Who: P'draig, Palia (NPC), Neiravi
When: Just after lunch, 11/1/16
Where: Lake Shore, Fort Weyr
What: Paddy's out with Palia enjoying some father-daughter time before getting back to work when visiting Neiravi swings by.
Just after lunchtime, P'draig's down by the lake watching Palia run around by the shore. She's collecting pebbles, dressed in a light jacket for autumn with a bright scarf around her neck. The little girl looks like she's about two or three maybe. The rider's dressed in like fashion, riding jacket hanging open, scarf looped loosely around neck, hands propped on hips as he watches the little girl run. "Watch out for the water Pali!" he calls out to her.
Neiravi has her shawl up over her head, hair covered against the occasional sharp breeze as she explores. The rider's warning call serves for her as well--she dodges the little girl with a surprised laugh and a smile. "The good pebbles are all up past the waterline," she comments. "Or they are at home, anyway. I hope I'm not intruding?" Her question is asked of man and dragon equally.
Palia pauses in her play and looks up at Neiravi curiously. "Hi," she says and holds out a white pebble. Pretty. Looks over her shoulder towards her father and steps back, one, two, three from the water's edge. "Good afternoon," P'draig greets the unfamiliar woman and shakes his head. "Nope, just getting a little fresh air together before she goes back to the nursery and I go back to work. Where's home then?" And he holds a hand out. "P'draig, Weyrlingmaster, brown Jekzith's. Welcome to Fort?"
Neiravi admires the white pebble, but (perhaps wisely) does not try to take it when it's offered. "Home is...at the moment, it's Igen, but my father and I are visiting here for a few days. Apparently, I have two aunts here that were never mentioned." She shrugs, having accepted it as a pleasant surprise. "Well-met, P'draig and Jekzith, I'm Neiravi." Halfway through the handshake, she shivers as the wind gusts. "Is the air here always so--fresh?"
"Igen, desert," P'draig says with a wide grin. "Oh yeah, family here? I Impressed here fourteen turns ago, but I'm from the Reaches originally. Most of my family is still up there, though my grandfather actually rides brown at Igen and my grandmother is posted at Telgar Weyr." His handshake is firm, warm and doesn't linger overlong. "Neiravi. Well met." He grins again at the shiver. "At this time of the turn it is. Not in summer though. Fort's winters get pretty cold, sometimes worse than the Reaches even, because we're so high up, but we have even seasons usually."
"Seasons, bah," Neiravi mock-grumbles. "Who needs winter, or even autumn? I prefer warm and hot, with the occasional foray into wet. None of this 'snow' nonsense." She winks at Palia. "My father has a brown at Igen, too, though he Impressed here. R'vin and Kaiuth, if the names are familiar. But I was raised down at Boll by my mother--I've only lived at Igen for a few months. Every day brings something new. And the occasional trip across Pern."
"Well if you like warm and hot, Fort's not a good place to stick around long," P'draig says with a merry laugh. "Because we do have our seasons." He grins at her then hunkers down to welcome Palia who comes over when Neiravi winks and cuddles into the curve of his arm, looking up at the stranger solemnly. "Ahh a little, he transferred out though not that long after I got here," Paddy says with a little shrug. "Happens you know, riders mostly stick to one Weyr, but sometimes the wind blows one somewhere else."
Neiravi nods. "So Father says. I never asked why. Igen's lovely, though. Having a beach within walking distance makes up for many small bothers." Kneeling briefly, she offers Palia a smooth, pale rock flecked with blue. I come in peace. "I saw the eggs. Some of them, anyway. The bits of shell I saw were very pretty. Will you be teaching them, when they hatch?" She tilts her head toward his knot.
Palia regards that pretty rock wide-eyed and then she smiles slowly, beatifically at Neiravi and reaches to take it. "Pretty," she says softly and folds her little fingers tight around it. P'draig nods about the clutch. "Yes, I will. Been a little while, but it'll be good to get back into it."
Neiravi smiles back at Palia, straightening. "She's very sweet," she says quietly. "And you're lucky, to have time to be with her." She might say more about fathers and daughters, but P'draig *is* more-or-less a stranger, and she stops herself. "I saw the Weyrlingmasters at Telgar running about at their Hatching. Like trying to herd felines, only more so." Her smile quirks a bit, lopsided and somewhat teasing. "But if you can keep up with her, you'll have enough energy."
"Yeah I know. Though really, I've made the time. Being Weyrlingmaster helps. The downtime between clutches, you know? But her mother took off, so it's just me." Palia's given P'draig another squeeze and more comfortable with Neiravi now goes off again exploring, hunkering down to turn a rock or two over with keen focus. "Ha! Yeah it's a little hectic when the eggs crack, but it's not that bad. Usually set it up with a couple of riders at the edge of the Sands to nab them as they Impress, bring them over into the Barracks and get them fed, oiled and so on. Explain the basics. It's pretty crazy though."
"I wish you the best, and for you to keep your sanity," Neiravi chuckles. She glances back toward the Bowl and straightens her shawl. "I should get back and see if Father found the aunts...I hope he doesn't expect me to fall all over folk I've never met, relatives or no." She smiles at P'draig and Palia both, warmly. "I'm glad to have met you, and I hope to see you around as long as I'm here." Facing into the wind, she heads off.
"Thanks," P'draig says sincerely, laughing again about the sanity. "Haven't quite lost all my marbles yet," he replies good-naturedly and looks past her towards Palia. Her little fist is still closed tight around that pebble, the other hand's flipping over another rock and poking at muddy earth beneath. "Good luck with the aunts then, Neiravi and I hope we catch up again too." He salutes loosely as she turns to go. "Stay warm."