen, bottle tilted, and blinking at the dragon. " me?" That started out in her regular, if startled voice, only to end up squeaking at that identifying 'me' bit. Thankfully, that seems to bring her out of her startlement, at least enough to keep her from dropping or spilling the bottle. In fact, a swing is taken, a bit bigger than her wont, causing her to cough a moment. Finally, voice a bit hoarse, "Ah.. of course. It'd be an honor to do so." Of course, in the darkness of her brain, there is a lot of running around in circles, hands waving, and possibly even mid-space collisions.

"Yeah, you," P'draig says laughingly as Jekzith warbles happily and curls around the both of them, muzzle nosing gently towards Suizen's lap. "He wants a scritch," the brownrider says of his dragon and winks over at Suizen. "It's not the easiest thing in the world being a rider," he notes thoughtfully after taking another sip. "Having a dragon in your head all the time, most of us though think it's worth it. ANd thankfully anyone Impressinge in the Interval won't have Thread to worry about." His toes curl a little more into the sand. "No rush on getting anywhere either since we're both here. Take your time moving your stuff over to the Barracks tomorrow. I'll let the headwoman know to expect you."

Suizen peers at the head in her lap, then takes a deep breath, transfers the bottle to her off hand, and reaches out to scritch along a ridge. " makes sense - that most would be thinkin' it's worth it. 'course, then you have to be wonderin' about those who don't." Another drink off the bottle is taken, before adding, "Oh, right. I'll... er.. shells. I'll have to be lettin' folks know. Don't recall Candidates helpin' out with the kiln and such. What will riders be worryin' about instead?"

There's a happy low thrum from Jekzith as Suizen scritches. "Good choice right there," P'draig notes with a wink for the now-Candidate. "It's not an easy thing to get used to, so you know, I can see how some folks might be a little hesitant. NOthing's ever the same again after you Impress," says the former Weyrlingmaster. Another sip of his beer and he nods. "Nope, general chore rotation for candidates. And riders, all sorts of duties. A lot of sweeps and message running and transport along with drills these days."

Suizen makes a sudden face, "General chor.... if they kick me outta the kitchen, it's not my fault. Things just... break. Naturally, even. It has nothin' to do with how often dishes get dropped when washin' them, way back when." There is another pull on the bottle, the taste very much on a backburner. On the plus side, that means her fingers are still scritching away at that spot, as well as a bit to the left and right. A head tilt between dragon and rider does, however, have her askin', "Why'd he want me to be Standin' though? I'm just a potter, and lived here since forever."

"Heh, I'll bet they'll adjust," P'draig says with an easy-going shrug and tilts a look downward at Jekzith. "Says he can feel it in your head. So there you go," the brownrider says and drains the last of that first bottle, turning it mouth down into the sand, with the rounded end up.

He can... feel it in her head. If that isn't five different kinds of weirdness, Sooz doesn't know what five different kinds of weirdness is. Which is a possibility, all told. "Don't go peekin' under the cot - dangerous sock-critters live there.." she warns the dragon with a bit of a bemused grin, before shaking her head. "This is goin' to be odd - doin' regular chores again instead of just potting. And followin' rules." Like it's been so long. Pff.

"Oh he won't pry into your head like that," P'draig says waving a hand in the negative and reaching down to pop another bottle of beer open, though he doesn't start drinking it right away. "It's just kind of like ... well he says he can feel the tingle and see sparks kind of. The kind that could match up with another dragon. Supposedly it's different for every dragon, what Search feels like." There's a sympathetic grin from Paddy about that. "Yeah. Have fun tonight while you still can," is his advice.

".... well, I don't think I'll be drinkin' much more, then go dancin' up on the tables out on the 'bar... "Sooz drawls a bit, before tilting her head, then nodding thoughtfully, "A.. possible pattern, I suppose? That makes more sense - an' good, cause those sock-critters grew from all those socks I never get back from laundry. Well, maybe not - I'm oft as not bein' told to put sandals on, if not shoes."

"Heh, well no, wouldn't want to get you sloshed to that degree," P'draig says candidly. "Just saying. There'll be rules so, if there's anything to get out of your system, now's the time." A pair of nods follow about dragons and Search. "Mm. Yeah. Something that they can see, or sense, or whatever. Only dragons have it." His head ducks and one foot pulls out of the sand, bare. "I peel my boots off every day as soon as I'm off-duty."

"Goin' that far would lead to bein' sick as sick can be, an' that'd be a pain all of its own," Sooz admits with a wrinkled nose, before patting the scritched ridge, and then flopping backwards into the sand. "Hate boots - makes me feel like I'm 'bout to take a header into the nearest solid object. Can't feel what I'm steppin' on at all."

Jekzith lets out a pleased whuff and re-arranges his lanky body, resting his head alongside Suizen now, tail curled around P'draig and goes all bonelessly relaxed. "Yeah, I need them for duties. Between. No fun getting your toes scorched in a rope drill or freezing them off Between," he points out and swigs from his fresh bottle.

"They wouldn't really freeze off, right? I mean, you're nose is still bein' there, and it would be about as exposed?" So asketh the girl who's been on a dragon less than she has fingers, a bit of a snicker heard as Jekzith gets all comfortable. "Sunlit naps are a favorite events, hm?"

"Nah, not literally. Just feel that way." P'draig cocks a look Jekzith's way as he tilts his beer bottle up again. "Getting to be. When he was younger it was hard to get him to sit still for long. He's more inclined to relax these days."

"Was as bad as a kid after three bubblypies?" she asks, rather amused and not afraid to show it, before nodding. "That, I can be believin' - didn't think anything could be gettin' that cold."

"Pretty much. He's still pretty bouncy. You know, like an eternal two turn old," P'draig says fondly of his lifetmate and nudges a foot out to sort of kind of stroke the brown's rear haunch. "Mm. There's no cold like it out in the world," the rider goes on and leans both elbows atop his knees, looking out towards the water rushing in for shore as the sun sinks lower and turns the ocean to gold.

"Scary..." she teases a bit, before shaking her head, and getting her elbows up under her, so she can look water-way. "On the other hand, he's as warm as the sands, so that helps a bit?" In fact, the warmth from dragon and sand makes her a bit sleepy, but that's one of the addictive qualities of such spots.

"Yeah a little when I first Impressed," P'draig answers, tone good-humored. "And yeah, he is. Inside and out. He's a good fella. Warm-hearted." He tilts a look over at Suizen at that note of sleepiness. "Sounds like he's not the only one looking for a nap in the sun. Want to go cool off?" A nod towards the water.

Suizen looks torn at that. Warm napping, or swimming. Decisions, decisions. "Eh, I'll have time for nappin' later..." And with that, she leaves her nice comfy spot and heads towards the water. There's a bit of a yip at the cooler water, but that doesn't stop her from splashing in to about waist level, and then sort of diving into a wave.

There's a grin on Paddy's end of things and he has another swallow of beer then digs the bottle into a hollow, pushes to his feet and drops his shorts onto the sand and jogs after the candidate. A moment later he's diving through waves too then swimming out deeper where it's not quite so choppy.

Suizen's swimming is purely basic - as soon as she's doused herself down well enough, and a bit past the immediatly breaking waves, she turns on her back to float a bit on the water - which, of course, is also pretty much where Paddy was ending up. Great minds, and all that.

On the other hand, P'draig is a very good swimmer, but he's not really showing off this evening, just gets to that calmer spot and joins in the floating. "Now see, that'll wake you right up after sitting on warm sand for a bit," he tells her gaily. "This has to be one of the best things about Ista. Being able to swim all the turn around without being in a hot spring."

Suizen does a little burbling laugh, as water sort of laps up over her mouth as she does so. "Not much for swimmin' a lot, but it's nice to have a bit of choice on the matter. Definately wakes you up though."

"Careful. Don't drink the sea," P'draig says with a little laugh and floats a little more. "Mm, does at that. I'll walk you back if you like? It's starting to get dark." The brownrider's right too, the sun is going down fast now and casting the beach into shadow.

Suizen dunks down then back up, hair slicking back from her face, "Well, if you're ready to be going back, I wouldn't mind the company," she admits, starting back for the shore. "Elsewise, finishin' off your ale is good as well."

P'draig turns to stroke lazily back in for shallow water and the beach. "I should have Jekzith check with Aath, see where Mic's at. I was going to wait a little longer, but I don't mind bringing the beer up to the Weyr."

"Well, in that case, if you want a second set of hands, at least to the bowl, I've got two..." Sooz offers, standing up once the water is shallow enough, then makes her way to the sand proper, splashing more than is probably needed, before finding her towel and shaking it out a bit, before wrapping it around her.

"Sure," P'draig accepts readily as he drips up to his own towel, picks it up and shakes sand out of it before drying off. Jekzith pushes upright and stretches and leans down to nudge at Suizen fondly again. /His/ Candidate. Paddy's dealing with peeling out of wet layer and pulling on dry shorts and his shirt, then he bends to collect the beers. "Could ride back on Jekzith too," he points out. "I've got a bag for the beers."

The nudge startles a laugh out of Suizen, and she lifts one hand up to scritch at a protrusion briefly, before lifting a shoulder. "That'd be fine too, though I warn - any sudden drops, an' the ale might not sit so well."

"He'll be careful," P'draig promises as he buttons up his shirt and bends to start stowing bottles. "He likes to fancy fly, but he knows better than to jostle when there's been drinks afoot."

Suizen ducks in her towel firmly, the better to not misplace it, then nods and helps pick up the bottles, unopened and dead. "That's probably best. Sick or broken bottles wouldn't be pleasant at all."

It doesn't take long to pack up and Paddy gets Jekzith's straps put on. His wet stuff is balled up in the towel and tucked in under a another strap, then the brownrider climbs up between neckridges barefoot and reaches down a hand to help Suizen up. As good as his word, Jekzith flies gently and smoothly back up to the Weyr to let Suizen off near the entrance to the caverns. "Congratulations, Sooz," Paddy offers over. "I'll be seein' you."

"Thank you for the ride, an' the opportunity, P'draig, Jekzith. See ya later.." Sooz returns, before slipping off to see about packing everything up, and.. just everything in general.

suizen, p'draig, search, lierythxmikhuth, @ista, jekzith

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