Who: P'draig, Jendel, J'vran (NPC)
When: A day after the other hair cuts, Month 3, Turn 17
Where: Weyrling Barracks, Fort Weyr
What: Paddy hunts down Jendel and J'vran for their haircuts. Jendel wants a boy-style cut.
It's afternoon a day or so after a large group got their haircut and P'draig comes into the Barracks in quest of those who weren't around for that initial attempt. There's a stool set up at the head of the Barracks again and the Weyrlingmaster whistles a little as he peeks inside.
Lucky for P'draig, he's got a vict- er, some hair to cut! Jendel is sitting on her cot, her back leaning against the wall, enjoying some relaxation while Keseth sleeps peacefully in his wallow (these moments of peace are sure valuable!).
(Add on) And it's rather easy to see that this young woman's hair is still long and uncut. Scissor time!
"J'vran ... Jendel," the Weyrlingmaster calls out softly so as not to disturb dragons and tips his head towards the stool. "Time to tidy up a little," he says mildly, P'draig's face sympathetic. At least J'vran won't take long: there's not much to cut.
Hearing her name called, Jendel looks up at the Weyrlingmaster, and gives a light sigh. She quietly replies with a mock pout, "Aww, 'was enjoyin' m'quiet time." Still, she heaves herself off the cot, and heads over to the stool.
"Won't take long," P'draig promises as J'vran hauls himself over too, leaving Namuth also asleep in a couch. The Weyrlingmaster gets out the aprong sheets and grins at Jendel. "You want it like the other girls, sort of layerish?" he asks as he ties the sheet around Jendel's neck, lifting the long reddish brown stuff up and over.
"Y'know..." Jendel muses over the haircut briefly, before smirking back up at P'draig. "I think I'll b'diff'rent than'em," she almost looks devious as she drawls, "I was thinkin' I din't want t'much hair as a 'rider, so jus' make it short 'n flat, like a boy's." Go figure.
"Oh yeah? Boy cut? Okay," P'draig says with an easy laugh. "You got it. First I'm going to make a tail though to cut the long bits off," he explains and suits actions to words, working a comb through and drawing the hair back. "D'you want to say good-bye to it at all, or are you not all that attached?" J'vran meantime is just looking on vaguely perplexed.
Jendel chuckles a little back a P'draig, knowing full well the perplexion on J'vran's face - honestly, if it were possible, she would be basking in it. "Naw, not really t'attached t'it at all. 's'just hair," Jendel explains, coupling it with a nonchalant shrug to complete her... well... nonchalance about hair!
"Okay then, that's a bit of a relief, poor Bert, you know." P'draig says sympathetically and takes care of tying off Jendel's tail and picks up the big shears. "Ready? Here we go." And snick. The braid falls to the ground just like that and the Weyrlingmaster puts the big shears down, gets the smaller ones and starts clipping Jendel's hair up just as if he were doing A'riste's or D'kai's or X'den's.
"Poor Berit?" Jendel inquires, before giving an enligthened smirk. "Ah, she mustn't b'n t'happy with gettin'er hair chopped off," the new brownrider says with a light chuckle, not really caring about the fact that so much of her hair had just been chopped off!
"Noo, not at all. Hopefully she won't be too traumatized for too long," P'draig says optimistically and gives a last clip or two, walks around the front to make sure Jendel's hair is even. "Well. There you go Jendel. Just like the boys." J'vran's kind of ... staring and he clears his throat. "It's actually kind of um ... pretty."
"Aye, m'too. 's'just hait, after'll," of course, Jendel's value of hair is probably much lower than say, oh, Berit's value of hair. "Thank y', P'draig," she says, before flashing a winning smile at the other Weyrling. "Aye, thanks. 's'much lighter," she says, before finally falling victim to a fit of chortles.
Shaking his head a little, P'draig gestures J'vran up and the lad grins, plunks himself down on the stool. "Here we go," says the Weyrlingmaster and it's short enough work to tidy up the boy's bangs, clip the hair closer to the side of his head and clear the back of his neck too. Shorter than Jendel by a hand, J'vran hops off the stool and goes to stand near her looking up a little and holds up a hand to high five.
Jendel decides to watch J'vran's haircut, just for kicks - that smirk ever present on her face. He's rather quickly done, and when he holds up a hand to high five, the brownrider is more than happy to oblige, giving the hand a loud SMACK with her own palm - because it wouldn't be a good high five without any noise, nor would it be a good high five if one of the participants didn't wince!
J'vran just smirks right back at the former butcher, grinning widely. "You're all right," he tells her, like he's conferring a great honor and then wanders back to Namuth's side, resting a hand against the blue. P'draig folds up the sheets and gets a broom out to sweep up any lingering hairs. "Should be everyone," he murmurs thoughtfully, looking around the Barracks.
Jendel chuckles back at J'vran, though is rather quickly distracted by a drowsily awakening lump of brown in his wallow. "Aye, hopef'ly," she nods to P'draig, before hurrying back to Keseth's side. With Keseth awake now, there wouldn't be any time for peace until, well... Keseth slept again!