Oct 29, 2006 12:06
So I imported my lj to facebook. I don't really ever update it, but I do every once in a while... so now it will just be received by a larger audience when I do post.
I'm in San Antonio and Becky is coming to visit me as we speak! I have a hotel room, which used to be fun because I'd be surrounded by friends and alcohol, but by yourself it's really not that entertaining. While everyone else was partyin it up last night for halloween, I walked for a couple of miles to the nearest group of fast food restaurants only to realize that when I got there (11:12pm) only the drive thru parts were open... it was very frustrating. I was so hungry! I ended up spending $10 at a gas station and eating a bunch of chips and candy, then ordering a pizza when I finally got back to my room. (The walk back was much shorter because I found a way through the UT HSC SA campus.) When I got back I watched Rocky Horror on VH1, which again is not nearly as entertaining by yourself. Oh woe is me, right?! I really shouldn't be complaining, I'm pretty lucky to have an interview at all.
My interview is tomorrow! I'm not really nervous... they're all the same really. UT Southwestern was the one I shoud have been really nervous for, because that's where I really want to go, but even that wasn't too bad. I've noticed I'm much less intimidated by female interviewers. Probably because all my friends are 40 year old women.... haha no.
Well I guess I should get ready because becky is due to arrive at any minute.