Smoke Free and Loving It???

Aug 18, 2006 23:21

Well, its been a little over 1 year and 6 months since my last cigarette.  Not exactly my happiest day, as you can see by the picture (that’s a pic of my last smoke).  I did know that I needed to quit smoking, and I had cut back to 4 cigarettes a day, but I really didn't want to give it up.  I did it for my wife.  Well, she wasn't my wife at the time, but she is now.  She asked me to quit, and I knew I needed to quit, and I also knew that I wouldn't do it for myself.  So I made her a promise.  I promised that I'd quit by christmas or by Valentine's Day.  Well, I didn't make christmas, so I quit on Valentine's Day of 2005.  I will admit it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.  And don't let those people that say they don't miss it fool you.  They do, they just cover it up by becoming smoking-Nazis.  You know the type.  The ones that get on you about your smoking, and tell you all the time how you should quit, and how much better you'll feel.  They won't let you smoke anywhere near them, or in their car, or anything.  The ones that will hide your smokes, and snatch them out of your hand or mouth when you try to light up.  Personally I have punched a few of these people when I used to smoke.  You don't take something from me that I want.  Well, you can try, but you WILL be hurt if you do.  That's just how I am.  I'll warn you at first, but you only get one warning, then comes the pain.  There are those smoke-Nazis that are worse then born again christians.  Personally I have this to say to them (both the smoke-Nazis and born agains), "I'm glad you found something you like, and something that makes you happy.  But what makes you happy doesn't make everyone happy.  So keep your feelings and beliefs to yourself, and there won't be any trouble, pain, or bloodshed."

But back to quitting smoking...

I will admit, as will most smokers, that cigarettes are bad for you.  Hell, its printed on every damn pack of smokes you buy (if you’re from Canada, or have been there and bought smokes there, you know how easy we here in the states have it) so how can you forget.  But that’s not why I quit.  I quit because I needed to, and more importantly because I promised the most important person in my life (sorry Mom, but you knew this day would come.  Plus you’ve admitted that you love my better half more then me anyway…lol) that I would.  It wasn’t easy, but I did it.  I also would like to give a shout out to a few other people that quit smoking in recent years.  My Aunt Judy who was inspired partly by me and went from smoking 3-4 packs a day to nothing.  Yeah that’s right, she went cold turkey.  Talk about outdoing someone… 3-4 packs to nothing…  I bow down to your will power.  Aunt Judy has been smoke-free almost a year and a half now too.  I also would like to give my friend Z her props.  I found out recently that its been 3 years for her.  All I have to say to that is HELL YEAH!!!!

Basically its not easy to quit.  You also have to want to quit, or you’ll go right back to it.  For those of you that have never smoked… well, you have no idea how hard it is, so SHUT UP AND BACK OFF!!!!  For those of you that have smoked and have quit I congratulate you.  For those of you having a hard time quitting, or thinking about quitting I say, "relax."  When you’re ready and the time is right you’ll do it.  And if you have quit and aren’t doing too well, just give it time.  It does get easier.  You may always want a cigarette (hell, I know I do) but it does get easier to handle.  So stick with it.

Now before I end this little blog/post/journal entry/whatever you want to call it, I will say this: Even though I’ve quit smoking, I am a supporter of smoker’s rights.  If you don’t like that someone is smoking on then corner when you walk by, then take a different route, or keep walking.  All smokers know that its bad for them.  Hell, we’re reminded of it every day.  So cut us a little slack, and leave us alone.  And just remember that not all smokers are nice and kind.  Some are like me and they don’t care what people think about them.  If you push too hard about it you could wind up bleeding or in pain.
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