Log: Morning Greetings for Nerine

Jun 22, 2008 23:13

Who: Nerine, P'draig
When: Morning, 11/1/16
Where: Lake Shore, Fort Weyr
What: Paddy and Nerine chat in the morning by the lake.

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake(#1012RJ$)
This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding grounds. At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to where a lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and both riders and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the northwest. To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground pens serves as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and the rest of the bowl lies to the northeast.

Morning by the lake, P'draig's just finishing up what looks like morning exercises, jacket off in spite of the cooler weather. Wiping his face with the towel around his neck, the Weyrlingmaster moves over to pick up a skin of water draped atop a rock nearby for a drink. Out in the lake, Jekzith's doing somersaults and otherwise enjoying himself while the sun starts to poke its way up higher and higher in the sky. A few other riders are braving the chilly waters to give dragons a scrub and a cluster of kids are laughing and playing tag and throwing rocks in the lake.

Nerine gives an experimental yawn, stretching as she reaches the lake. Her surroundings put a grin on her face. The cooler autumn weather doesn't faze her as the warm sunlight reaches her. She spies a familiar brown, and with a smile makes her way over to P'draig. "Good morning!" her tone is warm and almost too cheerful.

Looking up as he's hailed, P'draig gives Nerine a wave and tips his head back to drink from that waterskin. After he's swallowed he takes a breath and grins. "Hey there, Nerine. Awake yet?" a little teasing there and he tips a look out at the lake where Jekzith's just gone diving again and chuckles with a fond head-shake. "Silly brown's trying to catch fish."

A warm merry laugh escapes her throat at the brown rider's greeting, "As awake as ever I suppose." She sets her eyes over to Jekzith's antics. "In that case tell him I hope he succeeds." A soft smile crosses her lips as she turns her gaze over the water. "Truly a fine morning!"

"He'll have a time of it, with dragons in and out of the lake all day, they tend to hide out in the rocks, mostly come out at night and they're all the small sort. Not really worth a dragonbite," P'draig answers with good humor and tips his head up towards the sky. "Yeah, it's been a good one so far."

Nerine laughs, "I imagine what a dragon doesn't think is a mouthful a flit thinks of as a feast." She runs a hand through the strands of coppery brown hair pushing them away from her face. "Is there any reason for it not to be?" She asks. "that you would only say so far?"

"A what?" P'draig looks confused at the word Nerine just tossed out. "But yeah, dragons usually eat a beast or two, maybe three if they're hungry, when they go for a meal," the brownrider says. "Jek's usually a two-beast dragon." He blinks at Nerine's question and laughs, shrugs. "Never know what might come next."

Nerine smiles. "A Fire Lizard" She corrects herself. "Well I suppose not too much extra required with that freakish fall well over." She glances over the water. "Unfortunately I must be taking off, I've got to finish a hide that needs to be returned to fort."

p'draig, nerine

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