Moving on

Mar 27, 2008 10:23

So, I got fired. After being there so long, it almost feels like a friend dumped me, or punched me in the stomach. However, I know I'll be ok. Since I signed all the stupid papers they gave me without thinking about what I was doing, I am ineligible to get unemployment benefits: "chronic tardiness" is considered to be willful misconduct, so that's that. What will we do about money, though?

Well, Collins is still working. We have some money left over from our tax refund. Hopefully, we'll be getting some more money from the government in May. Also, just in case I don't get into MCW, I have applied to UW-Milwaukee's graduate school to continue working with my mentor. He's said that if the lab has enough money, they'll pay me over the summer, and then in the fall semester I'll be a TA, so my tuition would be paid for, I'd get health insurance, and I'd also get a stipend to pay bills and stuff. That would be awesome.

I've been looking online for jobs I'd be qualified for and would want to do... but unfortunately all the jobs are full time and 1st shift, which means I'd have to quit school to get the job, which is so not happening. This Saturday, we'll sit down and figure out the financial situation. I haven't really had time to do it yet, even though I'm not working, since I still have a ton of schoolwork (and sleep) to catch up with. Well, not a ton, but enough. The experiments in the lab are very time consuming too.

If we can get the financial situation figured out, I'd be happy to not go back to work and concentrate on school. It certainly takes up a lot of my time, and having some time to relax and breathe deeply and think and read stuff NOT related to school is very nice, I forgot how nice it could be.

Still waiting to hear from MCW, starting to lose hope. But it's ok, getting an MS would only make me MORE qualified to get into an MD/PhD program, so in 2 years (hopefully only 2, maybe 3), I'll be starting Med school.

It'll all work out in the end, I'm sure.
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