Don't they know it's a sin to claim to be a false prophet?! I bet Harold Camping felt stupid this morning. Not to worry, as he'd taken the Lord's day off!: Maybe he has been spirited away in 'The Rapture' and we've not realised yet?! Maybe he's gone camping for the weekend?! Maybe he simply got it wrong..again?!
If and when he/she/it does show up, maybe they'll provide a handy list of whom they have actually spoken to, as he/she/it seems to be talking to a lot of people! Maybe he'd be feeling less destructive when speaking to a few less of the delusional nuts knocking about?!
The funny thing is, you need a couple of months of training before you can drive whereas anyone can just start up their own religion, no questions asked! You're just asking for trouble with that set up..!