The "Suicide Threat" Theory

Apr 14, 2016 14:07

I found this essay accidentally. After the dead of my HD, I thought I've lost all of my photos, videos, writings and fandom stuffs. Even though I didn't find much, it's still nice to find this kind in the existing folders.
I didn't think of posting it, but my friend told me to. I can't even remember why I wrote this in the first place. There's no much purpose in this, after all I never thought of posting this before. It could only be one of my random rants (People call it "deep talk", but meh, since I do this thing daily it's like a random rant for me).
Anyway though, as per my friend's request I'll post it here.

Warning : This is only my thought from some years ago. There's probably a lot of grammatical error as well, since like I said, this is a rant.

The “Suicide Threat” Theory

When someone says he or she will do a suicide, some people will immediately change the way they treat him/her. They will sugarcoat him/her with sweet words and empty promises. They’ll wait to see if their words will take effect. When she/he finally calm down and come to term, some of them will be relief and try to give reassuring words for them for a little while longer before slowly, but surely, leaving their side. Another reaction will be a silent mock, inside the heart, saying, “I knew you won’t have the gut to do it.” But still continue to act pleasantly till a certain amount of time. Either way, they’ll leave after some times. After they’re reassured that the responsibility won’t be on their shoulder if she/he really does a suicide.

Of course, there’s also one or two who genuinely care. But this type of people, who only thinks about your safety, really selflessly, is rare. You can’t even expect these kinds of people from your own family. This is the kind of people who thinks that the world ends with you, because you’re the world.

There’s also another kind of reaction people give to this kind of threat. Ignore. Yep, they simply ignore it, thinking it’s only an empty threat. Well, they’re right at times. And when it’s proven to be true, they’ll think, “what an idiot” to the one making the threat and those who were making a fuss over it. Well, there’re others who just simply don’t care. They really don’t give a fuck to the whole ordeal. They’re totally unaffected, no matter the outcome.

Another reaction is cheering on it. Asking the person to just do it. Prove, if she/he actually really has the gut. Sometimes -most of the time- she/he’ll really chicken out and don’t do it in the end. But other time, she/he is really desperate, Her/his threat is the last hope he/she has, so when it’s blatantly ignored like that, the only purpose in their life has been taken, and it won’t be hard for them to just throw away their life. (Sometimes they do it with another motive, to guilt trip the cold-hearted persons as revenge for their ignorance). Some people will try to deny, saying it’s not their fault, but in their heart, they know they’re responsible, and scared of it. Some will immediately regret it without putting up a front. Some will pretend to be guilty to get people’s mercy eventhough deep down their heart they think that none of what happens is their fault. Some are simply heartless and they don’t feel even the tiny bit of remorse.

What I’m trying to say isn’t that it’s absolutely another person’s fault if someone does suicide and that suicide is right. But people awareness of this is shockingly low.

People most likely don’t want to get involved, some are just curious, having this “I’m the hero” syndrome. Some people also use this threat just simply as it is, a threat.

But for those unfortunate people, who see it as their only light, the only peace left, isn’t it pitiful? People who does suicide… does that mean they’re driven to the point of no return? Where they think they’ve hit the bottom and it’s so dark and they’ll never see the way out?

They’ll die in emptiness, loneliness, sadness. I think it’s really pitiful…

I think what they need isn’t empty words saying everything will be alright, because no… it won’t. at least not that simple. But the world will be a lot lighter and easier to hold when there’re more people holding it.

You don’t need to fulfill all of their demands. But try to speak to them as a human. Because they’re also like you, human.

When you see someone feeling down, next time, don’t turn your face away. Try, even only a little, to ease their pain. At least by asking them, if they’re okay?

Because, people who did suicide, most weren’t the people who lied by saying “I’m okay” when they’re asked of their condition. They’re the people whose pain was completely ignored. In the end they showed the world themselves in the most selfish way. By killing themselves. Because it’s the last selfish thing that they could do.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to achieve by writing this. To save people from killing themselves?

Aaaahhh… Maybe I just want to be saved myself.

You can’t force care, but you can train it. Open your eyes, and look around. Maybe you’ll save the day -or better yet- you’ll save humanity.

This is the end for this essay but make sure it’s not for the people next to you!

See you, somewhere, sometime.

type : deep talk, personal: ranting

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