Closing down and moving on

Feb 10, 2012 13:34

Well, not really closing down, but here's what I'll be doing.

I'll be making a backup of all my entries, and I'll save them for posterity. I had an LJ account in late 1999 and deleted it because the pain of my accident was too much to bear whilst recovering, and then I opened another account around 2002 or 2003 and kept it ever since. I've been sporadic in posting at best, because life just happens and I don't always have time to sit at my PC and write every detail down.

Writing has always been therapeutic for me, and I tend to write more when I'm feeling sad, or hurt, or to help myself sort through tragic events, and lately things have just been so sunny and good that I find I am not writing as much. I keep track of these good times in other ways: little updates on FaceBook, a photo here and there to capture the memories. But to keep posting here, I just find I don't have the drive anymore.

LJ has been a very important part of my journey to rediscover myself after life changing events, and I will always be thankful that the service was available, but I will not be renewing my subscription this year. I'll probably end up deleting entries after making a couple of backups, and then I will let my account get spammed with ads or whatever else it is the new owners of LJ are doing.

Instead, I will take the subscription fee and putting it towards my Flickr! account, which will also enable me to venture out into the world of photography more. It's a hobby I find fascinating and comforting, and it allows me to show others how I see things.

So while it's not truly the end of my presence here, as I will maintain my account to occasionally browse through other communities I'm still fond of, I just won't be as active as I once was.

Maybe someday, I will return should awful events drive me to NEED to be here again. But I'm hoping that all of that is in my past, because my future looks bright and sunny.

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