This is a series.
here if you haven't already.
Yes, I'm back. I didn't pause the series because I was tired or
busy. I was waiting because I wanted more data to analyze. So as of
this morning I had four weeks in with the S10, and I decided to see
what the trends were, and talk a little more about the experience
In terms of what it was designed to do, the ResMed S10 Autoset
is a complete win. If you recall from Part 1, my headband sleep
study indicated an AHI of 36, meaning that over the time I was
tested, I experienced and average of 36 events an hour. The events
are of various species, some of which I still understand poorly.
The biggie is obstructive apnea (basically, your soft tissues close
your airway temporarily) which encompassed most of the events
reported by Sleepyhead, assuming you include "Clear Airway" events
with OAs. (I'm still trying to determine the precise difference
between the two categories.) I've logged relatively little
hypopnea (abnormally slow or shallow breathing) and
almost no
Cheyne-Stokes respiration. The machine is not
capable of identifying central apnea events (which are basically an
EEG issue) so I have no data on those.
And leaks. Lordy, do I have leaks. Still working on that.
Fortunately, the S10 can tell what's a leak and what's some sort of
breathing irregularity. It reports the leaks so I can try different
things to minimize them. Useful, and some engineering is in
process. Much of leak management is actually hose management, and
the engineering lies in keeping the hose from pulling on the mask.
I'll describe what I end up with after I end up with it.
Now, results. For the first three nights, I tried the full-face
mask I bought. It kept me awake, even with a Belsomra pill in me. I
took a leftover clonazepam pill to knock me out a little more, and
I managed to sleep. However, I have no intention of becoming
dependent on a benzo just to sleep with a bigger mask. The USP of
Belsomra is that it doesn't disturb sleep architecture to the
degree that benzos and the Z-drugs do. If I can't do a mask on
Belsomra, it's unclear that I can do APAP at all.
So everything hinges on the "nasal pillow" mask I bought. It's
not exactly comfortable, but I'm able to sleep with it strapped to
my face. It's a
ResMed AirFit P10, and has a very good
reputation. I may try others as time allows.
Now, I can fall asleep with it...and sleep for about six hours.
After six hours, the Belsomra is leaving my system, and there's no
longer enough to keep my orexin receptors neutralized. So come
about 3:30 or 4, I can no longer fall back asleep. (I've been
getting up twice a night for bathroom breaks for 25+ years, usually
at 1:30 and 4.) Keeping the mask on if I'm not sleeping does nobody
any good, so after my second bathroom break, I take the mask off
and shut the machine down. This gives me 6-7 hours of treated
sleep, plus another hour or two of untreated sleep. It's not a
perfect solution, but it may be the only solution I can manage.
Even bad sleep is better than no sleep, and I'll take whatever
benefit from those last two hours that I can.
The improvement in my AHI has been spectacular. From a sleep
study AHI of 36 I've gone down to an AHI of less than six on all 28
nights. And on only two nights did it go over 5. Most nights it's
less than 3. Last night, I had only four events across 5.53 hours
with the mask on, for an AHI of 0.72. That's not shabby. In fact,
an AHI of less than one is considered no apnea at all. I don't know
why I have more events on some nights than others. That's a subject
of ongoing research.
There have been some weirdnesses. My prescription called for a
pressure of 6-18 cm. (The S10 supposedly adjusts pressure to what
it needs to clear an event.) What I found is that at least once a
night, the pressure was up above 17, and I felt like I was being
blown up like a balloon. I would wake up completely, and become so
annoyed that I had a hard time falling asleep again. Not useful. So
I set the machine to vary only between 6 and 13 cm. Now there are
no excursions above 13, and from the graphs I can tell that I can
sleep when it's pumping in the vicinity of 12 cm. Median pressure
is 7.7 cm. Given the reported AHIs, nothing of value was lost in
the adjustment.
Now the bad news: APAP has taken all the pleasure out of
sleeping. It's a hard thing to describe. I'm aware of the mask
as I try to fall asleep. It's a constant irritation, and without
the Belsomra I don't think I would sleep at all. Relaxing
completely is difficult. Maybe it'll get better with more practice,
but after 28 nights I'm thinking that whatever I'm experiencing now
is what I'll be experiencing for the rest of my life, which is
nothing if not depressing. I've begun looking forward to the final
two hours of the night as my reward for suffering through the first
six hours.
I'm not sure what, if anything, can be done about this.
Now, one can't argue with results. I don't feel like a
10-year-old again, and I'm good with that. I wouldn't mind feeling
like a 20-year-old, but I'm not getting that either. The
improvements are incremental but real: I'm getting more ideas,
spending more time reading, and more time at the keyboard. I don't
feel a great deal more energetic, but something is getting the work
done, and I can only credit that to better sleep.
I'm not sure there will be a Part 4 to this series, but when
insights become available I'll report here. So far... good.