Fight to preserve life, not destroy it.

Jan 13, 2025 18:09

My hands are freezing, but I wanted to get in my update. I just watched a beautiful orange sunset and got to look at the moon. You don't get to do that every night where I'm from. I was sicker than a dog this morning; I threw up three times in my basket, so I didn't go to the gym in case I had to puke on the bus or whatever. I haven't told anyone because I don't want them to quarantine

I'm on Propranolol for anxiety and paranoia now. It's helping somewhat, but it doesn't fully take the pain or uncomfortable sensations away. I see my head doctor on the sixteenth again and I'm going to let him know how I've been feeling. I've been practicing throwing punches like the Marines a little. I used to be obsessed with army stuff because it looked so cool.

Now, I'm just happy to be an ex-college student with no job and no life other than bodybuilding, writing and reading. I could work at the local bakery like arm wrestler Allen Fisher, but I don't see the point of working a job I hate so I can buy stuff that I don't need, a la Fight Club. I get nervous sometimes. I think I'm going to die somehow. But I'm keeping on.

If I ever want to go back to school, it looks like I'll have to take a loan out or pay for it from my own pocket. I did take many classes at Penn Tech for a total of two years and I have no recollection of how I did it. But if it worked for me then, it ought to work now, too, right? Either way, I'll continue learning like I do at my own pace. Learning is at least one thing I can do.

One of my lenses popped out of my eyeglasses and a girl who works here n*****-rigged the thing for me, thankfully. I have an appointment with the eye doctor coming up and I'm going to get a new pair. Well, no use sitting here complaining about my life. I'm going back to relaxing, watching TV or reading Midnight Tides now. See you next update.
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