Aug 19, 2014 14:38
- Lenin's
head is missing. It was last seen rolling around a forest near
Berlin 23 years ago, but nobody can find it now, even though it
weighs three and a half tons. (Thanks to Pete Albrecht for
the link.)
- Evidently Lenin loses his head a lot. Somehow that
doesn't surprise me. Shame it didn't happen in 1890 or so.
- How far does $100 go in your state? (Backstory
here.) Be careful; the figures are state-wide
averages. It's much worse in urban cores. (Thanks to Tony
Kyle for the link.)
- If you've never seen one, here's an ad-farm article. I've often wondered
if these are machine generated, written by people who don't know
English well, or machine-obfuscated copies of legitimate articles,
intended to duck news providers' plagiarism bots.
- Wired volcanologist Eric Klemetti reports that
a swarm of small earthquakes may presage an
eruption from Iceland's Barðarbunga volcano. The volcano is
interesting because its name contains the ancient letter eth (ð)
something I don't recall seeing on Web news sites in a lot of
years. To generate an eth on Windows, by the way, just enter
- Wired misses as often as it hits. One of its supposed
futurists is telling us that the educated elite should be able to license
reproduction, and dictate who can and who cannot have babies.
By the way, his description of who is unfit to reproduce sounds a
lot like the nonwhite urban poor. Articles of this sort are about
as wise as "The Case for Killing Granny," which put
Newsweek in a world of hurt back in 2009.
- To make you love this guy even more, let me quote a summary of presentation he did on Red Ice
Radio: "Zoltan argues that ultimately
technology will be helpful to the 'greater good' and must be
implemented, even if by force and even if there are causalities
along the way. In the second hour, Zoltan philosophizes about
technology as evolution and luck as the prime mover of the human
experience. He talks about maximizing on the transhumanist value
for the evolution of our species. We parallel transhumanism with
religious thinking. He'll speak in favor of controversial subjects
such as a transhumanist dictatorship, population control, licenses
to have children and people needing to justify their existence in
front of a committee, much like the Fabian Socialist George Bernard
Shaw's idea." If I were a transhumanist, I'd be ripping him several
new ones right now. Or is transhumanism really that
- Nobel laureate physicist Frank Wilczek is not proposing
thiotimoline, nor anything else (I think) having to do with time
travel. He believes that he's broken the temporal symmetry
of nature...which sounds devilish and full of interesting
possibilities. As soon as I figure out what the hell it all means,
time crystals will land in one of my hard SF concepts in -5
- Michael Covington reminded us on Facebook that there are a
surprising number of plurals with no singular form, including
kudos, biceps, suds, and shenanigans. (I do wonder, as does Bill
Lindley, if the very last bubble in the sink is a sud.)
- That discussion in turn reminded me of a concept for an END
piece in PC Techniques that I took notes on but never
wrote: the KUDOS operating system, which lacks error messages but
pays you a compliment every time you do anything right. In 1992 I
was thinking of purely textual compliments, but these days I
imagine a spell-checker that plays "Bravo!" on the speakers every
time you spell a word correctly. Wouldn't that be fun?