When I stop at the bookstore and find an interesting book, I have to ask myself a few questions. Do I have enough money for it? (The reason for this question is obvious.) Do I have enough time for it? (The reason for this question may not be as obvious, but it's just as important. If I buy the book but never take the time to read it, my money was not well spent.)
Work, service, hobbies, and rest are all important activities that require the resource of time. I've been thinking more about this recently. I've had a lot of fun and interesting hobbies in the past, but if I no longer dedicate any time to them, have they become merely un-actionable interests? If I memorize a large amount of Scripture but then never review those passages and forget what I've learned, has the memorization been conducted in vain? Is it possible to incorporate brief periods of practice throughout my week in a couple different hobbies to keep them myself active in those areas?
With these kinds of thoughts in mind this past Thursday, I found the W1AW
code practice bulletin on the air on 40 meters. The transmission came in loud and clear at 5 pm, but suffered from a little more QSB (fading) at 11 pm. I plan to incorporate about 15 min of code practice into my daily routine so I can say honestly that CW is a skill that I have and can employ (and enjoy!) at any given time.
In other news, I wrote some cuneiform yesterday :) I'm curious to learn more about this form of writing, but I'm not quite sure how far I want to take that interest. Do I want to learn the later Akkadian syllabary? Logograms? How many? What about Sumerian? If I take the time to learn any of these, will I be consistent in my studies or will that knowledge devolve back to the level of a beginner, as my Chinese language skills did after 2006? What about my desire to also learn Hebrew and Spanish? Paleo-Hebrew script? How are any of these building up the body of Christ in love? How might they?