Log: Zerith Gets a Bath

Jul 20, 2008 07:08

Who: Nerine, P'draig, Zerith, Jekzith
When: First Week of Weyrlinghood
Where: Hot Springs, Fort Weyr
What: Zerith's made up her mind that she needs a hot bath and drags Nerine with her. P'draig's already got Jekzith foamed up.

Hot Springs
The first thing which draws your eye when entering this vast subterranean cavern is the sheer height of it - a massive bubble hollowed out of rock by the pressures of volcanic gases at some time when Fort's volcano still spurted flame. The eye is drawn up and up into the darkness of the ceiling, where occasional flecks of mica reflect the light and catch the eye, flickering like solitary fireflies. Towards the northern end of the cavern, the ceiling disappears and the sky can be seen where the volcano eventually released built up pressure so long ago - now it forms an entrance to the hot springs for dragon and rider, dropping down through the open ceiling to the rocky lake shore or to various ledges high in the walls - from which the more daredevil riders have been known to dive on occasion.

"ZERITH" a rather exasperated scribe is after her dragon but the Verdigris green seems two steps ahead.

The girl tosses the green an incredulous glance, "There isn't anything wrong with sponge baths, You are going to tire yourself out and I am going to be the one to have to carry you back!" Nerine huffs at the rather stubborn green. But there was no changing Zerith's mind and it was evident who would win as soon as the four foot long hatchling waddled into the shallows.

"Having a little trouble over there?" P'draig calls out, lifting a hand towards the Weyrling to wave. Jekzith meanwhile, touches Zerith's mind gently, iridescent bubbles floating her way. << Good day little one. >>

Nerine gives an exasperated sigh and just shakes her head. "Once she makes up her mind it is as if my opinion of things doesn't matter." Zerith splashes eagerly seeming quite content to be in the warm soothing waters. << Good day big 'un>> her mind voice sparks and undulates.

"Oh yeah, really independent is she?" P'draig asks with interest, watching Zerith splash into the water eagerly. << That's interesting. I don't think anyone's ever called me that before. >> Jekzith lowers his muzzle again to watch Zerith approach. << So - you don't listen to your Weyrling much? >>

Nerine gives a shrug, "Bull headed more like," she sighs with a shake of her head. "Once she's made up her mind it is a challenge." She heaves a sigh and looks to the green with a laugh. "I was worried about her tiring herself out between here and the Barracks; she's already grown a whole foot, in eight days!" She shakes her head with a smile, "Still wouldn't trade her for anything." Zerith Cranes her neck lifting her muzzle so that Limpid eyes could better see the bronze. << It ain't that I don't listen, she just doesn't keep up. >> She settles on her haunches.

"Mmm. So that's something you're still working on between the two of you," P'draig says mildly and gets back to scrubbing. "Go on with getting her clean, they need their baths." Jekzith croons softly, amusement painting his mindscape green-gold. << Ohh. Well it's true that sometimes it seems like it's hard for them to keep up with things. But at the same time, it's good to listen too. >>

Nerine nods. "At least until I can come up with more persuasive arguments." She laughs. Taking up a pouch of soap sand and wading out to her charge. Zerith warbles at the prospect of finally getting a /decent/ scrub. She cranes her neck from the big 'un to her life mate. << But tell me would you want to be scrubbed in cold water and not even a pool about to get a decent rinse? >> The words are colored with sparks of pinkish amusement and under washed with a tinge of reddish displeasure.

"Persuasion is good, stubbornness too," P'draig says with a low chuckle and froths up some more sand along Jekzith side. The brown dips his nose under the water and makes bubbles there. << The lake is a lot of fun, >> Jekzith notes with a flash of mysteries underwater. << And I guess that wouldn't be much fun, but if you get tired that's not much fun either. >>

Nerine can't help but laugh as she begins scrubbing Zerith from the head down grinning as an almost purr escapes the little green. Zerith tilts her head awkwardly at the brown, incredulous. << The Lake? Isn't it frozen? >> A Wash of brownish grey confusion attaches as she stands to allow /her/ rider to scrub. << I won't get tired, I am not /that/ little. >> she prances a bit as if to prove herself to the brown splashing Nerine in the process, obviously proud of her rapid increase in size.

<< It is frozen /now/. But it won't be in a little while. When it gets warm out again. >> Jekzith shares memories his own and his rider's, each contained in a soap bubble to float Zerith's way. << You're very pretty, >> is the brown's response and he blows more bubbles her way. P'draig just snorts once and gives Jekzith a nudge. "It'll be spring soon enough Nerine and then you'll be able to bathe her in the lake - less of a walk. The ice is already starting to melt."

An excited warble escapes the little green followed by a slightly saddened croon.<< Just one more thing I can't do /now/ >> she pouts. Spreading a wing for the rider to attend she seems perhaps unhappy with the size. Nerine giggles "She seems rather frustrated that she can't fly yet, and apparently now she wants to learn how to swim as well." << You are pretty too. >> She chirps in a pretty wash of green and blue, perhaps for lack of something else to say. Nerine nods to P'draig. "I will miss Ice skating but I will be glad when the snow is gone." She giggles perhaps at something Zerith says.

<< Now? No. And mine says that skating on the lake isn't much good anymore either, because the ice is melting. You could fall in. Hm. Well. It's something to look forward to anyway! >> And Jekzith flashes more imagery of swimming down deep under the lake's surface. P'draig grins over at those remarks. "That's pretty usual. They all seem to feel that way for a bit. Thankfully, time goes fast. They'll be in the air in no time. I'll miss skating too."

Nerine finishes up the scrubbing and Zerith ducks easily under rinsing the suds quite clean. << Ooooh now this is a real bath! >> warm waves of green gold and contented blue wash the scape of her mind. << Ice skating doesn't seem as much fun as swimming or flying >> Nerine rests a hand on her hip and sighs. "Now to get her back and oil her proper."

Still working away, P'draig's been making progress the whole time. << Oh yes. The springs are /fun/, >> Jekzith tells Zerith a gleam of mischief in his mind. << They're all fun. I'm sure you'll like it. Next winter. >> The Weyrlingmaster laughs a little, likely catching some of that. "Well. Time to learn 'em all eventually." He wades back to shore to dress and waits as Jekzith comes out and shakes water off himself then climbs aboard. "Careful walking back, both of you. I'll see you at the Barracks." And they're off.

p'draig, weyrlings, pickup rp, zerith, ciath2, nerine, jekzith

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