Jul 02, 2006 01:40
I haven’t had a lot of time for the internet in the last little while so I guess I’ll write one of these dealies.
I was in the “Fraser Valley Fringe Festival” (Say that three times fast) last weekend and it went over pretty good. I hate to publicly admit that I revel in the down fall of my opponents… but when The crowds showed up, all the other shows had audiences of like 7-15 people. We have like 40-70 it felt pretty damn good!
Our show “Old Comics” went flawlessly, until the last night. It was the last act and one of the characters (played by my friend Paul) has a dying scene, he gets shocked by a tazer and well… he has a heart condition so you can guess how it happens. But when Paul was falling down to play out his death he hit the table on the way down (Not suppose to happen!) and kind of rolled on to it in what looked like a very painful fashion. The table snapped in two. Half the table fell over and took out a bunch of other props with it along the way, including a crystal ball used in an earlier scene. It made a nice shattering sound just as it hit, sending pieces of glass flying every which way. Just when we thought it was all over we see that the other half of the table had knocked into one of the walls of the set and the whole thing was starting to wobble. Now in most plays you have supports holding everything where it is but for this show we only have 10 minutes to set up so we just had to place everything and hope it stays put, it had worked just fine for the other three nights but that night it looked like it was all about to come crashing down.
Just as it was about to tip right over I yell out “I’ll go call 911!” it’s one of my real lines but It comes a little later. I head right throught the set door to back stage and grab the thing and start propping it back up but the damn thing is a full stage long so I’m only holding it up at this point, I won’t be able to sent it back in place on my own it was far to long and awkward. So I yell out “Hey Montana, (another character) where did you put my phone?” So the guy playing Montana (my friend Pat) ran back stage saying “I thought I just left it in your room!” Once back stage he knew what I needed him to do, so we got the wall back in place. After a few improved lines and a little but a fun we managed to finish the play.
The week that followed was just a blur of doing junk with my friends, hanging out, going to Superman Returns and what not. But this weekend was great.
We finally finished up the other play I’ve been in for the last 2 months, I had just taken one weekend off from it to be in the Fringe. “Franko and Fiona’s wedding” was originally just going to be a 4 weekend show, but it got so popular here in Abbotsford and the surrounding towns, it’s been held over to the point it’s been running for 2 months or more now. Well last night was our final night, and as much we all loved doing the show, we were all pretty happy it was finally ending. We really pulled out all the stops for the last show and had a great time of it. Little did we know the real fun was waiting at the cast party afterwards.
The live band that played at everyone of our shows “Topaz” They’re leader Scott invited all of us back to his house for drinks, food, music and fun. So I invited Liam along and headed for Scotts place. It turns out he has a huge property and this great little warehouse type of thing in his back yard, that the band practices in. It was perfect for our party. We were having fun playing darts, pool, foosball, dancing, and just having a great time. When suddenly Scott pulls out some equipment and tells us that he’s also a rent out DJ. He sets up a few microphones and asks “Who’s ready to karaoke?” We all just flipped this was too sweet. He had a projector for the words and everything! Me, Liam and everyone else rocked the mike all night long, every one was especially pleased with Liam and I’s rendition of “Stuck In The Middle With You.”
Well needless to say we had a great time and the whole thing rapped up around 5:00 AM. I only realized as crawling into bed that Me and Liam both worked the next day.
Work today was hell but reminiscing about the night before got us through it.
And I know there is always more fun on the way, it's that time of year again when I'll be doing the whole Fawlty Towers (It really is spelt that way) thing at Heritage Valley again. I’ll be reprising my role as Manuel and with all new episodes to reenact. Oh lord and at the same time I’ll be rehearsing for my other show which will be started up just around the middle of our run of Fawlty Towers. Luckily The shows never fall on the same night but this is going to be a challenge. Oh my other play is Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None” It’s my second time doing the show. And I’m pretty excited. The first time I did it, it was out high school production, that’s actually how I met Liam but that’s a story for another time. This time I’m going to be doing in with a play group I’ve worked with before and we’ll be casting age accurate, which it means I won’t get to play the role I played last time William Blore. This time I will be playing the much younger (With much less lines) Anthony Marston. I’m still really excited for it.
Well I guess that pretty much sums up anything worth a crap that’s happened to me in the last little while.
So I’m going to go to bed, it’s late… or should I say early it’s already the 3:12 AM.